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Such Waste!
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Kathy Seven Williams - ALWAYS WRITE
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Aunt Donna Comes to Sequim
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Donna and Paul
Topic: Family

I never would have recognized Donna if she hadn't been with the boys. It's been over 30 years since I've seen her. What fun for the families to be able to get together for the afternoon!

Posted by wa2/do2be at 8:58 PM EDT
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Long Time No See
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Tom and John Lewicki
Topic: Family

Seems to me the last time I saw these guys was in 1973 when I was in Illinois on my way to New York City. Kind of fun to realize relative banter is genetic. We talked and teased and had a fine visit.

Posted by wa2/do2be at 8:38 PM EDT
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About Time

It's about time people realize life isn't fair. I don't know where that idea even came from. This morning New Orleans is under water. I woke up and phoned my son in Atlanta to wake him for work and drag him through his narcoleptic wakening to get on his way. My phone worked. His phone worked. He got up and got off to work and his car worked and his yard wasn't flooded or his stream overflowing its banks. Now by tonight when he comes home, these things could be different. But for now, he is well and his property safe, his dog dry and cozy in the dog run with the refuge of a nice dog house under a shelter should the rains coe, and all the trees still standing.

Here in Washington state and we didn't even make the weather report on the Weather Channel this morning because things are so calm here, all is peaceful and beautiful.If it rains here everyone will smile and be glad for the dormant lawns to green up again.

As I got up and going today I was aware of everything I was able to do. I flushed the toileet. I turned on the stove and boiled water forinstant coffee. I made phone calls, got my email via wireless connection on my Voicenote, fed the cat, and came to write email. It's a huge awakening to realize these simple morning tasks couldn't be done in New Orleans this morning. People were lucky to draw breath in the tops of their attics hoping to be rescued by others in little boats navigating a city under water. I rarely recognize the good deal it is to be able to flush the toilet in the morning. We have so much! We can lose so much! Not a bad thing to stop and appreciate the good and take into account the power of nature.

remote Posted by wa2/do2be at 1:27 AM EDT
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About Time
TT: Accessibility

I fine myself totally irritated and tired of waiting for accessibility to come about in some of the simplest of ways. It particularly makes me angry when retailers take backwards steps to make things more difficult rather than moving forward and making things better. Today's growls go to Safeway. In 2000 Safeway here in Port Angeles had perfectly accessible Credit/Debit card machines with buttons you could feel and push without assistance or difficulty. When they updated their computer system, they also downdated their equipment to mere touch screens which are totally unusable by those with low vision or who are totally blind. I have been working with our store for well over a year trying to get them to do something about this problem. Repeatedly they say something is in the works, but repeatedly nothing is done.

I must say they once came through with Braille templates which took real power of forethought to design with Braille being a touch language. Touching anything on this template triggers whatever is below it on the screen. Of course, the template comes nowhere near matching up to what is actually printed on the screen. I fear I found this more offensive than no effort at all.

Why is it that people must make things more difficult and create problems that they had the solution to once?

remote Posted by wa2/do2be at 1:27 AM EDT
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Monday, August 29, 2005

Mood:  irritated
Well, it's about time!
About time I get around to doing something with this blog.
About time accessibility gets around to being important.
About time I figure out what I'm going to do about any of this.
And about time to see if this posting even works.

Posted by wa2/do2be at 10:32 PM EDT
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Now Playing: Realto Beach, Olympic Peninsula, Washington State

Posted by wa2/do2be at 9:28 PM EDT
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