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Ming: How many people can say that they get along perfectly with their older sister? Not many. It is such a rare oppurtunity that I ever get to see you and you've just always been there for me. To help me through my problems with the family and sometimes with my friends. I just wanted to tell you that you really are appreciated.
Liz: Three words: BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. You are such a great person, always there for me to talk to when I need or friends. I love you and your family. you guys are great! We have so many good memories and some bad ones...but only a little...can't wait to make more!

Annabanana: Sup? 1-14? Me: 20.7777 Remember that? You are the funniest shit ever!Except for maybe Gina. And "No" you are not racist if you make fun of every race equally! That was so much fun. You should come over and help me make eggrolls again! That was so much fun. So many FUN times!

Gina: My Chica!! Hey there. You are one funny girl! And a TERRIFFIC friend! F.O.L.P.H. is the funnest game ever, but we really do need to make it a contact spin the bottle! HAHA J/k! Anyhow I just wanted to tell you how good a friend you've been to me for the past...I dunno 5 years? A long time. I Love You!

Dung: My only asian friend!...syke j/p. Mercedes #1! That Cambodian thing was fun, next time I'll be on that stage! That is if my mom lets me go...COOKIES...SCONES...ZUCCHINI BREAD...messy...TENNIS...HOT guys playing b-ball...

Whitney: Hello there my little asian twin! (I don't even care anymore!) Let's see...CREW, SINGING, WHINING! That's us, like everyday! I luv you!

Cheuky: Hey man, your parties are soo much fun! I'm not scared of them anymore! CITY HIGH!!!

Amy: Hey the college woman! You still have to teach me how to play tennis.

Anh: Hey! Its so much fun having classes with you. Keep being short, cuz then I'll be taller than at least one person. And Chinese movies are cool, no matter what anyone says!

Wendnara: Hey there! Thanks for giving me advice. I'm still better than you though! :) j/p. And Dung is right, pink is not your color! Oh yea... I still do eat rice...

Linda: Hey! (Hi Vinny!) How's the weather down there? and grandma? come visit soon. You know I'll always be there for you!

Vivian: Hey! Man even though I only talked to you for like three days, I know that you and I are gonna be friends forever! We got a long so well and you actually understood where I was coming from! Remember that we'll always stick together! You know where to find me!

Alana: Hey! You are such a good friend! I love doing all those Jewish things with you! Anyways, I just wanted to tell you how much it has meant to me that you are my FRIEND!

Johnny: Hey! What's up my little kung fu master? You are one cool dude! Thanks for all the stuff! We need to hang out more!

Nu: Hey!!!! I'm so glad that you go to GHS now! We can talk to each other! Man we've been through it all! I think you've been my best friend for the longest time. 8 years? or is it 7? I don't remember, but we've made it this far, I know that we can go farther. We WILL open that clothing line some day! AND we'll go to collage and live in the same apartment with Na!

Hoc: Hey buddy! You are going to be the hottest guy around in a month! (you're not the hottest yet because this guy goes there...) Anyways, you are one cool dude.

The Shaws & Claire: You guys are so cool. I'm glad that I met you! FUN TIMES! Remember bowling at the asian ghetto!?

Hi!: My asian gangsters, The Family...The Posse!, The Baker Girls! Grrr!, jackie!, rex, steve, chris, JON, thuy, mary, susan, kayla, jen, meg, austin, bely, elena, adam, ahhh...too many! I will write more later!