
Diana as a vampire

The taste of blood lingers on her tongue as she curls on the filthy floor.  The dragons etched into her skin shoot magical flames through her body as they slither along her limbs, fighting the vampirism spreading through her body.

Torn...torn...torn between slavery or eternal undeath.

Her heart shudders in her chest, the burning in her limbs intensifying and drowning out the feel of hands pulling her body strait and moving over her naked skin.  She breaths in quick gasps, bright green eyes flashing open and darting around.  The men around her, skin covered with tattooed dragons like her own, as naked as she, murmurs words of power as they continually touch her.  Face, hair, arms, hands, legs, feet, stomach, chest, back groin...they infuse all of her body, nothing is safe.  She groans as the dragons still along her arms and shoulders, expiring as her heart shudders to a stop.  The dull red eyes of her tormenters are the last things to fade, even after the agony, as sight flees her dying eyes.


Air rushes into her lungs.


A cool, pale hand brushes over her brow.  When she opens her eyes, she sees the blond haired man at her side, brows delicately wrinkled.

"Welcome back, Diana."

She pulls herself into a sitting position to look at him, tongue running over her teeth.  Brows furrow in confusion when she finds no fangs.

"What happened?" Her voice rasps in her sore throat.

"The spell is broken." The man sits on the bed by her, eyes wandering over her well muscled body. "And your heart had stopped beating, yet," he tilts her head up and draws her lips apart to look at her still human teeth, "you are still human. What did you do?"

"I did nothing," she draws back a little, tensing when he draws his hands down her neck.

"You will be our queen," his hard voice sends chills down her spine. "We have made you ours, and will continue to do all in our power to make you one of us...our queen...our leader."

She clenches her jaw and curses her body's weakness when she pulls back, only to find herself held in place by those pale hands.  "No..."

Sapphire eyes narrow as he pulls her against him, brushing the silk flame back from her neck.  "You have no choice."  His breath barely whispers over her skin before she feels his fangs puncture her.  Radiant eyes slip shut as he suckles her neck while sending thrills through her body with one hand, the other slicing itself open on a dagger at his side.  Metallic blood floods her mouth.

She struggles with all her heart and soul, but something rises out of the darkest part of her being.  A need.  An overwhelming desire that wasn't there until he finally pulled back, lips stained with red.  Slight pain and shifting registers in her brain from her mouth as her eye-teeth extend into fangs.  Her burning gaze shifts to the man who brought this out in her.

He smiles. "My queen."  He presses his lips to hers, pressing her back into the pillows on the bed.  She embraces him, moving her hands lazily over his body, sliding what clothing he wore off.  She remains silent as he moans into her mouth, and thrusts himself between her parted thighs.  Finger-nails dig themselves into his back as their slow movements become more frenzied and their bodies give in to the ever mounting pressure.  Heady power floods through her as he convulsed on top of her, shoving his manhood all the way in.  He withdraws, but the power remains, attended by an overwhelming exhaustion.

Again, he smiles at her, confidence shining from his eyes. "Welcome to your destiny, Diana." He brushes a hand over her brow before silently leaving the room after clothing himself.  A moment passes.  A tear tracks a path into her gleaming curls.  Eyes close, and sleep carries her away.


The next evening, she awakens, seemingly human again.  She slides out of bed, and slips into the only articles of clothing she could find: a deep red blouse and flowing red skirt.  She stands before the mirror momentarily before sitting down to meditate.  Hunger gnaws at her; a hunger far greater than anything she's ever experienced before.

She blanks her mind, concentrating on the pull her sword exerts.  Slowly, she traces that gossamer thread of energy binding her sword to her soul.  Just as she reaches a mental hand towards her weapon - her salvation - the creak of her door opening forces her out of mediation.  She looks up to see a sliver haired man entering.

Standing, she turns to face him, struggling to ignore the strange mix of attraction and revulsion igniting in her body as soon as he closes the door behind himself.

He stalks over to her and pins her to the spot with is icy glare.  "We hunt tonight."

She shakes her head, backing away.  The cold eyes narrow.  A large hand reaches up to cup her face, freezing her once again.

"My queen, you must learn how to do this."

He leans closer, and her heart flutters like a terror stricken bird.

"...let go of your weakness...let go of your humanity...embrace the"

"" Her voice trembles, weak as a dying kitten.

His eyes flash.  She feels energy draining away.  Again, the darkness rises.


She spots her prey and steps out of the trees from the side of her silver-haired companion, a corner of her mind registering the appearances of Jadeite, the copper tressed Zoisite and the auburn maenad Nephrite.  Her hips sway gracefully, lazy smile curving her lips, eyes half-lidded and come-hither as she approaches the slender man.

"Hello," she purrs as she traces a hand up his chest and around his shoulders to twine her fingers in his dark hair, locking eyes with him and willing his mind to her control.  Tilting his head back, she presses her body firmly to his and goes to bless his neck with her mouth.  She finds herself frozen.  Close enough to hear his pulse, yet she can't move.

Hands press themselves to her back, and a low voice murmurs in her ear, "Sister, you would not feed on one of your clan, would you?  The vampire child you carry would not survive."

Bright eyes widen   as searing pain darts through her back, sending each muscle in her body into painful spasms.  She barely registers the copper haired blur rushing past her as she falls back into a pair of cold, strong arms.

Hot flecks of blood hit her face as an ice crystal thrusts itself through the man's chest, the shirt ripping enough to expose the bright green and yellow dragons coating his skin writhing in agony and mingling with crimson blood.  His eyes lock with hers.

Suddenly, her mind is bursting with lifetimes of knowledge and magic flooding in.  Her body convulses in Nephrite's arms, relaxing only when the tempest in her  head settles.

"Diana," the man gurgles.  "You are the last of the  Ichizoku Mahonoryu...use the magic well..."

Life fades, and all that's left are the limp and glass eyed body of the man and a trembling young woman imprisoned in the arms of one off her vampiric captors.

Zoisite kicks the empty body aside, muttering something about a waste of blood before turning to glare at Diana.

The young woman shudders at the looks they all shoot her as she pulls herself from Neph's grip, only to reel from the blow Kunzite deals her.

"You will learn how to properly hunt," he growls deep in his throat.  He grips her arms, making her convulse with pain.  His eyes flash, and she feels power draining.  The terrible hunger swells within, raging through her body.  When his grip disappears, she crumples to the cold ground, hugging herself, brows wrinkled.  She looks up into the four sets of cold eyes.

"Now you must feed...become a full vampire...bear the prince," Nephrite murmurs.

Tears slip free; vivid eyes close; pale face twists with sorrow as new knowledge comes to light.

"Iie," she whispers, "I don't."

Zoisite growls, kneeling in front of her and glaring into her face.  "What?!"

Bright eyes flash and dragons within her skin leap to life as she thrusts her left hand into Zoisite's chest.  A sudden explosion of bright green energy sends him flying back into his three cohorts.  While they untangle themselves, she bolts.


Several hours later, she sits among the grasses that grow in the empty  homeland of the clan she was forced into.  The moon showers her with soft light.  She mixes the last of the powerful herbs into the earthen bowl cradled in her lightly trembling hands.  Praying this will work, she summons her sword.  After a few moments' concentration, the weapon appears at her side.  With a sigh laced with exhaustion, she slides the blade from its sheath.  The deadly curve of the silver gleams with ethereal moonbeams, words of power slide from between full lips.

Pain races up her arm as the blade cuts into the flesh of her palm.  She sets the reddened weapon aside and squeezes her gashed hand over the bowl of herbs.  The deep red fluid dribbles onto the crushed plants.  Dizziness blurs her vision as she mixes the concoction together.

More words flow forth as she brings the bowl to her lips, weakness threatening to overwhelm her before she can actually swallow down the mixture.  As quickly as possible, she tips her head back and forces the sanguine tainted herbs down her throat.

Her back arches and a shrill scream tears itself from her throat.  Dragons race; blood boils; a vampiric child within a human womb dies.  Fire ravages her nerves until muscles buckle and the darkness drowns her.


A drop of dew glides along her cool skin, and a shiver races along her body. Moon and starlight glints off of brilliant green eyes as they open and blink. Slowly, she sits up, cringing at the powerful cramping wracking her body. Holding her left hand over her abdomen, she closes her eyes concentrates - reaches. She finds that gossamer thread leading to her sword and traces it, yet again. This time she reaches the enchanted weapon.

Just as it materializes in her hand, four figures appear before her, and terror races through her newly awakened heart. She rises to her feet, ignoring the blood rushing down along her legs and the cramping within her womb as it rejects the dead vampire within.

"You have betrayed us, my Queen," Jadeite speaks up as he strides closer to her, sword in his own hand.

"I refuse to be your 'Queen', Jadeite," her voice is cold, the pain driving any warmth away.

She lashes out with her sword, the agony within driving her unlike anything she's ever experienced before. The gashes slicing her skin open from her four tormentors cause only more fury within. The battle is long and hard.

When the last man  falls, the only one standing is the pained young woman, her skin coated in dirt and blood; her eyes determined despite the situation. With a deep breath, she closes her eyes and lifts her sword, concentrating with all her might on her preferred destination. Thunder booms and lightening streaks across the sky as the blade is brought down upon the fabric of reality itself. The tear pulls her into the sparkling void beyond.


A low groan pulls itself from her throat the next time she awakens. She finds herself in an ally coated as much with filth as she is. She blinks as a pregnant woman with two tone hair kneels by her and presses a hand to the artery running along her hip to stop the bleeding of her sliced open leg.

"I'm going to call nine-one-one, miss. You need a doctor."

" doctors." She whispers as she meets the green on black eyes of the other woman.

The dark haired woman chews her lip a little as she ties a temporary bandage around the injured woman's leg before helping her to her feet.

"Wh...what're you...?"

"I'm taking you to my place."


"No problem." The other woman bites her lip, her strange eyes thoughtful as she leads the aching young woman to the apartment she lives in. "I could use the company. Uhm," she opens the door, and helps the other woman through, "I'm HLM..."

"It's an honor...I'm Diana."

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