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The experiment that is presented on this page is for informational and educational use only. You should NEVER attempt to repeat this experiment because it produces highly toxic chlorine gas which can and will kill you. IN OTHER WORDS IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. If you choose to repeat this experiment then do so at your own risk.

So you're probably wondering why I would even attempt to make chlorine gas if it is so dangerous or why I would even give the synthesis out for this chemical. Right? Well there is a reason for this. The reason has to do with the fact that chlorine gas is a very interesting and important industrial chemical that is used in it's raw form to produce a variety of consumer products which include medicine, anesthetics, pharmaceuticals, plastics like PVC, mothballs, dyes, and stains.

It is also important to point out that although chlorine gas is a dangerous and deadly poison we could not live with out it because when it combines with the right elements like sodium it produces chemicals like table salt and that salt is also used by our bodies to produce hydrochloric acid which is a gastric juice found in our stomachs. The truth is that our bodies need these chemicals to stay alive .

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