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get this gear!


Presently Yoda is in the lead with 10 votes.

Ackbar 0
Antilles 3
Bibble 0
Binks 0
C-3PO 0
Calrissian 0
Chewbacca 1
Crumb 0
Darklighter 0
Dooku 0
Fett, B. 2
Fett, J. 0
Fortuna 0
Greedo 0
Gunray 0
Hutt 0
Jettster 0
Jinn 0
Kenobi 3
Lars, B. 0
Lars, C. 0
Lars, O. 0
Maul 0
Mothma 0
Motti 0
Naberrie 2
Olie 0
Organa, B. 0
Organa, L. 4
Ozzel 0
Palpatine 0
Panaka 0
Piett 2
R2-D2 4
Sebulba 0
Skywalker, L. 0
Skywalker, S. 0
Solo 3
Tagge 0
Tarkin 0
Vader 1
Warrick 0
Watto 0
Windu 0
Yoda 10
