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Upward Mobility

Oh, what would we ever do,
if lifes' struggles were few?
We might simply spend our days at ease,
or perhaps, create a masterpiece.

Would, but that we had more time,
to snub the ridiculous, embrace the sublime.
To build and support, to teach and employ,
instead of murder, belittle and destroy.

With whirlwind speed and greedy glare,
we hurl our curses to the air.
Climb over those who falter before us.
Sing litanies of the "I' and "me", chorus.

Throwing caution to the wind,
exploiting even our closest friends.
Courtesy, kindness and respect, discarded.
Can we stop what we have started?

Our young, who've fed at Mothers' breast
have not been nurtured on what's best.
Nourished by hatred, hopelessness and fear,
not the morality that Grandpa held dear.

So, take a deep breath and take time to reflect,
these creatures without a conscience or respect,
will one day run the world we've made.
It's time to be very, very afraid.

*published in Poetic Voices of America, June 1997