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Lesson 13: Fire

Writen by Isa Moon


Direction: South
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Colors: Red, Gold, Crimson, Orange, White
Magickal Symbols: Dagger, Censer, Lamp or Candles, Burned herbs or requests on paper, Knife
What it’s used for: Energy, spirit, heat, flame, blood, sap, life, will, healing anddestroying, purification, bonfires, hearth fires, candle flames, sun, eruptions, explosions,freedom, change, sight, perception, vision, illumination, learning, love, passions,sexuality, authority, destruction, change, will, creativity, loyalty, force, transformation,protection, courage, strength, high self, success, refinement, the arts, evolutions, faith,physical exercise, body awareness, work nurturance, vitality, self-knowledge, power
How it’s used: Burning, Fuming or smoldering of an image, herb or otherobject, Candles or small blazes
Attunment: watch the flame of a candle or fire How does the fire feel? How does it make you feel? Meditate while remaining close to the fire.