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well, im supposed to write a column here goes..this is just me rambling, i forgot my column at school.

ive been reading this book at school lately, and its about this chick in a contented marriage who finds a passionate love interest and gets all female-rightsy..and it made me think about the whole passion concept. not the all romantic passion, just, the thought of passion/ passionate feelings...because if one doesnt have ANYthing to feel passionate about can one really live? even if its about...i dont know, a school subject, or music, passion is what keeps us alive...some people seem to think that using our control is what separates us from animals...but i think that a lack of passion in our lives is what removes us from real society into a world of conventions...i can see how too much passion can lead to problem, too though. extremes, though admirable at times, really really are not healthy for a human spirit. living in a world governed by every passing mood is just as dangerous as leading a life devoid of all emotion. the idea is to live in the middle i think...sit and smile contentedly at times, but if contentment is all you have to live for, you might as well put a bullet through your head. one also needs to be absurdly giddy, or sometimes throw yourself onto your bed and cry yourself to sleep. break glass bottles...but again THIS is not a way of life. its just a reminder that we are alive. robot lust and heart-on-the-sleeve thoughts have to im gonna quit now. peace, sam.

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