This prayers should be done in the morning, between dawn and noon.


"Hail Bright Maiden of quicksilver delight,
shine upon me.
Thy morning blessing, which,
like the new dawn, refreshes my Spirit and
lifts my heart with song.
Blessed Be."

Main Prayer

Among crocus and lily,
antimony and sky narcissus,
Your innocence unfolds like
day's beginning.
Your joyful spirit infects the sky
and blue and gold dazzle
the eye too long kept closed
against the night.
Your own Dark Night is left behind
and tomorrow is but a thought.
Spring quickens to Your call while
fireflies and stars bind Your hair
like jewels.


Equal day and equal night. Where in your life do you need more balance?

Daily Affirmation

In the Name of the Maiden: I will stop and think before I speak in anger today.

Closing Prayer

"Thanks to Thee Bright Maiden for Thy care,
for green laughter and fire-edged dew,
and for Thy blessing, a most precious jewel.
Blessed Be."