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WE ARE ABOUT TO HIT OUR 2 YEAR MARK!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! Well, to get the whole inside stuff on our relationship, you gotta talk to one of us. But, if you want the jist of it then read on. I met her at our high school in freshman P.E. and I was instantly attracted to her. I did have girlfriends before her, but she is the one that I will marry. She means more to me than anything else in my life. I will NEVER trade anything that we have for anything. Not a cool car, not money, nothing!!! As much as she may not think so, she is the best and most attractive girlfriend that I have ever had. Also the most attractive girl that I know. I could not live without her beside me in everything that I do. She has always been my best friend and the one that I can tell anything to. I love her for who she is, and who she makes me to be. I can't wait until forever begins, because that is when I give my life to her, and I know that she will take care of it. Just like what she has done with my heart. It has been one year since we got together and I really am glad that i fell in love with her, because she makes me feel like I mean something to her. And, that I mean something to this hell-hole we call the world. Eventhough there might be troubles along the way, the way we react to those instances, is what defines our relationship. Without the struggles of life, relationships would never last. That is the test of True Love! I would do anything for her and I hope that she knows that. She has changed my life and for the better. Ashley, I honestly, truley, and deeply love you with everything that I am, and I will devote more time to you, and to my friends.