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The Founder of Welfare Reform

Recognition and awards are over-due as I stake my claim. Supplementation by working is modeled after an event in my life.. Welfare Reform was planned in Congress in 1996 as a result of information supplied by a Public Defense Lawyer, Ann Albright, who in 1994 facilitated my illegal incarceration in the state of Washington. She spoke of her work experience to her mother. I was coerced by P.D.L. Albright into a guilty plea for working 2 months digging ditches out of homelessness. A punitive charge of Welfare Fraud bearing a 10 year Felony Theft conviction, was my reward for loving my family. Seattle prosecutor Norm Maleng's office saw fit to destroy the future of my success and my family's economic security. Madeline Albright in turn addressed the issue to Congress, resulting in Welfare Reform and her chair as Secretary of State. I now demand justice, which for me means the undoing of this wrongful, unnecessary and uncalled for prosecution. I intend no longer to be ignored, my name: Mr. B : Founder of Welfare Reform, and co-founder of the W.R.A.P.