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Why an update page? Well, I figure that I might need one sooner or later, even though there won't be a lot of updates for a while (Damn teachers and their damn homework). Besides, some things are constantly being updated (like my fanfic) Anyway, on to the updates and news

Updates start from:
January, 2000- This page is now open!

December 21, 2000- Four more days till Christmas!

  • Two new poems by Cyber Poet in Kayla's Poetry Section.
  • One new story by Ptah in Kayla's Fanfiction Section
  • Two new pictures in Kayla's Gallery, second page.
  • Resurrection is Cut. The story now ends at Part 7. Various alterations have also been made throughout the story, because some flashbacks were from a previous story that I changed a lot.

    December 17, 2000- Thank God, my guestbook works again. SIGN!!

    December 16, 2000- New webring image on the main page, plus a little Season's greetings =)

    November 28, 2000- Man, have I let this place atrophy! The site ain't dead, I just haven't had the time...that, and my scanner broke down, so no more pics for a while :(
    Some news- Singapore is now airing Cybersix. For some unfathomable reasons, the webmaster of the only TV station that airs it mistook Kayla's profile for one of Cybersix, and used it to write their description of her!

    She was killed at the age of nine along with the rest of the cybers, by mad scientist Dr. Von Reichter. Her body was rescued and stolen by Marryn, Von Reichter's old lab partner when they served together during World War II, before it could be melted down to produce sustenance. She was then resurrected through Marryn's genetic engineering. She was named "Kayla" and lived as Marryn's "granddaughter," until Von Reichter had the old woman killed because she knew too much.
    Man, did that piss me off so much. Fortunately, after I emailed the webmaster, they took the time to change it, although I had to email them again, because the description still read "Name: Kayla Diedrich". The site is here and the information has been changed since then.
  • Minor change and new cameo in Part One of Resurrection. That is all.

    October 15, 2000- Sorry for lack of updates again :(

  • New midi in the Stuff section by Jon Burke and Lothan.
  • New Kayla story! Yay! By Bethany in Kayla's fanfic section. You guys really like her!
  • Four new pics of Kayla in her gallery.html: one chibi, two done with pen, and one done in colored pencils.
  • New poem in Kayla's Short Stories.

    September 24, 2000- It must be Kayla appreciation day! :D All updates are fan work for Kayla by people like YOU! (*sniff* Thank you. Thank you.)

  • Three new Kayla art in Kayla's fan art.
  • A new poem by Cyber Poet in Kayla's poetry section.
  • A new fanfic by SyberKat in Kayla's fanfics.

    September 13, 2000- School sucks, school sucks, la la la!

  • NEW! The Teletoon commercial mp3 (just sound) is now available for downloading in my Stuff section.
  • A link to the Teletoon commercial Quicktime movie is now available in my Stuff section.
  • Added a little line on my front page that says "Established January 2000". I forgot when exactly I put up my page, but I know it was in January. Little fact of the day.

    September 2, 2000- Sorry about the lack of updates. I was lazy. *hangs head*

  • Evil Fox! If you don't know already, Fox has butchered Cybersix and badly cut it, not just for censorship, but apparently just to fit in more commercials! Grr!
  • As you can see, I took off the annoying pop-ups off both the front page and Kayla's page and enabled right-clicking again for the front page. I don't know why I disabled it on the front page. Nothing there belongs to me. Sorry :(
  • Added a TON of Kayla art(!!) to Kayla's Art section, one by Maxime Gagnon, two by Cybersix Fan and replaced four by SyberKat.

    August 18, 2000-

  • Cybersix is premiering on Fox on Saturday, August 19 at 8:30 am! That's tomorrow! Go watch it, the whole lot of you! Shoo!
    I don't have Fox either :(
  • As we wait for the American viewers to start coming in, I did some summer cleaning. Fixed up the wording in the explanation of Cybersix a little, it's been bugging me for a while.
  • Fixed some stuff up in The Stranger.
  • Added new drawings to Fan Art, one by Carp's Tail and two by me; also added lots to Kayla's Pictures. The new additions are spread evenly through the first page and second, so you may have to scroll for them.
  • Put up my new story, Ninja's Honor in Kayla's Short Stories section. It's a Batman: The Animated Series/Cybersix/Batman Beyond/Kayla crossover. Batman Beyond rocks (I can hear the cries of "Betrayer!" and "Heathen" now...)

    August 13, 2000-

  • Added three new characters to the Fan Character Database, making a total of TWENTY-ONE! characters (which ties with C6FAN's Cybersix fan character database!): Genesis Seidelman, Midnight Five, and Sephzer.
    (I assure you this isn't normal of me; the fan character page rarely gets updated, usually once every three months.)
  • Added banners to the Cybersix Message Board that is run by Carp's Tail to the main page and Links.

    August 2, 2000- Okay, my computer got infected by a virus; one that shut down my computer every time I turned it on. Fortunately it didn't last very long, so no harm done. I am not accepting new art for a while, because I'm a little more wary about opening attachments. Sorry about that. Hope it's temporary.

    July 9, 2000- Any form of work in the summer sucks.

  • I've got bad news and more bad news. Which would you like to hear first?
  • On June 23, 2000, Telecom wrote this to us Cybersix fans:
    "This is the producer of Cybersix. I've had the chance to read the interview with Carlos Meglia. I know that all the Cyber-fans will be disappointed to read this, but I would like to straighten things out before this wrong information goes further.
    I believe that what Carlos had said in that interview must have included some of his hope when he had said that another 13 new episodes will be made. I very much regret to say that we do not have any definite plan for the creation of another 13 episodes. "
    Waaaah! There is no new season planned! :(
  • Telecom's being a pain in the butt, aren't they? They're also closing the official board, home to Cybersix fans everywhere. Their "official reason" is that the board has fulfilled it's initial purposes. But there was a lot of flaming going on, especially concerning a certain immature idiot, and I'm not surprised they shut it down.
  • I've added messages everywhere that it's okay to take pictures from the Cybersix gallery. While it is ideal that you should indicate that they are property of Telecom, they are free for use, because they're not mine. They were already free for use before. Happy?

    July 3, 2000- As you can see, I've been updating a lot. That's because starting tomorrow, I'll be gone most of July.

  • *sighs* Sorry everyone, I HATE to do this, but there's been a lot of stealing going on lately. Carp's Tail showed me how to put javascripts to prevent right-clicking. I put the javascript on a lot of the pages, mostly those with fan art. The Cybersix Telecom pics in the gallery are still free to use (That's not saying, free game to go take them and pretend you drew them, though!)

    June 23, 2000-

  • I got a nifty certificate thingy saying I won first prize in the C6FAN art contest! Click here
  • I GOT INTO ELFWOOD! I GOT INTO ELFWOOD! Please Visit my Gallery and PLEASE sign the guestbook! I have no one!
