Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism

F O R   I M M E D I A T E   R E L E A S E
Strong magical realist work nominated
for prestigious Pushcart distinction

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BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA -- Tamara Kaye Sellman, editor of Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism, has announced her staff's nominations for this year's prestigious Pushcart Prize:

"The Language of Snails," an original novel excerpt by Marcia Douglas (published in Margin, Spring 2004)

"Before I Died," an original work of creative nonfiction by Melody Warnick (published in Margin, Spring 2002)

"What My Son Sees," an original prose poem by Carine Topal (published in Periphery, August 2004)

"Sculptor," an original prose poem by Marjorie Manwaring (published in Periphery, August 2004)

"Cecelia," an original short story by Laura Loomis (published in Margin, Autumn 2004)

"Ceremony," an original flash fiction by Sandra Maddux-Creech (published in Margin, Autumn 2004)

"Selections from both Margin and Periphery were of great quality this year," said Sellman. "We wish we could nominate more of our contributors!"

The Pushcart Prize is one of the largest literary awards available, distinguishing short stories, poems and essays published by America's small presses and magazines. Publishers Weekly named the Pushcart among the "most influential in the development of the American book business over the past century and a quarter."

For more information, contact The Editors, Margin

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