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.:Guarding Paradise Was Never This Much Fun:.

.:Rule & Regulations:.

Below is a list of Rules, & Regulations on the Team

*STAT REQUIREMENTS: AP: 130+, DP: 130+, HP: 170+, XP: 1k+
*You MUST fill out the join form in order to join.
*You MUST keep your experience above 1k
*After join a player has to stay apart of this team for at least 1 week. Consiquences will be heald if this rule is not abided by.
*Recruitment will be hed by Oficials only (Captains) unless told otherwise.

Below is a list of ranks in the Guardians Of Paradise

Captain (leader of the squad)
Master At Arm (2nd in command)
Soldier (Fighter in the team)

Below is a list of awards. All awards are listed next to the players A-Names (ex: Miyamoto /*\, -@-, /^\.), also award may be added dependin on the times of the game.

Leadership Award /*\
Given to the Captain and Co-Captain

Supreme acheivement -$@-
Given to a player with 40k xp or over

Outstanding Acheivement -0@-
given to a player with 9k-39k xp

Regual Acheivement -@-
Given to a player with 4k-8k xp

GoP Recognition /^\
Given to all members of GoP

Visit the Starsiege Outpost.

All content © 2003 Guardians of Paradise.