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meet 'n' greets
a.k.a. sit and stay



meet 'n' greets

dr who?

odds 'n' ends

what was that?

cheers 'n' jeers

that's all folks

If there's one thing the internet is good for it is joining people from all over the world. It's interesting to visit other's webpages, in fact its one of my favourite things to do.

Go here for my sister sites stuff.

And speaking of links and things here are a few I like...

CricInfo - the best site, in my opinion, for anything cricket.
Swine Online - a cool virtual pet!
Acknowledging Archie - My other site, about my favourite cartoon character, Archie Andrews and his gang!
Anastasia International - This is where I got my picture of Anastasia for the clique.
Britney Spears - This is where I got my picture of Britney Spears, for the clique. - The ONLY place to be when you're bored, they've got the best links!!
Archie and the Gang Online - This is where I got the cute Archie graphics for my cliques.

This isn't snail mail remember?