Welcome, to my world. Muahahahaha.

*NOTEWORTHY HUMAN BEINGS: ~SARAH~ ... ~BRAD~ ... ~GIZMO~ ... ~JOSH~ ... ~MARK~ ... ~NEKO~ ... ~TAMARA~ ... ~RACHEL~ ... ~LANE~ ... ~SEAN~ ... ~PAIGE~ ... ~PAT~ ... (duh!) ... THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!*

Almost autumn!

Teh Meepstress is currently feeling: The current mood of calico_dream@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

The teachers want me to describe myself!
Muahaha... Be careful what you ask for...

"hmm... Well, I'm a newly-fourteen year old rebellious geek
that doesn't fit in and doesn't care what people think about her.
I'm constantly on the internet and I'm obsessed with
writing, spelling, music, html,
and finding the existance of magick.
I meow a lot and I make funny noises.
I am Drama-queen chipmunk midget."

Hi Mrs. Marasco!

A Site from teh Lioness:
Christi, Chris, Chrissy T, Criti, Cri-teeen
Raynala, Rayven, Ray, Rayn, Rayv, Nala
Theatana, Thea, Tiff, Calyco, Caly
Artemis, Artemissy, Missy
Nala Spice
Kilikina Malia Koma
The Once Again Ex Morning Announcements Girl


scroll ^_^ ->

10.16.02: Happy Birthday Brad! Hehe. Ooh... just to let y'all know... me and Andy broke up. Well, to be honest, he dumped me. Anywho, there may be some changes along the site regarding him... Just bear with me.

10.12.02: Heyy!! Sorry I haven't been updating AT ALL, but I'm busy working on Meep: v2.0 ^_^ Heh, I'ma prolly hafta dedicate an entire novel of credit to Gizmo: the World's GREATEST Maugwi. He's helping me with everything, and I appreciate his patience with the oh-so-ignorant-one... moi! ^_^ I'll keep ya posted.

10.5.02: Newest Wildcats win has just been recorded on their page! Yes, that derned quiz is STILL a work in progress... Big thanks to Gizmo ph0r helpin' me out! I've noticed the sites been getting... a little lame. So, I'm workin' on some Hot Topic and Dyke Tees stuffers. Meep meep!

10.1.02: Don't you just hate technical difficulties? I'm _trying_ to get a picture of my friend Tamara, as Aeris from FF7, to work. It won't. -_- Lessee... updated teh Wildcats' page. Damn Rams... And that Darkblade quiz is still a work in progress... Be patient, I'm lazy!

9.24.02: See above... in Andy's lil corner... Oh, and the Wildcats' latest win has just been posted on their page.

9.23.02: Muahahaha. Yet another piccie of Billy hath been added to teh piccies page. ^_^ Also, new piccie of Joshes has been added. And, just to let you know, I *am* working on my very own personality quiz! It shall be "Which Darkblade Character Are You?" or something along those lines. This may take a while, but I promise it shall be done eventually. In the meantime, if you're wondering about this at all, please check out Darkblade itself! Aaand teh American flag at teh bottom hath been removed... I just noticed the bottom white stripe is actually a light shade of yellow -_- I shall fix, and put it back. Promiseth.

9.19.02: Did some work on the survey page. Thanks ph0r teh layout Gizmo! Oh, and there's a new picture of Billy ^_^!

9.14.02: Check out the songs! I did a lot of work on them. Avril Lavigne - Anything But Ordinary, SHeDaisy - Before Me & You: also added. ^_^

9.13.02: Oooo Friday teh 13th! Well, it certainly brought luck to the Wildcats yesterday! They're now 3-0! Oh, and to hopefully shut up a certain 'ex best friend', several piccies now have the caption "*taken from anonymous*" at the bottom. Oh, and, just to show off, I've added my current grades to my schedule page.

9.11.02: Whee! He bought us FROSTIES!!! Hehe. "If you ask, they will buy: Ancient Chinese Secret". O:) Anyyyyway, I added a buncha new piccies. Ah, TGFI. No, I'm not dyslexic: Thank Goddess For teh Internet! Scroll to the bottom of this page for a new Patriotic Piccie. USA! w00t!!

9.10.02: Tough times lately... but things are really looking up. Anywho, I added a new song: This Woman Needs - SHeDaisy I love this song... and, sadly, I can relate to the lyrics. Ooo lookie! More piccies on the... piccies page! This time, yours truly and onea her bestest buddies, Sarah are featured. ^_^ Oh, and I updated my desktop image. Now it's the entrance to Poseidon's Fury @ Islands of Adventure. *swoon*

9.6.02: whoo! Wildcats won again! Hehe. w00t. Oooh yesterday ph0rgot to tell yaz. Updated my quizzes. Up to 7 pages now ^_^ Mmm... I'm hungry. And I gotta go schooley-bai now. *waves off*

9.2.02: LABOR DAY!! No School! ^_^!! Hehe. Anywho, lotsa updates made on all the quiz pages. Check 'em out. Andy no feel good. :( Mesa gonna go make Darblade work. Grr. - Ooo mesa added new page ^_^ Check out my Wildcats Spirit Page, in honor of my boifriend, BEST defense on the team ^_^ - I updated my desktop image. - NEW SONG! Minority lyrics!!

8.29.02: Ooo lookie. More quotes on teh, well, kwotes page. Hehe.

8.28.02: Hmm... well everyone else seems to have some sorta UPDATED! thingy... So why don't I? I see no reason. In the words of "Pat the Wise Man": THERE IS NO REASON! Ahem. Anywho. Uhh... I added a few new quotes to teh kwotes page. Check 'em out. Oh, and there's this really cool new ***UPDATED*** thingy on teh main page. ^_^

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