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The W.R.A.P Update Archive

Update: August 13th, 2003: Time In 40% Economic Sanction: 4 years, 2 months 3days . With our "fair hearing" now in question for it's correctness of procedure and the dept. looking very obvious as having rigged the judicial process against us, we intend to see this matter through to it's successful end. It's not every day that a person can say that an Administrative Law Judge has committed perjury, and actually be able to prove it! Stay tuned, don't touch that dial.

Update: Feb. 11th, 2003: Time In 40% Economic Sanction: 3 years, 8 months 7 days. Our resolve is stronger than ever. We intend to see this matter through to the very end, and, if the democratic principles that this nation purportedly upholds are still intact, then a family such as ours can, should, and will, prevail.

Update: Oct. 1st, 2002: Time In 40% Economic Sanction: 3 years, 4 months. The DSHS is now between a rock and a hard place: Having to provide a reason why they refused to work to resolve our legal problems and why they placed a married couple of 20 years into economic sanction to procrastinate the issue. Now back to square one (administrative hearings), we are performing "watchdog services" as we monitor unethical tactics in the management of our own "fair hearing".

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