

Sword and Stake

BtVS/AtS/Highlander Fanfic

~Fan Fiction by spikeNdru~


                                                                                                                      My LiveJournal:  Ramblings and Reflections




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General and Ensemble Fic Homepage

This page has links to fic with no pairings, ensemble fic, historical fic, and fic in which the story may include pairings but said pairings are not the raison d'etre of the fic.



Out of Africa


BtVS Post-Series (PG-13)  WIP

After two full years in Africa, Xander feels there is something missing in his life. He's drawn to LA for some reason - maybe he'll find some answers there. Now, if he could just figure out what the questions are . . .





What's Love Got to do With It?


Pre-Series through AtS Season 3 (G)

Darla character study.  Historical to present.





Snakes on a Plane


BtVS Season 3 Wishverse  (PG-13)  Completed

Story takes place in the Wishverse.  

Ever since I saw The Wish, I wondered what circumstances in the Wishverse made that Buffy so different from the Buffy we knew.  The question was tabled, however, until I saw the sign-ups for the Snakes on a Plane Challenge.  The idea to use Wishverse!Buffy worked better with the plot ideas I had, so I finally got to explore my thoughts on what life circumstances made Wishverse!Buffy the character we saw on screen in The Wish.  This is the result.



It's Only Forever - Not Long At All

BtVS/Labyrinth Crossover (PG) 

BtVS Post-Season 5.  The story takes place approximately one week after The Gift.  Written for the Choose Your

Author Ficathon.  After losing both Joyce and Buffy, Dawn is searching for somewhere to belong, and she thinks she may have found it with Jareth in the Labyrinth.  When she disappears, Xander and Giles go looking for her.  They must work together to find her, and bring her home.




The Sunnydale Tragedy


BtVS: Post Series  (PG)

Written for the "All the World's a Stage" Elizabethan theatre quotes Challenge.  The story takes place three years after Chosen.  Genfic.  Buffy isn't happy and needs to make some changes in her life.  Maybe Dawn can help.





In Search of Spike                Nominated Best Humor


BtVS: Post Series (PG)

Lydia Chalmers survived the destruction of Council Headquarters. She wants to get on with her life, but she needs a purpose.  Gen-Fic, no pairing.





The Amahrryn Incident


AU Crossover with StarTrek: TOS (PG-13)

Written for Scoobies in Space.  An action/adventure story in which certain Jossverse characters are tweaked to fit into Gene Roddenberry's universe.


                                                                   Winner:  Best Fluff and Quickie Fic

Felt or Fur: The Cautionary Tale of Puppet Angel 

AtS: Season 5  (PG-13)

Angel's a puppet . . . and now he's also pregnant!  Wackiness ensues.  Written for Dovil's Mpreg Ficathon.



Cat on a Cool Slate Roof      

Pre-series, London 1970  (PG-13)

Spike meets a budding mage, with unexpected results.




Going Roman


AtS, Post-Series (PG)

Written for the Harmony Kendall Ficathon.  The request was for the characters of Harmony and Andrew and the story was to be based on the following line of dialogue: “Because we're totally bonding! We're like gal pals! This is awesome! You can teach me about life, and I can teach you how to dress better.”


Xander and Anya's Excellent Adventure (in the Labyrinth)

BtVS S6, prior to Hell's Bells.  Crossover with the 1986 film, The Labyrinth. (PG-13)

Xander makes a wish that has unforeseen consequences.  Anya and an ally must rescue him before he becomes a goblin forever.  Contains some innuendo and light M/M slash.



The Life and Times of William, the Not-So-Bloody  Winner Best Historical

Historical Fic: London 1876 (G)

Written for the William Ficathon.  Sadbhyl had requested an historical fic with no actual pairings; including the 1876 Centennial World’s Exposition, a Difference engine and ice cream. There were to be no time-travelers, but a special guest does manage to appear without the use of time travel.



She Works Hard for the Money

AtS Seasons 2-4 (PG-13)

Have you ever wondered how Harmony came to work for Wolfram & Hart?  Here is one possible answer.




Roman Holiday

Historical Fic: Rome 1954 (R)

Written as part of the Spike/Dru Ficathon.  Andrew and Tucker Wells' grandfather wins a trip to Rome and

meets Spike and Dru and Miss Edith. 



Halloween Gifts   

BtVS Season 2 (PG-13)

Written as part of the Spike/Dru Ficathon.  It's Halloween, the day the undead stay in; but Spike and Drusilla

have made the holiday their own--sort of Christmas for vampires.




             Food Fit for a God 


                    AtS Season 5, Post-Not Fade Away (PG)

                The story takes place one year after the events in Not Fade Away. 

                Angel, Illyria and Gunn have survived the battle.  What happens now?

                Written for the Trapped Challenge.




                Welcome to the Caribbean, Luv

                A Fanged Four/Pirates Crossover

                Pre-Series, AU  PG-13, unless otherwise indicated

                Pre-series, definitely Altered Reality/AU, in fact the Fanged Four somehow ended up in the late 1700's for purposes of this story,

                long before Drusilla and William were actually sired.  The Bermuda Triangle, perhaps?  Spike is in the beginning of the process of

                developing the "Spike" persona and there is still a lot of "William" evident in the character. This story takes place sometime after the

                conclusion of the movie, "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl".



Spike's Date


BtVS/Highlander Crossover

BtVS Season 5, post-Crush (PG-13)

Spike blew it with Buffy and Dru and Harmony . . . so he decides to look elsewhere for companionship.





A New Dawn


BtVS/AtS Crossover

post-Chosen, post-Home (PG)

Sunnydale is a giant crater, the Scooby gang is scattered, Dawn goes to L.A. to live with Hank.

Dawn and Connor as you've never seen them before---No whining! No pouting! No angst!





The Dream 


AtS/BtVS Crossover (PG-13)

Story begins at the conclusion of A New Dawn

Warning: Contains some spoilers for AtS S5, Character death.

Connor is having a recurring mystical dream.  He tells Dawn, she calls Giles, who contacts Wesley . . . each has a piece of the puzzle, but it doesn't come together until everyone gets involved.





If Love is the Answer, What's the Question? 


AtS Season 5, post-Home (PG-13)

I couldn't just leave Cordy in that coma . . . so she teams up with Spike (and Lilah) to save the day. My Altered Reality version of Season 5.





Christmas Wishes From the Summers


BtVS Seasons 1-5 (PG)

The ubiquitous "Christmas Letter" . . . Summers Style





Finding Joyce


BtVS Season 7 (PG)

I stayed with canon for the outward events.

This is a look inward at Buffy's thoughts and emotions.  Buffy finds herself by re-connecting with her mother in an unusual way.





What If?


BtVS  Season 5 (PG-13)

If you change one thing, everything changes . . .   My Altered Reality version of Season 5.







BtVS Altered Reality During Chosen (PG-13, "Faith" chapter contains strong language)

If you had the chance to go back and do one thing differently, would you?  What repercussions would that choice have?  Various characters are given that option by the Amulet during Chosen.







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             Work also archived at Insane in the Basement  BtVS/AtS Humor site.





Disclaimer: BtVS and AtS characters are the property of Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy/20th Century Fox.  Highlander characters are the property of Panzer/Davis Productions, Gaumont International and Rysher Entertainment. This is an unofficial site, not affiliated with any of those companies. No infringement is intended.