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Updates Record

NOTE: These updates do not start from the time I built the homepage but from the 21st of November 1998.


YAY! I've finally finished Sky Sanctuary Zone both for the normal zone
I've always thought my Sky Sanctuary Zone was incomplete. Well, today I've relieved all my stress. I've added tips in beating Metal Sonic. I've also added more detail in beating the first two bosses for Sonic. I never knew that I had not erased the tips for bosses in the normal zone section. Well, I've done that too.


Sigh Sigh and yet another sigh .... this is the first update of the millenium. Such a wide gap since the previous update ... I just don't know what to do. Well ... i happened to come across a broken link and i've fixed it. It is the floating island link at my linx page. The new url is Hope my inspiration to update my webpage will return ... maybe i'll brush up the tips a litte.


The main page has a 'hot' button on Sonic 3&Knuckles now. The basic operations page
has a link added to the Chaos Emerald Chase page
where some of the moves have been modified. I now have a guestbook!!! Go sign it at the main page right at the bottom.


I corrected an error in the Sonic 3&Knuckles page.


I've added tips for bosses for Death Egg and eddited and added another move for basic operations.


I've added tips for bosses for Death Egg zone and edited tips for launch base zone!


I've changed the 6th note.


I changed the last note and added another.


I added two new tips for bosses---- Larva Reef and Sky Sanctuary while I edited the Sky Sanctuary normal zone folder. Also another note in the front page.


I added a new folder : 'Sonic pictures/animated pictures/pictures of enemies with a new animated picture in that folder.


I added a new folder and an animated picture in both the front page and the new folder. The new folder is: 'Sonic pictures/animated pictures/pictures with two or more characters in it'.


One note and heavy construction on the front! I had placed a front page before the main page for all the banners! I also put a banner for linking my page. 30-12-98

I added the tip for the boss of Sandpolis in the Sonic 3&Knuckles folder.


I added the tip for the boss of Flying Battery zone in the Sonic 3&Knuckles folder.


I added a new download into my homepage and cancelled a note.

3-12-98 (last update till 21st December!)

I canceled the site tracker banner and the todays hits counter as I found my page getting too slow! (Well, perhaps on my browser maybe)


I added the tips for the boss of Mushroom Hill Zone at Sonic 3&Knuckles folder.


I added two notes to my site.


I added another link to my site.


I put a new 'todays hits' counter and a site tracker banner at the bottom of the page. I also added the 'awards this site has won!' page. I also added an award I won! YES!!!!


I put the 'Tails Morphing' animated gif file in my front page and at the pictures/animated pictures page.


I put the 'Sonic Morphing and Knuckles Morphing' animated gif files on my homepage at the main page and at the pictures/animated pictures page. I also added two notes and removed all 'update' signs. I then put up this 'updates record' page. Finally, I put the animated logo on my main page.

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