Glen Ey Australian Shepherds ~ Web Design

Glen Ey Aussies

Web Design

As I have played with my own web sites, I have been asked by others to create web sites for them. I have enjoyed this immensely! If you are interested in checking out some of the sites I have created and maintain, check the links below.

Please feel free to contact me if you think you would like me to create a site for you! Please send an email so I can work with you to help you design a site, and get you a quote! If you'd like me to maintain your site for you as well, there is also monthly fee for that - the actual cost depends on the amount of upkeep you will need for your pages. I hope to be able to design a site for you!

Some of the Sites I have created:

Our Web Sites

Family Home Page
Glen Ey Aussies
Everyday Obedience
Diana's Buttons

Email me!

This site designed and maintained by Glen Ey Aussies Web Design
All pictures and content copyright © 2000-2012 by Diana Hefti and others as given credit. Please ask permission before using.