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Steph's latest boyfriend
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My Life
Thursday, 15 September 2005

Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Brand New - Sic transit gloria......glory fades
Topic: Steph's latest boyfriend
I don't like Lewis. He's Stephs tenth or so boyfriend if you don't count the two times she went out with Tom or four time she went out with Jake. I don't like him because he's stupid, and if that makes me a snob, then that's exactly what I am. Yeah, he's stupid, but he's acts dumb, too. I mean he puts on voices and bangs his head against the table and thinks he's funny. I'm sure she know she's better than this. She might be embarressed of him too. She was never embarrased of any one else. Today, he held her hand and she was quite red. I didn't say anything but I will tomorrow. Yesterday, I asked her would she rather have "Jellybean & Roxy" or "Steph & Lewis". She didn't say the latter, which cheered me up considerably. I never knew she liked him that much until he asked her out. But at lunch she's always asking where he is and I'm made to find him with her to avoid the humiliation of being alone in front of Rhiannon and he able to make comments. She thinks she has friends which is sadder than me only having one. I don't care if I'm alone without Steph because I don't think she'll leave me again. I hope she doesn't. Anyhoo, Lewis. She can do so much better, and she knows it. Yesterday we were discussing possible weekend plans, and he said they was no point making plans with us bacause we only cancel them. I just looked at Steph and laughed. Looks like we can't do anything this weekend because I have to see Charlotte's baby boy, buy Mums presents with an then acually see her. Steph said Pete wants to do something because she hasn't seen him for months so she'll be with him. I could have been invited because Pete likes me but noooo, Steph didn't invite me. Pete wouldn't have minded. Anyhoo, she's my Jellybean. Haha...

Posted by weird2/askingforit at 6:46 PM BST
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