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Updated 02-28-2002

Greetings one and all. I am a 38 year old
wife and mother of four. My hobbies/passions
include reading, writing, cooking, baking (but only
when I have ample space to do so), fishing, camping,
exploring, PC and Sony games,
Dungeons & Dragons and Magic The Gathering ,
singing, acting, listening to music, dancing etc etc...
*A little something for those who think D&D is bad:
Confessions of a Dungeons and Dragons Addict
Christian Gamers Guild

When I read it is almost always some form
of delightful junk food for the mind. No Proust
or Tolstoy, little Shakespear or Poe. I enjoy romance
of the bodice ripper variety, my favorite authors of this
genre are Johanna Lindsey and Elizabeth Lowell. My
favorite horror authors are Stephen King; the Master as
far as I'm concerned, Dean Koontz; an awfully close second,
Anne Rice and John Saul. A new find of whom I am
growing quite fond is Richard Layman. His
'Traveling Vampire Show' is delightfully chilling.
In my desperate search for something new to read
I have found many hours of enjoyment with offerings
from Tami Hoag and am
happily getting acquainted with Sharon Bowers.

I will read almost anything in a pinch and you
will most often find me with romance or horror.
If I could only find a really good skillfully written
horror, romance. No, the Vampire Chronicles of
Anne Rice do not make the cut because, in my opinion,
her vampires are either asexual or homosexual.
I thoroughly enjoyed Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty
chronicles and Maia by Richard Adams. Some may
find them scandalous but I am a fan of
well penned evocative erotica.

My writings consist of poetry (one I actually had
), childrens stories, horror, romance, articles
and erotica. You can see a sample of my poetry and that
of my incredibly talented husband if you follow the poetry
link at the bottom of this page. As for samples of my
erotica, it is quite 'descriptive' and 100% adult so
could not be represented here. I am working on
getting an adult site on which to post it.

I am a Rubinesque 5'4" with hip length sable hair
and root beer barrel brown eyes. For those who wish to know.
I can sometimes be found chatting on Paltalk, IRC or
Yahoo, although I have yet to find a room to call home.

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