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Lesson 34: Creating a Magickal Home
Part Two

Writen by Isa Moon

In my small library I found only a couple of books with spells specifically for home. Scott Cunningham's Earth, Air, Fire, & Water and Pauline Campalelli's Rites of Passage had the most and best spells. There are books written specifically for a magickal home such as Janet Thompson's Magical Hearth. So there are books out there if you want more information.

For Protection:

Colors: red & white
Herbs: basil, bay, black pepper, dill, juniper, pine, sage
Stones: carnelian, quartz crystal, garnet, lava, salt

Spells for Protection:

(From Cunningham)

Sand Trap
Items Needed: glass jar, two different colors of sand, a spoon (to measure), two bowls (to store)

Fill the jar half way up with one type of sand (Sand #1), empty into a bowl and repeat with the second type of sand (Sand #2). Charge each sand individually running your fingers through it visualizing it crackling with protective energy. When charged, take one spoon full of sand #1 and pour it into the jar saying:
Trap of sand,
Trap the ill.
Trap the bane,
And evil will.

Repeat with sand #2 and continue back and forth until jar is full. Place in plants outside, bury it in the earth, place in potted plant, or set on windowsill.

Protective Chimes
Items Needed: wind chimes

Place chimes on a flat surface. Wave projective hand over them while saying:
Wind chimes;
Spell rhymes;
Spell chimes;
Wind rhymes.
Air primes
Spell chimes;
Nine times nine.

Hold the chimes in front of your face and blow on them imagining their sound driving away negativity and unwanted guests. For best results repeat every nine days.

The Stone Jar
Place the bowl/pot in front of you. Take a stone and visualize it full of protective energies saying:
Stone from the mountain,
Stone from the well;
Stone from the desert,
Charge my spell.

Place the stone into the pot saying:
Into the pot
I place this stone
To guard my hearth, my house, my home.

Do this for each stone. When the jar is full place it in somewhere in your home uncovered and say:
Pot of stones,
Guard this place;
Send all ill far apace!
Send it back
`neath the ground;
Bury it;
It is bound!

To Keep Ill From Property
Items Needed: four small lodestones, a pot & soil (pot & soil for apartment dwellers only)

Hold the stones in you hand. Starting at the front door, move clockwise around the home through each room saying:
Potent stone that draws at will,
Take away the bane and ill.

Continue until you have made a complete circuit. Bury the stones in the front yard or in the pot, place the pot on the front step. The lodestones should continue to draw the negative energy out of the house. Make sure that the pot stays outside you do not want the negativity drawn in.

Other Spells for Your Home

To Bring Fortune Into Your Home
Items Needed: horseshoe magnet

Hold the magnet in your projective hand and visualize it drawing positive energies to your home. When charged hang above your door. (Cunningham)

To Rid Your House of an Unwanted Guest
Items Needed: yarrow stem, small piece of paper, pen or pencil

On the paper write your intention making sure that there is no malice!! Something like: "May unwanted guests feel the need to leave," should be okay but you may want to think of your own. Wrap the paper around the yarrow stem and place near the exit to your home and guests will wish to leave. (Thompson)

To Bring Peace to Your Home
(Otherwise entitled "Cure for the Battling Roomies")
Items Needed: jasmine incense
Scent all areas of your home, including corners. Bury a stick of incense at each corner of your home to protect and bring peace. (Thompson)