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5P0rK Central
Welcome to 5P0rK Central, your gateway to my little corner of the world

Welcome to my little world
Completely self contained (yeah)
Your problems, they will soon be gone.
We soak up lots of pain.
If life is a reflecting pool,
Then we are like a sponge (yeah)
Absorbing the good with the bad
We soak up so much pain.
So give me all your troubled thoughts
And baggage you can't handle, no.
We'll gladly take it off your back
And soak up all your pain.

From 'Pain' by Oingo Boingo

Updates, Notes, and Thanks

  • Working on getting pictures together for my pics and friends area. If anyone has any, e-mail to me, please.
  • Move Successful. Transplant to New York, Complete.
My current Ranting

Oh, jeez.. it's been too long. Over a month.

So little time, yet so much has changed. There's no way I can put it all in to words...
as far as an update on my situation and such, I'll do what I can.

I'm now living with some of Krys' friends. They're cool. They play D&D, are involved in the SCA (society for creative anachronism... more or less, a medieval reinactment group) and they're generally just nice. I should be getting a job soon, probably at the hospital near here. About $10 an hour, with full government benefits...
Life's moving slow on this end, but at least it's moving. With my Grandparents, I was stagnating. I miss you all dearly...

And, yes Ash... Today (Saturday, May 24, 2003) hurts for me too.

Well, I think that's enough of a rant this time... until next time,

May The Spork Be With You

- 5P0rK: out -

Details about me

Name: If you're at this site, you probably already know my name. But, if by some odd chance, somebody I don't know has come to my site, call me 5P0rK (pronounced SPORK)
Age: 20
Sex: Have I? yes. Would I like to? again, yes, but not quite yet.
Gender: Male
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius [SP?]
Element: FIRE!!!
Home: San Diego, California, USA, Earth.
Marital Status: um, I guess the closest term would be "Dating" but given that we've yet to go on a date, it's not quite right.
Pets: None right now. I had 52 cats at one time... but that was years ago. (I love cats)

Food: the edible kind. *Grin* usually German, and/or Italian.
Color?: Well, normally I'd say BLACK, but given that it's really a shade, not a color, I'd have to say blue. Any shade thereof.
Music: um... 80's. I like pretty much anything but rap and country ( I like SOME of those, but it's rare) but the 80's is what I grew up listening to.
Music Group: Oingo Boingo. But they're old, and most people never heard of them. Other than that, 3DTiaB
Language: German. (English is so confusing. Deutsch ist sehr elegant!)
Sex position: the one where the man enters the woman is by far the best.
Person: Right now, it's hard to answer that. There are a few people who have gained my respect and admiration lately.

Have you ever:
Kissed someone of the same sex: Not that I know of... but I'm not sure. That one chick WAS kinda manly.... (J/K)
Had sex: yes
Slept naked: not often, but yes, it has happened. If I do, I prefer it to be with someone else. I don't really like being naked, alone... get self conscious and such... you know?
Been loved: Yes. I'm quite certain now.
Loved someone: yes
Cheated on your spouse/significant other: -sigh- yes. -Frown- I cheated on Jen, with Ash. Yes, all the way, the whole thing. Then, just before I left for the ARMY, I sorta made out with someone else, so I count myself as having cheated on Ash as well.
Been cheated on: I'm not sure how to answer this. I knew about it in the beginning. So it wasn't cheating. But she continued it after I returned, after I asked her to break it off. I knew over a year ago that he would steal her away from me.
Hated someone: yes, sadly.
Been hated: I don't know. But I both hope so, and hope not.
Danced "the funky chicken": no. not on your life.
Broken a priceless Ming Vase: I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything, it was like that when I got here.
Broken a bone: only my skull. Nothing important. (I fell out of a tree when I was five. Might explain a few things about me, ne?)
Broken a bone on someone else: only once. *Sorry dude... it wasn't on purpose*
Pulled an all nighter: I'm not sure what that means exactly... (not the studying type, so prolly not) As for staying up all night for no particular reason, I've done that. Youth group Lock ins, Thirty Hour Famines, and such as that are FUN!

What is:
The hardest thing you've ever done: Turning away the one I loved, just because I knew I "should."
Your biggest fear: Losing my best friend forever, and without her ever knowing how I really feel about her.

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