Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism

F I C T I O N   F E A T U R E
Contemporary Magical Realists
a u t h o r s,   a n a l y s i s   &   i n t e r v i e w s

Paola Corso Autumn 2005
p i t t s b u r g h,   p e n n s y l v a n i a
     This North American magical realist of Italian American heritage writes both poetry and prose to capture the memory, voice and vision of working-class communities. Includes article, three poems and an excerpt from the author's outstanding collection, Giovanna's 86 Circles

Daniel Olivas Autumn 2005
l o s   a n g e l e s,   c a l i f o r n i a
     The Chicano author of Devil Talk has no problem letting the old Aztec gods have their way. Includes an interview with the author and his classic magical realist short story, "After the Revolution"

Vedette Summer 2005
l o s   a n g e l e s,   c a l i f o r n i a
     The hispanophile author's mythic flamenco dancer, Vedette Gloriella, recounts the cautionary tale of Spanish civil war through her lyrics and leads a quest for a new government run by pure love.

Sara Paretsky Winter 2005
c h i c a g o ,   i l l i n o i s
     The famous author of VI Warshawski mysteries sets out to write the resurrection of the goddess Ishtar, and ends up capturing the voices of the homeless community.

M. Eliza Hamilton Abégúndé Summer 2004
c h i c a g o ,   i l l i n o i s
     Healer and writer Abégúndé reflects on why the term 'magical realism' helps her makes sense of her work recapturing cultural memory. Includes two chapters from her novel-in-progress, The Arian's Last Life.

Aimee Bender Winter 2003-2004
l o s   a n g e l e s ,   c a l i f o r n i a
     Grad students love the sexual tension and humor that are the cornerstones of Aimee Bender's contemporary magical realism. Includes a story from Bender's popular collection, The Girl in the Flammable Skirt. "The Rememberer".

Paulo da Costa Autumn 2003
b r i t i s h   c o l u m b i a
     Award-winning author Paulo da Costa talks about the pitfalls of literary categorization, the risks to diverse speech through American media consolidation and the familial foundations of storytelling. Includes a reprint of his story, "Birthing Stones".

Bruce Taylor March 2002
s e a t t l e ,   w a s h i n g t o n
     Fabulist Bruce Taylor introduces two of his classic marvelous tales from his collection, The Final Trick of Funnyman and other stories, with notes about the concepts that brought them into being.

Janice Eidus January 2002
n e w    y o r k ,   n e w   y o r k
     Thaddeus Rutkowski presents an interesting insight into the world of this busy urban magical realist ~ with an introduction by Margin's editor, Tamara Kaye Sellman

Mary Overton April 2001
b u r k e ,   v i r g i n i a
     The versatile short-story writer and author of the collection The Wine of Astonishment reveals some interesting perceptions about literary reality ~ interview and stories

Peter Damian Bellis July 2000
s t . p a u l ,   m i n n e s o t a
     Peter Damian Bellis is a new American voice described by Joyce Carol Oates as having a "most original and compelling style."

João de Melo & Gregory Rabassa Apr 2000
l i s b o n ,   p o r t u g a l   ~   n e w   y o r k   c i t y
     An excerpt from João de Melo's celebrated novel, O Meu Mundo não É deste Reino, in the author's native Portuguese, with an English translation, My World Is Not Of This Kingdom, by world-famous translator, Gregory Rabassa

Katherine Vaz Jan 2000
t h e   a z o r e s
     Winner of the 1997 Drue Heinz Literature Prize for her collection, Fado & Other Stories, and author of two acclaimed novels, Saudade and Mariana

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Rev'd 2006/03/01