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After the Court of Appeals dismissed the major embarrassment of our previous lawsuit, amid charges of bribery, corruption, and unauthorized judicial re-assignment, the real issues at hand have yet to be resolved and still exist. We believe the people responsible for this are fully aware that we are unafraid and finally realize that the gambles they have taken to deter us have completely backfired. The experiment failed. The Huxley/Orwellian nightmare is over and coming to a close. They are learning the repercussions of forsaking America's most valuable resource: it's people. It's no wonder the market has taken the turns it has. It will continue to do so until the matter of truth is correctly addressed.

We will be in the forefront of this change, as we are the Founders of the Welfare Reform Act. This state agency finally will answer in order to avoid warranted civil unrest that can and will escalate if left unresolved.

We look forward to the fair hearing exercising it's meaning with justice and common sense. It has gotten to the point where this flagrant act of ignorance can no longer hide it's discriminatory position. We're cleaning the slate and providing the chalk. There'll be no erasing until the lesson is learned.


After having fired the attorney who botched our case 2 years ago (currently being sued by us), we are now are embarking upon the task of representing ourselves. Starting at the grassroots level again, (administrative "fair hearings"), we are finding the same attempts to enforce sub-standard protocol that we saw in the higher courts. We are referring to the old "switcheroo" game of re-assigning judges without appropriate paperwork. Having unauthorized officers occupying seats where they don't belong is unacceptable, but it seems to be one of the most beloved games of courtroom manipulation around. Straightening out the unethical "kinks" in a bureaucratic system riddled with buck passing favoritism may not be for everyone, but it's definitely a job for us. Stay tuned.


Our state's DSHS is running out of wiggle room in regards to addressing sanction abuse in the management of our case. Administering years of unnecessary sanctioning and failing to address our impediment to employment, (explained here) they have no excuses left to justify their action.


Our "fair hearing" was going along quite well until the ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) called the Fair Hearing Coordinator (Dept's Lawyer) ridiculous. Apparently he foresaw the loss at that point and, with due diligence, made an emergency call to someone he knew. At our next hearing with this same ALJ, her head was turned around and she was quite nervous. She began speaking outside her legal realm for the dept. and neglected to properly close the hearing, thereby disallowing us our opportunity to submit our final brief based upon our investigation of testimonies given under oath by our workers. However, being that this is the top layer of all of this, the best way to peel an onion is to start with the skin, and we're more than ready to make the incisions, by using the very knife with which we've been stabbed.

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