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Blib Sk8 Team Videos Now Up!!! - 17th October 2004
Blib Sk8 Team have put together 5 videos of each skater in the team's tricks and bails to be included on the website for you to download or watch direct of the website! These are taken straight from the new Blib Sk8 team Video, currently named "Blib:Break a Rib", but is subject to change soon. The Vids include Derby Storm skate park, in Derby of course, with Adams board attached to his feet by an inner tube. Also theres Seans good run of 4 tricks, from rails to sets, and Edd flipping the 3 Set as he does so well. Theres 5 of Sean, Edd and Adam individually, and 3 miscellaneous videos from Josh, Ben and a Security Guard! Stay on this site as more videos to be posted up soon, and more Blib Sk8 Team stuff, including an up and coming page entitled the "Late Skate", where you can find out more about the Blib Sk8 Team members, their favourite tricks and best skate spots.
News Archive - 16th October 2004
Hey everyone, the sites being polished up now nicely and new pages are swarming the site. I am going to start a new page and a new feature on the website called the "News Archive" and it is just that, an archive for all the recent developments concerning Jackarse, the website, and the team behind Jackarse. This is so you will never miss out on any of the breaking news or developments within the site. More features for the website coming soon, including a new vote for the voting page.
Jackarse and Blib Art - 13th August 2004
I've (Sean) just got back from Turkey, so after 2 weeks of lazing round im back and so is yet more pages on the Jackarse website. The Art of Jackarse is now up and running, showing the classic Jackarse skateboard designs from Steve made a few years back now. After you've checked them out, theres 6 more pages full of Blib Art in the Art of Blib page. These contain Steve and Sean's Blib skateboard designs and logos, all 40 of them, which you can view and enlarge to easily print off at your will. The 100 Favourite Songs is finally finished with everyones top 10 faves, and soon to follow will by the top 100 Movies. The Jackarse Thanks page is a thank you to all those you have helped in Jackarse so far, like donating Boxes, or providing the Filming. Check them all out NOW!
Updated and Refurbished! - 21st July 2004
Hey everyone. The sites back and with it is a new, more proffesional look for the menu bars, a black shadow around all text boxes ("big wow" - tribute to Mr Scutas) and loads more features and pages, with new media. The Skateboarding side of the website, Blib Sk8 Team, is going to get its own mini site, with Videos and Pictures for it coming up soon, form the eagerly anticipated Blib: Break a Rib. (name subject to change.) I've also scrapped all the crappy old pages on this website, like "Out Band" and replaced them with all our new pages, news and material which will be uploaded to your PC screen in the next few weeks! For noew, check out the Scavenger Hunt, Jackarse the Movie picture page and the 100 Favourite Songs for the new updates, and keep checking back to or for more pages and soooooo much new stuff. Jackarse Trailer up very soon and real videos from the Movie itself! So stay tuned guys!
Videos from Jackarse the Movie and Blib Sk8 Team
JTM Pictures     JTM Videos
Edds Day     Blib Sk8 Team
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Latest Pictures from Jackarse the Movie! - 2004
Pics of The Month - July   Pics of The Month - August

Jackarse the Movie, Jackarse and Blib are not copyrighted. Jackarse the Movie and Blib: Break a Rib Out Soon on DVD. Home