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The New Muse of Victoriarosewood
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Rush hour and sunrise
Mood:  happy
I'm a week and a half into my new job, and I still find things to make rush hour traffic enjoyable. The first is poetry. I admit, it's not a good habit, but phrases seem to just pop into my head while I drive and the longer I think about not forgetting that phrase, the more contiguous phrases pop into my head. So eventually I just have to get out the pen and Post-it and write it down. It's not like I'm moving anyways. hehehe. A couple days ago while sitting on Highway 100 southbound around 7:45am, inspired by AFI's use of the word "amaranth," I wrote:

We planted our dreams
In amaranth seeds,
We planted our dreams
And never saw them bloom,
But they will never fade.
Somewhere beneath the surface
Something will cradle our dreams
And adore their tainted crimson glow.

The other thing that makes rush hour enjoyable is the sunrise. I've never been much of a morning person, but there is something about a sunrise that is just stunning... even more than a sunset. Maybe it has something to do with the promise of a new day, maybe it's just that I haven't seen very many, but they're beautiful. Don't worry, I don't practice photography while driving in rush hour. This is a picture from earlier this fall when I rolled, unhappily, out of bed to the sound of my alarm and saw one of the most beautiful sunrises. I grabbed my camera, hoodie, and slippers and ran down the street. The sunrise was already a bit past its peak by the time I got this picture, but I still thougth it was nice, especially for someone in their pajamas along a very busy road. :-)

Posted by victoriarosewood at 9:55 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:48 PM CST
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Joining 2004
Mood:  happy
Well, I hadn't updated my webpage in more than two years, so I decided I'd join the rest of the world in 2004 and build a blog. I needed a place to share my photos, my quotes, and whatever I manage to write in my spare time. I've taken to writing poetry in rush hour traffic, but I'm not sure how long I'll survive that habit.

I've been inspired to write again by AFI. I marvel at the extensive vocabulary and obvious poetry in their lyrics. Punk with passion. On that note, I'll leave with a quote from the untitled interlude before my favorite song...

"I kissed you at the apex of the maelstrom and asked if you would accompany me in a quick fall, but you made me realize that my ticket wasn't good for two. I rode alone."

Posted by victoriarosewood at 11:20 PM CST
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