• Josh: "Teenagers think they're so full of wisdom. Like us, for instance. Not that we think we do, we just DO. And that's coming from a teenager. Wait...did I just totally contradict myself?"

  • *OOC* Joop: 'and the guys with the "jive" cars, we imitate the pop tarts commercials... they drive by and i go ***BYAAAAMMMMM*'
  • *OOC* Raynala is a fruit. deal with it.
  • *OOC* Seth is the Drag Queen of Fruits!! ;)
  • [depiction]
  • *OOC* Weasel is a male whore, really.
  • [depiction]
  • *OOC* Raynala has a chipmunk.
  • *OOC* Dark eats Raynala's chipmunk
  • *OOC* Raynala beats Dark to death with a trout!
  • [depiction]
  • Jenn: "Great minds think alike--and so do we!"
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Slumber party? Count me in!'
  • *OOC* Jekteir is diverser than you are! Nyah.
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Ok Ray, you just keep poppin' those pills.'
  • ...how did he know?
  • *OOC* Rayven pokes Gizmo. 'Everything's his fault!'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Sure. Blame it on repressed memories of your childhood. :P It's gotta be the fuzzy one, doesn't it?'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'This three foot ball of fur is all you can deal with. Dun. Dun. Dun.'
  • [depiction]
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'If not for Jek I'd assume complete dictatorship and crush you all with my totalitarian government.'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'And I would toss a chipmunk at you.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo SCREAMS
  • *OOC* Rayven nods. 'Thot so.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Kill it! Kill it!'
  • *OOC* Gizmo runs away.
  • *OOC* Rayven assumes complete dictatorship and crushes you all with her totalitarian government.
  • 'AJay's a "hands-on" kinda guy ;)'
  • Lady: "We know they do it... We just dun wanna know"
  • *OOC* Jekteir: 'If you ever feel like telling me your porn woes, I'm here for you, you lascivious bisexual 17-year-old KaZaA-distributed-girl-fondler, you. Damn, that took a long time to type.'
  • Jek, addressing Seth
  • Jekkie's a girly-mon...
  • *OOC* Jekteir: 'Quick, Seth, say something quotable.'
  • *OOC* Jekteir: 'We don't wanna disappoint her :P'
  • *OOC* Seth: 'I am a sex fiend that looks at 17 year old pr0n.'
  • *OOC* Jekteir: 'close enough :)'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Duuude.'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Me too.'
  • Brad: "Ray is a sexy, sexy bitch."
  • Moi: "Oh yes. Oh baby, baby."
  • *OOC* Weasel: 'Envision, say you are a little girl.'
  • *OOC* Envision: 'I am a little girl'
  • *OOC* Weasel: 'Alright.'
  • *OOC* Raynala laughs.
  • *OOC* Gizmo points and laughs. "You little girl!"
  • *OOC* Weasel giggles.
  • *OOC* Envision is wearing a dress
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Lookit the funny little girl! Teehee!'
  • God smites Seth.
  • Seth smites God worse.
  • God smites Seth an infinity times worse.
  • Seth smites God an infinity plus one times worse.
  • God ... goes into investing.
  • Pin-kay: "And what gives kings in Ancient China the right to rule?"
  • Brit-nay: "The uhh... uhmm... Mandible of Heaven!!!"
  • Mr. Harp: "What is the 'motherboard'?"
  • AJay: "The one that sucks the daddyboard!"
  • Dad: "Hello Gizmo-Baybay! w0rd to your stockbroker."
  • Gizmo: "Peace, Love, and Cheese."
  • Dad: "Cheese is our friend."
  • Mom: "Gizmo is our friend. Cheese has too much cholesterol."
  • Andy: "Ah, fuck me in the ass!!!"
  • Brad: "If I was gonna get raped by a guy, it would be Legolas, hands down."
  • [depiction][do not click if under 18... right]
  • Shawna: "o.o!!! I wanna get raped by Legolas! Hot hot hot... want to touch the hiney"
  • Lady: "I need motivation"
  • Moi: "Move it, bitch!"
  • Lady: "You're fired from the motivation club"
  • *OOC* Rayven fuzzles. 'Daddy hit me in the face with a bag of Hot Cheetoz.'
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'I want some!'
  • *OOC* Rayven crushes cheetoz against the monitor. 'Erm... That could be difficult.'
  • *OOC* Antigen busts out laughing.
  • *OOC* Rayven bows.
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'Encore!'
  • *OOC* Rayven crushes more cheetoz against the screen. 'This really isn't working out too well.'
  • Brit-nay: "i guess u could call urself a pretty boy"
  • addressing billahy, the model
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Oh hey! A newbie! *shoots himself in head*'
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'Good day not to be a nycropheliac.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo awws.
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'You mean you wouldn't make sweet hot love to my dead and rotting corpse?'
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'With or without the help of drugs?'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'I thought we had something. ;P'
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'Oh baby, oh baby.'
  • Cody: *becomes bastard* "Pick one."
  • Moi: "No."
  • Cody: "Yes?"
  • Moi: "Uh-uh"
  • Cody: "What if you had to?"
  • Moi: "I'd shoot mehself."
  • Cody: "Kinda defeats the purpose of meeting someone..."
  • Moi: "Good point."
  • Bivalve: Neither bisexual, nor a medical condition. Just a mollusk.
  • heh... thespark.com's quizzes confuse me and jenn...
  • in a note from me to dad:
  • ...meep. uh... dude. i think my voice changed... is this -normal-?! :|
  • dad's reply...
  • It's normal for a boy- Perhaps you are some sort of chromosomic alien mutant visitor bent on destroying earth and claiming it for your own world for our vast natural resources. Or maybe not. Just a thought.
  • Ida: So when did you take algebra?
  • Moi: Seventh grade
  • Ida: So what did you take in eighth grade? Regular eighth grade math?
  • Moi: No, geometry
  • Ida: Oh! That's right, you're in algebra ii...
  • genius! a girl who sits near me in algebra ii
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Pixelkins and I are far too alike. Tis scary, really.'
  • *OOC* Pixie: 'Ray is Mini-Pixel.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Dr. Pixel and Mini-Meep.'
  • *OOC* Rayven :D
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'luff it'
  • *OOC* Pixie grins.
  • *OOC* Fea visualizes Pixie bald and with right pinkie at mouth.
  • *OOC* Gizmo is Fuzzy Bastard.
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Antigen has apparently taken habbit to calling me God Fuzz. :D'
  • *OOC* Rayven nods.
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Lady makes names for people.'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'I'm Ms. Bosley'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'So she's now 'Doorknob''
  • *OOC* Pixie is... Pixie?
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Mrs. Esterhousen!'
  • *OOC* Rayven eeps.
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Pixie is Julieus Maximus. :D'
  • *OOC* Pixie: 'I'd like to have a penis. Having a penis could be fun.'
  • *OOC* Pixie: 'However, I do enjoy having boobies.'
  • Mentor of the Week is: Rayven!
  • *OOC* Gizmo pounces the Pixie pie. :D
  • *OOC* Pixie splats.
  • *OOC* Rayven eats teh Pixie pie ;) Yum.
  • *OOC* Pixie: '"eats", eh? ;)'
  • *OOC* Rayven grins.
  • *OOC* Pixie orgasms?
  • *OOC* Rayven: Sure :D
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Like we didn't all catch the innuendo to begin with. ;P'
  • *OOC* Gizmo is horny most of the time. :P Gizmo = Guy.
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Hey, Ray = Girl, and is horny most of the time as well.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo hehs.
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'you're a special breed. ;)'
  • *OOC* Pixie is definitely female as well, and constantly horny.
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'You bet yer buttons ;)'
  • *OOC* Zypher: 'Kill me quickly no dont cause it will yeah break time'
  • Zypher says, "Rayven is to leash as Seifer is to"
  • You say, "Dog."
  • Zypher says, "um okay"
  • You say, "Seifer is to orange juice as Ray is to..."
  • Zypher says, "ORANGE!!"
  • You say, "Yea... ya squeeze me, and ya get a Seif."
  • Zypher says, "..."
  • Zypher says, "Okay, straw"
  • You say, "Dude, that is SO sexual."
  • Zypher says, "As if I didnt know ^-^"
  • Rayven mrawrs ;)
  • Zypher fires a snowball at RaybabyraybabyRAY!
  • You fire a snowball at Zyphywyphysugarlumpkins!!
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Duuude.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'She got a Dell. :)'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Hell yea. :)'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'And now she's hunting for Maugwi Pr0n on KaZaA. ^.^'
  • *OOC* Virtual: 'who isn't?'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'OH baby ;)'
  • *OOC* Gizmo isn't searching, he's creating! :D
  • *OOC* Virtual: 'who isn't?'
  • *OOC* Virtual :P
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Narf. :P'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Me. I just like to spectate. ;)'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Hot fuzzy action always gets me goin'.'
  • *OOC* Virtual is having fun with his "Original Pranksta" mp3
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Offspring 0wnz j00. And so does small fuzzy sex.'
  • Joshes: "That's a bunch of fruits!"
  • Joshes: "You can quote me on that."
  • Brit-nay: "I'm never depressed. I'm the energizer bunny!"
  • Lady: "You're the child prodigy."
  • Moi: "No, I'm the midget prodigy."
  • Lady: "Yes. And I am the child prodigy. And together we make... uh..."
  • Together: "Ladylas and Bosli!"
  • Bosli: *bounces up and down frantically behind the castle wall* "What the hell is going on?! Tell me tell me tell me!"
  • Ladylas: "Shall I describe it to you, or toss you over the wall so you can get a closer look?"
  • Moi: *bounces* "How can someone be sleepy and hyper at the same time?"
  • Pat: *points at you* "Need I say more?"
  • Killing squirrels... what a marvelous pasttime.
  • Moi: "Sexy!"
  • Josh:"Nah. I just take a good picture."
  • Moi: "Well -I- think you look sexy. Nyah."
  • Josh: *blush*
  • Moi: "There's a difference between you and me. I think I look fine in real life. But I take an awful picture."
  • Josh: "heheheeheheeee that's a good sign"
  • Moi: "oh?"
  • Josh: "Yeah, means when I see you, you'll look even better!"
  • Moi: "i'm blushing my ass off now."
  • Josh: "Sounds painful."
  • Lane: "you're a mini-Meg."
  • Moi: "and a mini-Pixel."
  • Lane: "and mini-Hermione."
  • Moi: "I'm Hermepix!"
  • Moi: "I never thought I'd write the word 'sex' so much on something I'm turning in for school."
  • Josh: ???
  • Moi: "'sex linked traits are traits connected to only one sex. sex limited traits are only expressed in the presence of sex hormones and are only observed in one particular sex. sex influenced traits are expressed in both sexes, but differently"
  • Josh: "That's a lot of sex. I'm blushing."
  • Moi: "SEX SEX SEX!"
  • Josh: "... that's just scary"
  • Josh: "man you could have a sexy computer nerd showcase"
  • Moi: "Josh and Christi: Sexy computer nerds of the 21st century"
  • *OOC* Hermione: 'He's a ladies woman isn't he?'
  • referring to lane and his relationship with women
  • Josh: "LOOK! A Canadian! Let's steal em"
  • Moi: "yea yea yea! and and and paint it blue and name it sue!"
  • Moi: :|
  • Josh: :|
  • Josh: "YEAH!!"
  • Moi: "Kyle needs a quote."
  • Kyle: "No."
  • Lady: "I'm a geni--OH fuck."
  • Moi: "Whee my hair's all prettyyyy--oh shit."
  • some answers from sarah's survey...
  • 5. What was the last thing you ate?
  • christi....oops......no, she ate me.
  • 39. Fave day of the year:
  • don't have one. i could make any day my favorite if i chose to, but i don't. but it will DEFINITELY be the day i meet christi!!!
  • favorite sound?
  • EMINEM!!! actually....it'd prolly be christi's voice cause she ALWAYS makes me happy!!
  • Meg: "lane keeps slapping his fat and its so obnoxiously loud"
  • Cat: "you'd be pimpin' around in your car and in your booster, and be like "whad up" and suck on a ring pop"
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'Behold the power of Gizmo.'
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'Let's go play with the puppies and cook old people food!'
  • *OOC* Gizmo is all the things a good german should be. ;)
  • *OOC* Gizmo is tall, blonde, blue eyes, and white. "And I've even got a identifiable last name."
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'I think Hitler would be quite proud of me.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Aside from that fact that I'm not fond of his ideals. :)'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'That minor detail. :)'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Come on, who wouldn't want a piece of that hot, fuzzy bod?'
  • "The Story of Ladylas and Bosli"
  • Seifer says, "Morons. I want them all dead."
  • Seifer says, "And what Mr. D'Seifer wants..."
  • Raynala blinks.
  • Seifer removes a kevlar full-head helmet and wears a slick city hat.
  • Seifer says, "Mr. D'Seifer gets."
  • You say, "That could be sexy."
  • Seifer says, "Couldnt it?"
  • You say, "It could."
  • "Daddy & Jekster... yup"
  • *OOC* Rayven purrs, and is cold.
  • *OOC* Gizmo waves and is hott.
  • *OOC* Rayven w00ts, in a shivery voice.
  • *OOC* Rayven grows a brain and turns the damn heater on. BRB.
  • *OOC* Gizmo elects Ray as a nominee for the Nobel Prize.
  • Brit-nay: "Wait... I am NOT pleasantly plump!!!"
  • Brit screaming at Mr. Harp for the programming example...
  • Lady: "Hello! I'm the spawn of Satan! How are you?"
  • Joshes: "God, get me out of this backwater region full of stump-jumpin jethros"
  • if you are under 18 and/or work for the government, please don't click here
  • Evil Pat: "fuck you and your okie"
  • Joshes: "Hewoah wittle fishies HEWOAH...I'm gonna come in dere and wape you yes I am HEWE I COME"
  • Joshes: "Joshua Vaughn"
  • Moi: "is a sexy beast."
  • Moi: "Christine Thomas"
  • Joshes: "is a great fuck!!"
  • Malutricious: Josh's New Word
  • Moi: "We just need to give up and go home."
  • Andy: "I'm a little girl inside!"
  • Nico: "Too bad humans cant be like cats and dogs... all id have to do is go sniff your ass and wed be getting it on"
  • Alice: "It would be kind of odd to milk a gerbil."
  • Brad: "Dude, within half an hour my conversation with Chad slowly and gradually shifted from past lives to sporks. What the fucking hell."
  • Brit-nay: "do not and i repeat DO NOT talk to roosters - they can hurt you..."
  • Brad: "I'll go down on you in a theater!!! whoever this is o.o"
  • Ladylas: "w0rd up my home cheeto!"
  • Mark: "Nobody believes Mark, but he's allllllways right."
  • Mark: "and so what"
  • Mark: "im cute"
  • Mark: "big woop"
  • Cheeto Pizza & Brit-nay's Golf Cart: all part of world dominAtion
  • Kayleen: also people sayed i looked like 1. A mushroom 2. a lesbian 3. i was from london 4. slut, so that adds up to a sluty, lebsionic mushroom from london france (because i thout london was in france)
  • Brit-nay: "I wouldn't look good in a speedo..."
  • Moi: "Girls aren't SUPPOSED to wear speedos."
  • Brit-nay: "Bikini bottoms cold be considered speedos..."
  • Moi: "Nuh-uh. Bikini bottoms cover everything."
  • Brit-nay: "So do speedos."
  • Andy: "My tongue just got pissed off and kicked me in the face."
  • Ladylas: "We need viagra."
  • Moi: "Last night a bug flew into my nose."
  • Billy: "You must have one attractive nose. I bet people just wanna screw it up the butthole."
  • De: "yea, he thinks that there is some secret service type involvement in being bisexual....wants to know "everything" not much to tell is there? lol"
  • Moi: "i like pussy. i like dick. i like tits and balls too. but i'm not into transvestites. that would make me bisexual. tada."
  • Moi: "otay baibai lady"
  • Joshes: "Hey, I am the catwoman power ranger and dont you forget it"
  • Moi: "Yes maam"
  • Ashley the PREP: "ok i now have more words ha ha FIGHTER, and of course, Girl All The Bad Guys Want (i think its just wierd that its by a group named bowl of soup lol)"
  • after getting off the phone with a solicitor
  • Dad: "She wanted to sell me the digital combo super maxi pack. Ultra thin, with wings."
  • *OOC* Jekteir: 'Though Ursula's pretty good too.'
  • *OOC* Hermione: 'Yeah...'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Jek, I wanna see you dress like Ursula.'
  • *OOC* Hermione: 'Can imagine you with 8 black testicles.'
  • Crystal: "love, to me, is like a blowpop. hard on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside. it takes a while, but after lick after lick, you finally get to the gum. chew it forever, just please dont spit it out."
  • De: ze stand-up comedianne
  • Moi: "If this bus crashes we're gonna land in a tree."
  • looking for a meal the British eat that we normally don't...
  • Brit-nay: "Tea and trumpets!"
  • talking about Italian soda
  • FCUK dude: "I'll throw the cup away it's so bloody bad!"
  • after bumping into Lady
  • FCUK dude: "Sorry, love."
  • after hearing about it from Tamara
  • Moi: "Love me anytime!"
  • Ladylas: "Brittany es a dignified chicken."
  • Dad: "Yep, she's our little geek."
  • Mom: "And now she has these nemo glasses to match..."
  • Andy: "Last year I wrote a short story on the life of a paper clip."
  • Andy: "You can quote me on that."
  • *OOC* Virtual hugs ray again with wandering hands, "Meow meow MROW!"
  • *OOC* Rayven squeals!
  • *OOC* Jekteir: 'dude. you made her squeal.'
  • *OOC* Virtual: 'i'm that good with my hands'
  • *OOC* Virtual: 'I can make you squeal too jek'
  • *OOC* Jekteir: 'Try it and I'll send you to the bottom of the pits of hell.'
  • *OOC* Virtual: 'either way i'm moving up'
  • Pat: "i have SARS"
  • Moi: "...how is that transmitted again?"
  • Pat: "being rubbed by a chinese man."
  • Moi: "whew, i'm fine then--HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET IT?!"
  • Britt: "Oooh, let me have your mints! I just coughed on 'em!"
  • Lady: "Well thanks."
  • Moi: "Yea, and she has SARS."
  • Britt: "Dang Chinese people! They just got those sexy eyes!"
  • Lady mutters something about wanting a car...
  • Moi: "Don't worry. When Gizmo wins the lotto he'll buy you one."
  • Lady: "He won't think of me if he wins the lotto."
  • Moi: "He promised, though."
  • Lady: "He lies."
  • Moi: "Gizmo wouldn't lie! He is small, fuzzy, and noble!"
  • after trapping an ant under a lid...
  • Moi: "The ant disappeared!"
  • Alice: "Now we have Houdini the ant!"
  • Moi: "Yea, we all know Billy likes to look at kiddie porn."
  • Billy: "I got college girls, but that's about it!"
  • Lady: "Oh my god... I thought he said Amish girls..."
  • Moi: "Yea... Girls Gone Wild: The Amish Edition!"
  • Billy: "Religion sucks... Jesus blows!"
  • De: "he is just trying to get in my internet pants, as soon as he says "i love you" we BOTH know what he is pulling. lmao"
  • Moi: "'my internet pants'"
  • Moi: "lmao"
  • De: "yea...."
  • De: "my internet pants... lol"
  • De: "[unnamed] is bi, we recruited ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!"
  • Moi: "omg, lmao"
  • De: "what?!"
  • De: "we soooo recruited another one for "our side""
  • Moi: "YEA BABY YEA!"
  • De: "hell yea!"
  • Moi: "My hand's asleep."
  • Luke: "Why?"
  • Moi: "I don't know!"
  • Luke: "Then ask it!"
  • Moi: "It isn't saying anything."
  • Luke: "Well that's because it's ASLEEP!"
  • Moi: "Ah, I love Lifetime. All estrogen, all the time."
  • Luke: "Better than the tree channel..."
  • Moi: "The... tree... channel?"
  • Luke: "Yea, all trees, all the time!"
  • Capital of the World once Lady and I take over:
  • *Oniwachituchit*
  • "Ladylas and Bosli: Princesses and Mustangs"
  • De: why why WHY must people tell me that they like me?
  • Moi: de, i have a confession.
  • Moi: im madly in love with you
  • Moi: please... carry my child
  • De: YES RAY
  • De: I WILL
  • Moi: i knew our love was real! i knew it!
  • De: ......hey, are you tired?
  • Moi: OH BABY
  • Moi: *proceeds to open envelope containing the book that Giz sent her, sending gray dust and envelope particles everywhere, all over her robe, the book, and the couch.*
  • Mom: *after cleaning up* "Chris, there was a nibby on the envelope that said 'pull tab here'."
  • Life According to Joshes
  • Antigen says, "How can you get knocked up by a fuzz ball?"
  • Luke = teh Bisexual Gopher God of Kinky Sex
  • Sean: "i am tight, yeeah, ur fuckin right"
  • Moi: "seanny has a tight pussy O.o"
  • Sean: "damn right i do"
  • Joshes: "u are the bestest site person in the whole wide world"
  • Moi: "mother.fucker."
  • Joshes: "fuckin midget!"
  • Moi: "BITE ME!"
  • Joshes: "WHICH FLAVOR?!"
  • Moi: "CHEESE!"
  • Joshes: "FINE!"
  • Joshes: "I was one once."
  • Joshes: "When I came back from Panama City Beach"
  • Moi: "omg. i dont wanna know."
  • Moi: "i look like princess leia"
  • Joshes: ". . ."
  • Moi: "i do."
  • Joshes: "nah"
  • Joshes: "shes ooglier"
  • Moi: "awww"
  • Moi: "well my hair looks like hers"
  • Joshes: "that's odd"
  • Moi: "well sorta. its on each side, only waterfallish"
  • Joshes: "so you look like a doggy?"
  • Moi: "yea. woof woof."
  • De: "guys like you make us turn lesbian"
  • Sean: "girls like you make me turn lesbian!"
  • De: "fun!"
  • Sean: "yes, i admit it, im a lesbian at heart"
  • Sean: "always have been"
  • De: "oooooooooooo yay!"
  • Sean: "i don't discriminate."
  • Sean: "i just ejaculate."
  • Moi: "Ah, I giggle every time you talk about your bisexualness."
  • Luke: "What? Just because I swing more ways than a pendulum?"
  • Gizmo as Lady: "Jur da hottie an i want jur body - meow. w00t for teacher not showing up, now we have time for playing kinky games. teh secret is out - i luff ju"
  • *OOC* Antigen rips open a new 100 pack of CD-R's and inhales deeply, 'Ahh. The smell of technology.'
  • *OOC* Antigen can't open the fucking thing!!!
  • *MUSIC* Kwil: Whenever sang my songs...
  • *MUSIC* Kwil: On the stage, on my own...
  • *MUSIC* Kwil: I saw you smiling at me...
  • *MUSIC* Kwil: Was it real or just my fantasy...
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'That's beautiful, man. ;.; *MasculineHug*'
  • *OOC* Kwil: '*MasculineSex*'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Thanks, I've been needing that for a while.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo cheers for the green leaf'd underwear of many a strange eastern man.
  • Mommy: "Don't push the wobbly people."
  • *OOC* Antigen runs around with her deformed penis!
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'We'd be jacking off if we were guys.'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Yea, having a penis would definitely create some new recreation.'
  • Zypher dances like a Japanese monkey.
  • telepathetic waffles
  • de has some freaky dreams...
  • *OOC* Chamber: 'Basically, what happened.. Ray popped in, infected all the males with her wicked voodoo-sex-charm and now they just chat with her on AIM and don't give a hoot about anything else. ;>'
  • *MUSIC* Chamber: I'm a Genie in a bottle, baby, you gotta rub me the right way honey, or else I won't climax, and I'll find someone who knows what they're doing.
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Penis penis penis. It's always penis with you, Ray.'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'If you look at it enough it doesn't even look like the word 'penis.''
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'That happens to most words, though.'
  • *OOC* Zoldor nods.
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Yea, but this is a funny word. :D'
  • *OOC* Hermione: 'Well anyone who derives an alcoholic drink from a potato, must be pretty unorthodox in the brain department, if you get me.'
  • ...
  • *OOC* Hermione: 'How many roast potato's would it take for me to get completely wasted?'
  • dammit, stop talkin' about my pudge!
  • De: "If we are ALL God's children, why is Jesus so special?"
  • Nome says, "Rayna, you are the fire that lights my pipe. ;)"
  • Raynala swoons. 'You really know how to sweet talk a girl.' ;) :P
  • Nome knows. ;)
  • Nome says, "Is that quoteable?"
  • Riverdale says, "Raynala, my sweet little f*ck-doll... you are the gas which lights my grill."
  • Riverdale says, "Is that a good quote?"
  • Moi: "Oh look! A gopher!
  • Luke: "Gophers are DA BOMB!!!!"
  • Moi: *giggles* "Teehee!"
  • Luke: "Teehee?"
  • Moi: "Yes, teehee. Tee-fucking-hee."
  • speaking of quidditch
  • Luke: "Why don't we call it the Golden Smoochie!"
  • Joshes: "Christi! We're fighting about laughing habits!!"
  • Joshes: "Oh my Lord! We're f'in married!"
  • Moi: "oh my god youre RIGHT"
  • Moi: "but actually i was fighting about you changing yourself for some girl... wow, extramarital affair."
  • Brad: "Ray?!"
  • Moi: "Brad?!"
  • Brad: "*POUNCE* SEX-CHANGE!"
  • Brad: "er... text change!"
  • Brad: "o.O"
  • Luke: "The land of milk and nookie!"
  • Moi: "Ha, yea we're gonna die and St. Peter and Satan are gonna be fighting over us."
  • Luke: "Yea, who has the chains? Handcuffs? We wanna go to that one."
  • Moi: "Okay, the real kicker. We don't believe in Jesus."
  • Luke: "Yea, then St. Peter says 'That's okay, neither do I.'"
  • Kimmi: "RAAAAPE... of the foot."
  • Luke: "What up my gopher bitch?!"
  • Louis: "God dammit old lady stop poking me!"
  • Luke: "Penis in the mornin', Penis in the evenin', Penis at suppertime. When you want a penis, you can have penis any time!"
  • Luke: "I did it with the eggplant woman!!"
  • Luke: "No, no, an attack!"
  • Luke: "Oh yea, I banged the eggplant woman."
  • Luke: "That would result in some freaky offspring."
  • Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
  • Cody: "now you got me all wanting to get frisky talking about sex."
  • Moi: "about you fucking my boyfriend and my mother?!"
  • Cody: "NO NO NO"
  • Cody: "i would never in a million years fuck a guy"
  • Moi: "not even for a million buckaroos?"
  • Cody: "no"
  • Cody: "i'd seriously, seriously, have to have like, a billion or so"
  • Cody: "even then i wouldn't put it in a guy's butt"
  • Moi: "what about a guy puttin' it in your butt?"
  • Cody: "if he could part the hair"
  • Ladylas and Bosli: The Mommy Edition
  • Lady: "I can see you as a robot named HyperBitch."
  • Luke: "My penis is in your hands... wait..."
  • You say, 'Killin' the damn squirrels... Evil.'
  • Nite says, 'Of course I'm evil...'
  • Nite says, 'I'm a monk!'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'If you lose a nipple while shaving your mustache, you deserve it.'
  • *OOC* Gizmo: 'Rayven's a nerdslut. But she's a yummy one, so it's all good.'
  • Luke: "I can see us years from now, married, and me trying to crawl out of the bedroom, you pulling me back in by the leg tellin' me we aren't done yet."
  • Moi: "Aww, why would you wanna leave anyway?"
  • Luke: "To regain strength! And sperm!"
  • I'm a cat.
  • Andy says, "damn carts."
  • Andy says, "and the cats...that are in the carts.."
  • Andy says, "damn carts full of cats..."
  • Cody: "i was bored at 3 in the morning"
  • Cody: "what am i suppose to do?"
  • Cody: "dance around in a clown suit?"
  • Cody: "going"
  • Cody: "WOOPDEEDOO"
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'Geometry Book Question, "What is the name of a polygon that has five sides?"'
  • *OOC* Rayven stares.
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Killit.'
  • *OOC* Antigen laughs
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'Is it not a polygon'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Oh. Pentagon.'
  • *OOC* Antigen: 'Oh.'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'We both feel like asses.'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Yup.'
  • *OOC* Antigen laughs.
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'And we represent Colonial's elite.'
  • *OOC* Rayven: 'Wow. I feel sorry for the future.'
  • Brit-nay: "105.9 darn you hispanics!!"

    *i have permission from everyone on this page to use their quotes, so nyah