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Guestbook archive

  Beseen, my old guestbook host, went out of buisness.   I made this
  out of a cached version siys found on Google, so the most recent
  entries have been lost.

alyssa   19/Jul/2002:22:13:58
hey rael i love your site! ur doing a great job! keep it up! i'm
ababe033 on aol lol love you!

Applerocks Apple 07/Jul/2002:20:21:15
Apple Apple Apple Apple
Haley   28/Jun/2002:11:20:38
Great site but your trix page isn't working..check the
Larry Kelley 26/Jun/2002:13:58:01
I like the art......99% of it anyway.

I am 57 and own a few business
teagan makings   31/May/2002:23:20:26
hello this is a great guest book
Brittany i rock 30/May/2002:20:50:03
tht is a awsome web page and excuse me but mr perfect im not as good as
u lol
cmb cmb online 29/May/2002:02:52:24
oh, i forgot to add, using reshack to switch images and change text by
just clicking your mouse isn't l337.
cmb cmb online 29/May/2002:02:43:36
wow, your website really sucks...the layout is terrible and your "trix"
page merely shows that AIM uses html and hexidecimal code, which even
people with no html or computer experience knows...good job, or not.
Ryan poems 29/May/2002:01:42:27
Yo dood what's up how's it hangen dog im a out like your site kicks ass
poopscotch sdasd 29/May/2002:01:29:18
Priscilla 30/Apr/2002:04:17:18
Thanks for the opportunity to visit your site!
Patrick Canada   18/Apr/2002:11:36:35
hope you feel better see you later
edder   30/Mar/2002:00:03:20
hey whats up? I found your page when i was searching for a way to
download older versions of AIM. I had the disks before, but i thought
AIM4.7 would be better and for some reason it completely slows down my
whole computer after like 20mins of being on it. I really liked your
page. I was trying to get YOUR version of AIM but the URL is incorrect.

SO if you can, can you send my your version of AIM through my email?
or can you tell me why u think my computer slows down w aim 4.7
Ill write you an email if thats cool with you.


Kyle   03/Mar/2002:04:47:17
hey this site kicks ass......good work...keep it up!
sTeVo iN yR sTuDiO sTeVo iN yR sTuDiO 02/Jan/2002:13:49:02
Rael, yr website rules!!! There's something for everyone, from technical info and programs to fun and
games!!! I think you've done some fine work here and I look forward to seeing more additions to the site
in the future!!!
Natalie   26/Dec/2001:19:31:50
I just got on to look at my cousins website!!!!-He-He-He I am older
than you!!!
Sarah   23/Dec/2001:23:17:50
i just went here because you told me too! (lol) i like your website
maggie   21/Dec/2001:20:13:07
Hi long time no talk huh ?? IM me sometime!!

3 mags
Joshua   02/Dec/2001:17:02:24
EMPEROR NUCLEAR Nuclear Funtime 29/Nov/2001:16:09:10
Just stopped by to check out the site and play a few games. Keep up da
good woik!
*~*Gabby*~*   21/Oct/2001:18:21:40
i think it's cool... i don't get the color chart thingy
Stevo In Yr Stereo Nightmare City Halloween 06/Oct/2001:01:46:43
Hello Kids...

Just a reminder that Halloween will soon be here and indeed even if you
make it last all thru the year ya gots ta b checkin' out the dopest site
on the horrorific music holiday!!!

Go hit dem vote sites every chance ya can too!

Peace out...
DJ Stevo In Yr Stereo
Jessica (a.k.a Syres   22/Sep/2001:20:51:45
hey rael i not that im gay r nuttin but good looks run in the famly
Itz Me... Shelle   22/Sep/2001:00:01:07
hey hey hey!! love you page! lookin better and better everytime I see
it! keep up the work.. =o)
Sweetbabe   17/Sep/2001:20:38:57
Hey, waz shakin?
Aneta   17/Sep/2001:17:18:26
hey this website is the bomb!!!hope u make it even better in
the future!!!!anyways i love the art work too!!!!

Your new friend,
delley   16/Sep/2001:13:49:24
love the site
luv ya bunches
jennifer seale   15/Sep/2001:04:45:25
and it is pertty cool
colin darden   31/Aug/2001:20:04:29
yo rael nice web site....!!!!!!!!!!
amie   21/Aug/2001:18:26:03
EMPEROR Nuclear Funtime 10/Aug/2001:14:26:19
I just saw the 1st GIFs page. I reallly hope you are NOT suicidal or
"into" animals!
EMPEROR Nuclear Funtime 10/Aug/2001:13:14:03
Ahhh! Now i understand the color chart! You've been busy!

ashley   08/Aug/2001:22:15:27
Oatie   08/Aug/2001:08:14:50
Good job aerosol kid
Mags Just another Reznor site........ntacco 07/Aug/2001:14:51:43
is that a pic of you ??
Kate   07/Aug/2001:13:37:29
dude! this page is cool!
Shelle Shelle's Webpage 01/Aug/2001:04:07:06
Hey Hey shorty!! My link doesn't work you might wanna fix that... LOL
love yur page! Keep it kool..
your Bud,
Grandpa   28/Jul/2001:21:05:52
Kool Dude, but you oughter change some of the colors. My old monior
doesn't see your graffiti. Either that or I need to replace my eyes?
Anywho it looks neat. Is that still an "in" word? You have come a
long way in your computer know how. Proud of ya Rael.
Grandpa Sterne
Britney Spears The Official Britney Sprears Page 28/Jul/2001:11:38:21

I just LOVE your site! Especially the rolly script at the bottom. Are
those the real lyrics from "The Lamb Lays Down On Broadway?" You must be
famous! Like me!

Cleo the Whip Lady   27/Jul/2001:19:39:22
I have seen it!
Nana   21/Jul/2001:18:24:13
Hi Rael, cool, cool, website, loved the spraycan and think everything I
visited was super-wonderful!!! With much love from your very
unbiased Nana who is visiting Rick. Rock on!
Lynn Wirey   12/Jul/2001:02:24:23
I love you Rael! Keep it real......
britany   10/Jul/2001:20:13:21
you r crazy
Linzy   10/Jul/2001:18:41:16
hi everybody
Michelle   10/Jul/2001:17:07:58
What a great place! The art is beautiful. Keep up the good work and
good luck ndfuture!
Heather Unkie Toddy Tribute 09/Jul/2001:03:01:05
Dude, what a cool site. I love your art and can't wait to see more.
What's up with that game, The Love Tester? It said that I was a cold
fish : (. I am so not giving up on that one!

D.M. Sage   29/Jun/2001:01:45:43
This is pretty cool Rael. Did you really paint that? I'm off to visit
your links.
danielle   28/Jun/2001:11:07:23
Hey rael its me danielle remember from the chat room
cyber sauce art -&- insanity 24/Jun/2001:11:44:05
how much web could a web site site if a web site could site web? it'd
site as much web as a web site could if a web site could site web
rick   24/Jun/2001:01:01:25
Your site is outtasite!
matt j.   21/Jun/2001:18:07:45
your page kicks ass!!!
Mark D R Stern (untitled at this time) 21/Jun/2001:10:17:16
Rael: Mazel Tov! You have a great looking site. I look forward to
additions and updates.
Mark D R Stern
hot_orange (Hardeep) h o t _ o r a n g e _ c r u s h 21/Jun/2001:01:49:47
hey i love this website i have signed before but i am signing
luv ya all!!!!!!!!!
hot_orange (Hardeep)   21/Jun/2001:01:45:26
hey howz it goin everybody!?!?!?!?!?!
DarkJoltChaos 20/Jun/2001:22:52:21
This site is cool, and ppl should go to the chat, k? if u want see a
very good drawing of ssj Trunks, then email me at k?
see ya all.
Anastasia   20/Jun/2001:22:19:26
A very good and cool webpage
Dark-Fang-Wolf   20/Jun/2001:22:19:12
I like to come here because it is not as crowded as other chat rooms. I
like the site but it is not the best I have ever seen.
Deya   20/Jun/2001:20:46:22
Rael, your website is so cool! I love it!! I love you, too!!! Peace...
EMPEROR Nuclear Funtime 20/Jun/2001:14:58:36
I dunked ALL the celebrities! I'm king of the world! Oh yea, Leanardo
Decrapola already said that.
hot_orange don't have one 20/Jun/2001:03:46:46
well i can't really see your face but i guess.........
The Infinite One I n f i n i t e R e a l m 20/Jun/2001:01:27:39
I made one of my rare visits to your world, from the vast expands of the
infinite universe and transversed this delightful web site. May the
cosmic forces of all that is good and positive flow ever upon you and
all that you do! Infinitely yours.....
papawolf32   19/Jun/2001:21:19:00
good luck with your web site
Nancy Bechtol Be Art Now Gallery 19/Jun/2001:19:33:55
your site mirrors other known wolfsons...hmmm
keep going, do more and keep me updated!
more, make more...yeah.
the moving can is good...ah.
you should use my other email address...I use this one for the public..
wolf send me money 19/Jun/2001:14:40:59
i love your site....
nobody understands me....
do you all still love unkie toddie?
huh???/do ya?
do ya?
Blake don't have one 19/Jun/2001:12:34:59
I like it it is really cool. you need more games hahaha. Just joking
Emperor Maxmillian N Nuclear Funtime 19/Jun/2001:07:40:22
I love the floating spray can. I also noticed you had the good taste to
have my website on your links page. I played the snowboard game...
Time: 102
Points: 36
Style Points: 79
No Crash Points: 0
Total Score: 115

I think I suck at that game. I will be checking in periodically. The
site is growing FAST!

Teddy Jack Eddy Infinite Realm 18/Jun/2001:22:28:03
Das ist von ubertastic vebsite, my dudeheim!! I vill visit itzen ovten
und tellen ze all to comen zee!

This website began March 4, 2001.
