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Katie's Stories

To begin reading, click on one of the story buttons below. Unlikely Romance, Under Developed, Over Exposed, and Secrets of Survival are all completed. Higher Learning is just beginning. For a preview of what's in each story, simply scroll down.

Unlikely Romance: Elle Bradley, a 19-year-old PR director for Jive Records, get's the chance of a lifetime when she is chosen to interview the Backstreet Boys. Only thing is, she and Nick Carter grew up together and Elle hasn't heard from Nick ever since he became famous.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was my first attempt at Fan Fiction and looking back after more than a year of working on it, I realize how much my writing style has changed. If this is your first visit to this site, I would suggest that you start with Secrets of Survival because I feel that it's the best finished story on this page.

Under Developed, Over Exposed: After an extreme tour, the Backstreet Boys are finally home and ready for rest and relaxation until their begin recording their next album. However, Nick Carter has other plans: to test his acting skills in Dimention Films' newest romantic drama Sometimes Love Stumbles.

Secrets of Survival: For tour-dancer Mackenzie Roberts, everything is going wonderful. She and Nick Carter have been dating strong for two and a half years and dancing on tour with him is becoming almost as natural as breathing. Then one visit to the doctor changes it all.

Higher Learning: Things have never gone exactly as planned for 20-year-old Devyn McPherson, and things don't get much better when she literally runs into Nick Carter the second semester of her freshman year in college at Columbia University. After an entire day of fighting, it is discovered that the two of them will be forced to live with each other for 30 days. Will they survive?

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