December 2020 Litter
All pups have gone to their homes!
Keats x Poppy
9 puppies born 12/8/2020.
2 red tri girls
1 red merle girl
1 red merle boy
1 black tri girl (mismark)
2 black tri boys
2 blue merle boys (1 with large dilute patches, 1 mismark)

Dad ~ "Keats" ASCA CH, Int. CH HiFi's Poetry in Motion, AKC BN, RN, TKN, TKI, DNA-VP
(RBIS, MBISS, Silver GCH, ASCA, CKC HOF CH Blue Isle’s Bourree X RTCH HiFi’s Feather Can Fly, ODX, GV-E, RV-E, JV-E, RTX, AX, AXJ, XF, CDX, RE)

Mom ~ "Poppy" ASCA CH Camas Creek's In Full Bloom RN, BN, TKI, DNA-VP
(AKC GRCH ASCA HOF CH Goldcrest's Lets Go Surfin Now, NA, NAJ, NF, RS-N, JS-O, GS-N, DNA-VP x IntCh Gatorheaven's Water Lily of Camas Creek, AKC RN, CD, TKA, ASCA JS-N, GS-N, DNA-VP)
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Health Clearances:
DOB: 8/2/15
Height: 20"
Weight: 52 lbs.
Full Dentition/Scissors Bite
OFA - Hips: Good, Elbows: Normal
Eyes: Normal/no Notations
MDR-1: M/N
Some of Keats' Accomplishments:
Completed ASCA Championship
BOS win from the classes
Has BN and RN, plus Trick Titles
International Championship
See more pictures of Keats on his page!
Health Clearances:
DOB: 6/2/2017
Height: 20"
Weight: 48 Lbs.
Dentition: Missing 2 lower P3, Scissors Bite
OFA - Hips: Good, Elbows: Normal
Eyes: Cleared Yearly
MDR-1: N/N
Other Clearances, all N/N: CEA, PRA, D Locus (non-dilute), PHA Neg.
Some of Poppy's Accomplishments:
Finished ASCA Championship with three 5 Point Majors
2018 ASCA National and Pre-Show Placements
AKC Pointed
See more pictures of Poppy on her page!

Proud Poppy!

Pretty babies!
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Susan E. Roberts LVT
Pullman, Washington
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All pictures and content copyright © by Susan Ernstrom Roberts and others as given credit. Please ask permission before using.
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