Glen Ey Aussies - Topgun's There Can Be Only One, RE, HIC

Glen Ey Aussies

Topgun's There Can Be Only One, RE, HIC (pointed) - Duncan
~ 4/2/96 to 4/3/08 ~

We are so sad to have just lost this lovely boy to hemangiosarcoma. We will miss him SO much. It is too quiet here now. Good-bye my Duncan Dog.

This is Duncan! He is my much longed for Red Aussie. Good things come to those who wait. And I got this gorgeous red tri from Jeany Llapitan and her Topgun Kennels. He is out of Ch. Guardian Pilot of the Wind, CD, OTDds, STDc (Pilot) x Four Storey's Gunning Red Hot (Cassie). See his full pedigree and family pictures. Duncan was whelped April 2, 1996. He is a full brother to Jeany's lovely Tonka - ASCA/AKC/CKC Ch. Topgun's Hunk a Hunk Burnin Love. I had long admired Tonka, and when Jeany repeated the breeding (FINALLY!), I was waiting to pick out my boy. Cassie and Pilot were nice to me, and gave me several reds to choose from. Thank-you Jeany for my wonderful boy. He is sweet and wonderful, and we love him to pieces!

Rally Dog!

At long last we found the dog sport Duncan enjoys! Duncan likes Rally Obedience! Regular obedience was boring for him, but in Rally-O, mom can talk the whole time, and that's something he likes - a lot! His first trial was in Bremerton on March 25 & 26, 2006 where he scored a 96 both days for his first two legs. (He was tied for 4th place on Sun., but lost out by .07 seconds, to finish in 5th out of about 30 dogs!) His Rally Novice (RN title) was earned at the Mt. Baker KC trial in Lynden on May 21, 2006 with a score of 98 under judge Judi James. (See the great picture from his RN title on the main Glen Ey page!)

June 10, 2006. Duncan shows for the first time in Rally Advanced, and earns his first leg with a score of 92! Aug. 19, 2006 Duncan earned his second RA leg today with a score of 93, and a 3rd Place! Aug. 20, 2006 Duncan earns his last leg for his RA title! Yipee! (Right) Our picture celebrating Duncan's RA under judge Pat Knepley. Photo by Callea.

(Below) Duncan heeling in his first Rally Advanced performance. Photo by Paragon Photos.

What a face!

(Left) How could ANYONE refuse this puppy face? What a sweetheart! Duncan is about 3 weeks old here!

I am a fan of the Highlander TV series, so this handsome boy is named after the main character - Duncan McCleod, played by the equally handsome Adrian Paul. The Highlander motto is There Can Be Only One. Ring any bells?

(Below) One of the lovely pictures taken by Lori Charron. This is my favorite. Duncan is almost 12 years old in this one.


Here is Duncan taking his first AKC point! He is shown by Jennifer Petlig, one of his great friends! Jennifer shows in Juniors, 4-H, obedience and conformation. She has started taking Duncan with her to shows when I can't go. She did a lovely job showing him (and grooming him!), and had the honor of putting his first point on at the Hurricane Ridge Show on July 29, 2001, under judge Kenneth Buxton. He went RWD the day before, too! Thanks also to Jennifer Gerber for helping Jennifer P. when she had conflicts.

At the Collie Club Fun Match on Dec. 2, 2001, Duncan took BOB and Herding Group 2!

Below, Duncan is showing winning the Veterans class on 7/4/04, under Breeder judge Claire Gustafson (photo by Scott Gustafson).

Duncan Herding!

On Sat. Aug. 11, 2001, Duncan went to Ewe-topia for his herding instinct test. He passed with flying colors! The tester said he had lots of natural instinct, and that he did really well, especially for a 5 year old, intact male who hasn't done this before! He encouraged us to continue herding. Duncan had a blast, AND his first title!!! HIC (Herding Instinct Certified) He has since gone herding at Ewe-topia two more times, and requalified for his HIC each time.
Duncan and Andrew at the 1999 ASCA Nationals

We had a wonderful time at the 1999 Nationals! Both boys were silly, and refused to sit in their individual obedience classes. But they managed to redeem themselves by placing 1st in BRACE! We camped out in the van for the week of Nationals, and really had fun. (It was at this Nationals that I saw Yogi in person, and decided I wanted a pup from him - who turned out to be our Merlin.)

Below, Duncan is relaxing at home.

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