Washington State Button Society

Washington State Button Society

Seattle One

Seattle One meets the 3rd Saturday of the month, except on months that WSBS holds their meetings. We meet at different member's homes throughout the Seattle area.
  • President: Mary Ann Stach
  • Secretary: Marge Spieldenner
  • Treasurer: Polly Kirlin

For more information, or directions to an upcoming meeting, please email
Dale or Betty Parkhurst.

Below is our schedule of events for 2011. We hope you will join us for some of our activities!

January 15, 2011

WSBS Quarterly Meeting - no Seattle One meeting this month.

February 19, 2011

@ Beth's

March 19, 2011

@ Marge's

April 16, 2011

WSBS Quarterly Meeting - No Seattle One meeting this month.

May 21, 2011

Black Glass
@ Helen's

June 18, 2011

What determines the price of Buttons
@ Barb J's

July 16, 2011

WSBS Quarterly meeting - no Seattle One meeting this month.

August 20, 2011

@ Betsy's

September 15-17, 2011

WSBS State Show - no Seattle One meeting this month.

October 15 or 22, 2011
4th Saturday

Awards from the Show
@ Mary Ann's

November 19, 2011

@ Marge's

December 3, 2011
1st Saturday

Our Annual Christmas Party.
Held at Dale and Betty's


Show Information

Local Club Information

All content of this site is © 2005-2011 by the Washington State Button Society, and others as given credit. Please ask permission before using.

Site created and maintained by Glen Ey Aussies Design