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Born: June 19, 1978

Place of birth: Mama Leone's kitchen

Weight at birth: 5 lbs., 6 oz.

Current weight: Perfect: "I'm the perfect shape for my weight."

Favorite sport: A brisk nap

Confidant: Pooky, his teddy bear

Best friend: His mirror

Favorite food: Lasagna

Favorite hiding place: The cookie jar

Playmate: Odie: "Dogs are nature's way of telling us we could be worse off."

Hobbies: Eating and sleeping: "There may be more to life, but I hope not."

Favorite drink: Coffee: "Strong enough to sit up and bark."

Favorite quote: "I'd like mornings better if they started later."

Favorite trait: Laziness: "Some call it laziness. I call it deep thought."

Favorite exercise: Prefers "lay-downs" to sit-ups.

Dislikes: Spiders and the mailman.

Diets: "Diet is 'die' with a 't'."