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Sonic X-Treme (Canceled)

Sonic X-Treme Sonic X-Treme (Canceled) 1996
Genre: 3D - Action - Platformer
Game System: Sega Satum (Canceled)
Developer: Sega Technical Institute (STI)
Story: Professor Gazebo Boobowski and his daughter, Tiara, are the keepers of the six magical Rings of Order, as well as the ancient art of Ring smithing. Gazebo and Tiara have become scared that Dr. Robotnik is after the Six Rings of Order, and call on Sonic to get the Rings before the Eggman can. Robotnik has already made one previous attempt at stealing the Rings, and Sonic is the only one who can knock this crazy idea out of his head.

Crystal Frost Zone
Red Sands Zone
Jade Gully Zone
Galaxy Fortress Zone
The reason of the cancellation: Basicly Sega wasn't feeling all up to finishing it, the game was taking too long to finish, and the game was rather buggie/gitchie. Sega had other ideas going on and instead of going through with finishing the game, they decided to dumped and canceled Sonic X-Treme game.
FAQs: For more detaled info on this canceled game, here are some links!

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