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Lesson 1: Grounding, Centering, and Cleansing

Writen by Tempest Owlsbard

This is very simple. I do it by a visualization of my feet as roots that push deep into the ground. Through these roots feel the energy of the earth and its strength, how it supports you and makes you strong. Your roots should go really go deep. After a while you can do this by just directing your thoughts and energy down into the earth but the visualization helps to get started. You can do this exercise any where whether you are in contact with the earth or not.
This literally grounds you, as we all know if lightning hits your house you want to have a place for it to go where it won't do harm. Drawing on power can make you antsy and aggitated but if you are grounded you will be fine.(there are stronger ones for after ritual but this one will work fine if you visualise the excess energy flowing into the earth) Also if you don't have the earths energy behind you when you do magick you can be drained of your energy and become sick or tired after working. This is also a safe practise for every day because it balances your emotions and energys. We rarely think about how people and things drain us of our energy if properly grouned all will be fine.

Find a place in your navel where you feel like it is your center of being. Some use the chakra of their heart because it is the middle chakra but I like to use the navel ones because they hold energy well and gives a sence of peace; every one is different. Practise centering into different places in the trunk of your body. First imagine that you have a feild of energy around you. Let it pull into a your navel. That is it. A tip though is that the energy feild or aura is out side your body about a foot and it is part of your energy.
To bring peace to your system and give you a place to draw your energy from some times. Both grouning your energy and centering it are used before any spell or ritual.
Notes: These should both Be a dayly practise. they balance you and make sure you can "deal" with the day.

And another thing about practice, when I say that I am a witch I say that I am a practicing witch. This means that I am always learning and teaching my self. Being a witch is a constant practice we are always looking for ways to bring peace and love into the enviroment. Our space is our sacred job given by the goddess do what you can to clean it up and make it better. If every person did this the world would be not only better but less hectic. I like the thought that cleaning is a ritual.

Tempest's Cleaning ritual:
First, ground and center. Mentaly ask the cleaning goddess to help you clean your space. Feel the energy around you, just be aware of how cluttered and messy your space is. How does it feel to you? What colors come to mind? Does it feel like every thing is to close together? Now clean up. Pick up every thing even the really icky pizza slice from last month, wash things and vacume, even dust, clean the desk, don't sweep it under the rug or through it into the closet. After a while it piles up. It also tells your subcouncios to hide things in your "closet" until your mind explodes. Now that it is clean. How does it feel? What colors come to mind? Maybe you got a symbol in your head? Or hear the things you didn't hear before? Does it feel good to look at every thing clean and say "gee I done good!!"? If it does why don't you do it more often. I sugest doing this before doing papers and any project even cooking dinner. Ground and center.

I would like you to keep a journal put this exercise into your journal. Write the answers to the questions in it these will be usful later.