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My Short Stories
Friday, 27 November 2009
A Gift of Liftime

One fine spring day while resting on the porch swing sipping a cool glass of ice tea, Janelle got a phone call from her really good friend. Her friend phoned her to see what if any plans; that her and James her husband had made for the upcoming silver wedding anniversary. Janelle sat there redden face and a big grin on her face; as a flood of memories flooded back about her ten year wedding anniversary. She started to laugh and started reminiscing about all of the events that ended up being the most wonderful night in both of her and her husband’s life.

It all started when James talked with Janelle’s dad and got his approval to marry her. With Janelle’s dad approval James set off to make plans with her boss at the local patent office. He made plans with Janelle’s boss to come into her office in a pink bunny suite on Easter to propose. Both Janelle and James took on extra jobs to help pay for school. So bright and early that Easter morning James got dressed up in his Easter Bunny singing telegram uniform and headed off to work. Later that afternoon James came bouncing into her office carrying an Easter basket and hopped up to her desk. Where he got down on one knee and took out of the basket, an Easter egg shaped ring box and asked her to marry him. Janelle could help but laugh and cry and give him an over welling yes.

They never did get the wedding of their dream do to James got a letter saying that he was going to have to ship out early for basic training. Janelle was upset because a lot of their family and friends could not be there to see them get married. James told her it would be ok that when he got back he would give her the wedding of her dreams. Not wanting to wait till he came back home James and Janelle eloped an promised each other that someday they have the real white wedding with all of their family and friends there. It only took ten years to pull it off but James kept his promise to Janelle and gave her the wedding of her dreams. Everything was going to be perfect as far the wedding was to go and Janelle wanted to give James the perfect honeymoon to go along with the wonderful wedding he had planned for her.

Janelle knew she had to pull out all the stops on her present for James because he was not leavening nothing to chance for their wedding. She started doing a little research every night before bed, for she knew this was the best time to get information from James. When she did this he never knew what exactly what she was doing to him. So one night before bed Janelle asked him if there was anything in the world that he wants, what would it be. James finally told her jokingly that if she really wanted to get him anything, she could give him a threesome. He laughed a little bit then kissed her good night and then rolled over and went to bed. At that moment Janelle knew right then what she wanted to do for him for a wedding gift.

The next morning after he went to work Janelle started to look over a few local sites for another woman. She wanted to find just the right person to pull of the gift of a lifetime. After only looking threw bunch of sites Janelle realized that if she was going to give James a threesome instead of a honeymoon she was going to have to let him pick out the woman, for he probably had a perfect woman in mind all ready. So she knew she had to sit down and talk it over with James when he got home. Unaware of how to approach her husband of ten years on the subject, Janelle thought she prepare his favorite meal; that they could sit and talk things over dinner or even dessert. She went to work right away on making stuffed pork chops, homemade mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, homemade rolls, and her famous devil’s food cake.

When James came home that night from work he couldn’t help but think that she was up to something, due to the house was filled with the aroma of all of his favorite foods. It was unlike Janelle to go all out like this during the middle of the week. So like Uncle Toucan Sam, James followed his nose to the kitchen to find out what Janelle was up to. He found Janelle placing the final touches on their dinner when he reached the kitchen. He walked over to her and placed his arms around her waist and said “Hey sexy momma, what’s up with this fancy dinner you are fixing.” “Nothing really, I just wanted to do something nice for you.” Janelle said and broke away from his embrace and handed him a basket of rolls. James kept thinking she was up to something and headed into the dining room with the rolls.

They said grace and started to eat, when James looked across the table at Janelle an asked “So are you going to tell me the real reason for this dinner tonight or what”. With a coy look on her face Janelle said “You know are ten year wedding anniversary is coming up soon right”. He nodded his head and said “Yes, I know and we will be renewing our vows soon too. You’re not getting cold feet are you or the pre-wedding jitters are you?” Starting to grin again she reassured him that she still wanted to get married to him all over again. She slide her hand across the table and grabbed his hand; then let him in on her plans for their so called honeymoon. James pulled his hand back and dropped his fork he had in his other hand. You want to give me threesome on the night we renew are vows instead of going away for our honeymoon! he exclaimed. Janelle held her finger up and said “Shh not so loud, yes that’s what I want to do. Please calm down dear, the neighbors will hear you.” There was an awkward silence for a little bit, then James said “Darling I was only kidding with you when I said that; I didn’t mean for you to take me seriously.” Janelle told him “I know you where not serious when you said that to me, but I thought it might be to try something new is all.” James was completely blown away by all this; he was not sure how to respond. He just sat there and finished his cake and started to process everything that Janelle just told him.

While cleaning things up after their dinner and dessert, James got up the courage to respond to Janelle’s offer. “If this is truly what you want to do, then I guess it won’t hurt to look into it after we finish here.”He gave her a kiss on the cheek and took the remaining dishes into the kitchen. While they washed the dishes they discussed the details of how, where and when they were going to do this. They agreed to have the special friend join them the night of their renewal ceremony. Once they found the one that would work for them they invited her to join them after ceremony and reception. James finished up in the kitchen as Janelle went into the study and started up the computer, so she could show him the few sites she found free memberships for. He came in to the study with two cups of coffee and walked over and sat down next to Janelle. As she sat there and sipped her coffee she watched as her husband create an ad for them and started to browse the many women, and look for someone that will meet their needs. After going thru a few sites Janelle grew tired and needed rest, for she been busy all day making James favorite meal. So she got up and told him “I am getting tried sweetheart if you want to stay up you can, but I am going to bed it’s been a long day.” He moved over to her seat then kissed her goodnight and asked her for a refill on his coffee before she went to bed. When she returned with his coffee, James thanked her and promised that he would make a list for them to go over later on. He gave her a firm hug and a passionate kiss and wished her pleasant dreams. As she walked down the hall to their bedroom, she felt a sigh of relief come over her. Knowing deep down that her plans for the gift of a lifetime was well underway.

Not even a week later their inbox was over flowing with responses from women all over the area wanting to meet up with them. Janelle got this feeling it was going to be hopeless; they were never going to find someone in time for their renewal ceremony. There were too many women to screen and respond to before they went any further. James reassured Janelle that they would find the right one in this mess of responses. She told him to get started on looking for the right one, while she started some coffee and breakfast. He smiled at her then gave her a quick kiss before she left him for the kitchen. For he knew what he had to do and it wasn’t going to be an easy task; so he grabbed a pad of paper and a pen out the top drawer of the desk and started to make a list of women that caught his eye. He figured he make a list of women’s responses to their ad and then show it to Janelle when she returned. While James was busy going thru their many responses, Janelle started some coffee while she prepared some buttermilk pancakes. Once she got the last of the pancakes done Janelle went back into the study and set up a small stand so she had a place to put their breakfast on. James got up and helped her with the stand and offered to help her bring in breakfast she shooed him away and told him to go back to what he was doing. She went back into the kitchen and loaded up one of the serving trays with the pancakes, orange juice and coffee. When she came back James looked at her and told her he was able to go thru the many responses and come up with a list of ten women that fit what they were looking for. He got up from his seat and took the tray with their breakfast on it and told her to sit and relax and look over the list he had created for her. She sat down and started to nibble on some of the bacon she just got done preparing, while she went thru the list of screen names he made for her.

As she ate her breakfast Janelle carefully moved down the list of names finding something she liked in each one of them. Then at the bottom of the list Janelle came across the name redhotlover69. Thinking she wasn’t going to really find anything there, she really didn’t know if she was going to like this one over all the rest; but she soon realized that she was wrong. The first thing to come up on the screen was a full body photo. There stood a tall slender woman standing in a red spaghetti strapped dress, with long thick dark hair gently lying on her broad shoulders. Her skin looked slightly kissed by the sun which gave her a soft loving glow. She had curves that could stop traffic and nice round all natural breast. Janelle decided to clear the dishes and get a refill on her coffee while she waited for the rest of the page to load up. James glanced over at the list to see the notes that Janelle had made on each of the women and seen she was on the last name on the list. He had high hopes that Janelle would like this one. Before she retuned he quickly got up and headed to the kitchen to talk to her. She was just getting ready to leave the kitchen when he ran into her. Janelle asked him “Did you need a refill on your coffee too? James told her “No not really was just coming into see what you thought so far about the women on the list. Also I was going to clean up the kitchen while you finished going thru the list.” She couldn’t help think he was being so sweet; she told him she was all most done with the list but if he wanted to do the dishes he could. With her coffee in hand and James in the kitchen doing the dishes Janelle went back into the study to see if the page was finally loaded . She sat down and started to read over redhotlover69’s profile. Janelle only got thru half of redhotlover69’s profile when she knew that this is the one that she liked. She took a sip of her coffee and finished reading the profile before she called for James. After she finished reading everything on her profile Janelle yelled for James to come join her that she had found the one that she thought that fit their needs.

He came back into the study with his cup of coffee and sat down next to her and asked “Which one did you decided on?” and looked over at the list she had sitting next to her. Janelle moved over to where James was sitting earlier and told him “This is the one that I think is the one, this redhotlover69. There is just something about her that feels just right. Plus look right here, she has placed here that she’s not looking for worthless sex but looking to have fun and make fantasies come true”. James had agreed with her that he really liked redhotlover69 and showed her the response that she had left them to their one ad. She looked it over and was pleased as well with what she had to say and told James to hurry up and respond back to her. Before he responded back to redhotlover69, he sent out a basic response to the other women on the list that he made for Janelle to review. He told them that they were glad to hear from them but he was sorry to say they were going to go with someone else. Then he sent an email to redhotlover69 introducing themselves and how she can get hold of them. As well telling her that they really like to get to know her better and hoped to meet up sometime.

Minutes later they got a response back from redhotlover69, she had sent them her basic information and told them if they had any questions to email her or if they had Emperor Instant Messenger to send her an instant message. She did have a few basic questions for them of her own. Not wanting to waste time, James downloaded Emperor Instant Messenger so they could talk to each other direct, and not worry about sending emails back and forth. They wanted to have the most direct method of communication with their new friend. After a few hours online, they setup 7/29/2009a time and place for their first meeting. A few dinners at each other’s houses; they finally felt like they found the perfect women for them. They sat down one night before their wedding and talked over how they were going to bring Janelle’s gift to life. They decided have their new friend Andrea go to the church and help Janelle get ready for the wedding and stay for the ceremony. After they renewed their vows they would all attend the reception for awhile then James and Janelle would leave to come back to the house to change and meet up with Andrea.

A few weeks later…

With everything underway and their wedding ceremony about to get started; Janelle couldn’t help but think of how things were going to be once everyone was going to be back at the house. She never had been with another woman before this and she was getting nervous; but all so excited to give her husband a threesome. As she stood there looking at herself in the mirror with her mom fixing her veil, Janelle couldn’t help but smile. After tonight Janelle got what she wanted and James was getting what every man wants. On the other side of the church James was getting ready and also thinking about what was going to happen tonight as well. He couldn’t help but think he was the world’s luckiest man right now. For her in only a little while he was going to remarry his high school sweetheart and tonight he was going to be able to live out every mans fantasy, have sex with his wife and another woman at the same time. Life at this point could not get any better for him or at least that’s what he thought. He was unaware how things were going to be after tonight was over.

Later on that night

With the wedding of a lifetime and the world’s perfect reception behind them; Janelle and James headed back to their house with a car full of gifts, food and cards to prepare for Andrea’s arrival. James told Janelle to go ahead of him and unlock the door and get changed that he was going to go and unload the car really quick. Janelle placed the few gifts she brought in and placed them in the small corner of the living room; then head back to the bedroom to slip out of her wedding dress into something that was more comfortable. She then went into the kitchen to start some coffee and pulled down there fine china down. She was about to get the last of their china set down when James came in with a couple trays of leftovers from the reception for her to work her magic with. He informed her that there were only a few things left out in the car that need to be brought in. Janelle told him to go ahead and get changed that she would go and bring in the rest of the stuff from the car. They kissed and parted ways Janelle headed for the car as James headed to the bedroom to change an setup the bedroom. What Janelle didn’t know was James was not just in their bedroom getting out of his tuxedo, he was in their bedroom getting everything ready for Andrea’s arrival. He quickly changed the sheets on the bed and new pillow cases on all of the pillows. He even placed out a few accent pillows that Janelle brought out for just this night. He carefully placed the candles and incents up around the room in places where they wouldn’t get knocked over. The last thing he wanted was the fire department over at their house tonight of all nights. He could see it now “Sorry sir we were having some adult fun with our friend over here and we kind of knocked over a few the candles over.”, so James double check that everything was up and out of the way an unable to be knocked over by anyone or anything. Once his preparations where done in the bedroom and he was in more comfortable clothing. James walked down the hall to the kitchen to see if there was anything Janelle might need his help with. He took her into his arms and started to kiss her on her neck making her body quiver as she melt into his arms. He whispered into her ear so how does it feel to have everything you ever wanted and more. She let out a small moan and turned to him and said “It feels wonderful why don’t you call Andrea, tell her we are settled here at the house and she can come over whenever she is ready.” He let her go and did just that, he went over to the phone and tried to call Andrea to let her know she could come over anytime. Janelle on the other hand took this time to go finish setting up the living room.

While they sat in the living room waiting for Andrea to show up, they started to go thru the box of cards that their family and friends filled up. About twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door. They looked at each other and they both thought that it might be Andrea at the door. So James gathered up the cards and placed them back in the box as Janelle turned on the radio an headed for the door. When she opened the door there was Andrea standing there with bouquet of flowers and bottle champagne in hand. She greeted Andrea with a big hug and led her into the living room where James was. Once inside the living room Andrea gave James a big hug as well; then handed Janelle the flowers and James the champagne. She said, “I am sorry if I didn’t say this sooner but congratulations on ten years together. It was a wonderful wedding and great reception, thank you for letting me share this day with you. I was not sure if you where wanting me to bring something with me or not; so I got you some flowers and something to toast this wonderful night to.” Both James and Janelle thanked her for the gifts she brought over with her. James told them to sit and relax while he chilled the champagne and place the flowers in some water. Andrea and Janelle went over and sat down on the couch and so they could start getting to know each other a little bit better. Feeling really nervous now, Janelle asked “Would you rather watch some TV or watch a movie instead of listening to music”. Andrea told her yes that would be great, she love to sit and watch a movie instead of listing to music. They both got up and Janelle showed Andrea where they kept all of their movies and left her to find something she liked. Janelle went into the kitchen to see what was taking James so long. He was just about to pop his head into the living room when Janelle walked into the kitchen. He was hoping to get some help carrying some of the stuff into the living room. James seen in her eyes that she was nervous and asked her “Is everything going ok in there. Are you ok with everything so far, if you’re not we don’t have to go through with this if you don’t want to.” Janelle said to him softly “Yes, everything is ok in there Andrea is picking out a movie right now for all of us to watch.” Just as they were entering the living room with snacks and drink, Andrea yelled to them “Which one of these remotes controls your DVD player.” They started to laugh and knew they needed to get back to the guest.

They walked back into the living room standing all most side by side with Janelle carrying a tray of snacks and plates and James carrying a tray with their finest crystal and the champagne wrapped up in a bucket of ice. Janelle sat her tray down to the left side of the coffee table and James placed his tray on the right side. Janelle got cozy on the couch as James pop open the champagne and started to pour each of them a glass. They figured placing Andrea in the center of the sofa, thinking this would be the best place for her. They sat there on the sofa sipping their drinks and eating some of the leftovers while watching the movie Andrea picked out. About a quarter of the way thru the movie, when Andrea reached over and started to play with both James and Janelle; with her right hand Andrea started to rub James throbbing cock and with her left hand Andrea slowly slid her hand up Janelle’s skirt an started stimulating her all ready wet pussy. Janelle started to wiggle a little bit; then she suggested they move the party into the bedroom, where they are more at ease. Both Andrea and James agreed that would be best.

Before they headed to the bedroom, Andrea and Janelle cleared the dishes while James disappeared into the bedroom to light the candles and incents really quick while both of the ladies where busy clearing out the living room. He was hoping to quickly transform their bedroom into more relaxing place for everyone. Once everything was lit James dimmed the lights in the bedroom and went to the living room to see the ladies where doing. They were standing there at the top of the hallway giggling. He looked at them and said “When you ladies are ready, the bedroom awaits you both.” As he said this he bent forward and stretched out his arm out towards the bedroom like a bellhop at some fancy hotel. They both smiled at him and said “Ok sir lead the way.” “This way ladies way to romance” James told them and waited to pass him by. Andrea took Janelle by the arm and walked down the hall towards their bedroom. The closer they got to the room the more powerful the scent of lavender and jasmine filled the air around them. Andrea was impressed that they remembered she loved lavender and jasmine. When he setup the bedroom he left nothing out, he wanted the whole thing to be perfect. After Andrea got into the bedroom, she couldn’t believe her eyes. They had purple & lilac candles with lavender & jasmine incents all over the room and purple & lilac silk colored sheets an pillows. She walked around the room and took in the entire atmosphere. She stopped in the middle of the room and asked “Did you happen to do all of this for me by any chance?” They both said “Yes we both did, do you like it”. She sat her bag down in the corner and said “Yes it’s very romantic and so relaxing in here. This is way more than I ever accepted it to be. I am so pleased you remembered that I love purples, lilacs, lavender and jasmine. You have all of my favorite smells and colors all balanced out so nicely in here.” As Andrea stood there taking in the sights, James suggested they get a little more comfortable and start removing some of their clothing. Janelle agreed that this was a great idea, because she was starting to feel warm. Andrea slowly crept up behind Janelle like she was going to hug her from behind; instead she reached her arms up and started unbutton Janelle’s shirt. With their eyes locked from across the room, James had relaxed feeling and started to remove his shirt as well. Never flinching or moving his eyes off of the small show Andrea was giving him. He was fighting with his belt, when he seen the uneasy look Janelle was giving him. Having really hard time getting his belt off, James gave her the “that it’s ok go with it baby look.” Janelle was a little uneasy for she never had been undressed by another before except for her parents and that was only when she was a child. When she seen the clam cool collective look James was giving her, she figured what the hell might as well go with it. For tonight was the night her gift of a lifetime was to come to life.

Janelle just relaxed and went along with Andrea undressing her in front of her husband. Andrea unaware of what James was doing just stood there slowly unbuttoning each button one at a time, trying her hardest to tease James and turn Janelle on at the same time. She could tell Janelle was starting to relax with each button she had undone. Out of the blue Andrea got the idea to look around Janelle for a moment to see what James was doing. What she seen was James fighting with his belt. It was the only thing keeping him from removing his pants and getting one step closer to being naked. She stopped right at the last button and stood off to the side off Janelle. Which in turn James stopped trying to get his belt off and asked “Is there something wrong?” Andrea said “No not right now, just stand there and enjoy the show for now ok. We will help you with your belt and pants as soon as we are done here, trust me.” With everything back in order Andrea went back to what she set out to do, which was undressing Janelle. Andrea went back to where she was standing and went back to removing the last button on her shirt. This sent a slight tingling sensation feeling threw out her body, causing Janelle to lean into Andrea’s embrace, then she tilted her head slightly on to Andrea’s shoulder then let out a loud moan as Andrea started to fondle Janelle’s breasts for a brief moment. While Andrea was carefully removing Janelle’s shirt and Andrea to the time out to play with Janelle’s lushes breast, Janelle decided to take it upon herself to slid her hand up Andrea's dress and started to play with her pussy. She could tell that Andrea was getting turned on, just by the feel of her dripping wet pussy. James just stood there up against the wall watching every move they were making without him. All the while he couldn’t help to think that he was not in his bedroom with his wife and another woman, but in the middle of a porno. For this little arrangement was nothing like anything he ever done before tonight. He was happy that everything was heating up nicely, but he was really hoping that they would help him out of his pants soon, because they were starting to get tight and he felt that his cock was about to rip threw his jeans.

The more Janelle played with Andrea the wetter her pussy became to the touch. Before she removed Janelle’s skirt Andrea leaned towards Janelle’s ear whispered softly “Could you please stop what you are doing for now, I promise you can play some more here in a little bit.” Andrea also made sure Janelle knew she liked what she was doing, it’s just that she could not finish undressing her with Janelle playing with her. As Andrea was whispering in Janelle’s ear James looked down at his jeans that where swelling and making him feel as if his cock was about to explode. He started to ponder what was being said; where they planning on releasing him or where they making plans to make him suffer some more. When he looked up and seen a sad upset look on Janelle’s face. He couldn’t help but wonder what Andrea said to her; for whatever it was not happy.

Before James could say a word Janelle spoke up saying “Everything is ok sweetie, we are just having to make a few changes over here. That’s all don’t worry.” He took in a sigh of relief, thinking he was going to get out of his jeans finally. But what he didn’t know was Andrea was just having Janelle stop what she was doing, so she could remove her panties and skirt. Andrea unfastened the claps at the top of Janelle’s skirt, she then took the zipper and moved it down slowly and let the skirt fall to the floor. Then she slowly removed Janelle’s panties and stockings at the same time, taking her time so she didn’t get any snags in them.

With both panties and stockings removed Andrea stoop up and carefully pulled them apart. As she stood there with Janelle cum soaked black and rose panties in hand, she noticed the dazed look on James face. Andrea held them up to her nose for a brief moment and took a good deep breath in and savored the sweet smell of Janelle’s cum. Then took soaking wet panties and shot them at James like a rubber band rocket. They ended up hitting him right in the face and brought him back to reality. James was off in another world thing of how he could get his massive erection down. Andrea was hoping that he would see panties flying at him and catch them. She could tell by the look on his face that she was wrong. He jumped up high, due to he was deep in thought and didn’t except a pair panties to fly at him. James quickly snapped back to reality when Janelle’s panties hit him in the face.

When James got his bearings back, he bent down and picked up Janelle’s panties that Andrea threw at him like a prize and tucked them into his pocket for safe keeping and started looking at his wife standing there in her stunning naked beauty. With a smile on her face and Andrea asked James “Are you still with us over there.” He started to blush and simply responded “Yes, my mind was just off in another world there for a moment; sorry I won’t let it happen again. I can promise you that.” Janelle slinked over towards James and gave him a French kiss, and had him unlatch her bra. Once she felt her breast being released from her bra, Janelle pulled away from James and said hope you are enjoying the show. She slowly walked back over to where she stood next to Andrea on the other side of the room. On her way back Janelle was thinking of ways to get Andrea out of her dress. While Janelle was walking away from her husband, James flashed Andrea that you guys are just a big tease look from across the room. To Janelle the walk back to Andrea seemed pretty short, but for James it seemed to take forever.

Back where she started out, Janelle was thinking she didn’t want Andrea to feel left out. So she took Andrea into her arms and started to kiss her passionately. Andrea took this opportunity to play with Janelle some more before she left Janelle remove her dress. After she started playing with Janelle for a little bit she became increasing wet, so Janelle decided to break away from Andrea and get back to the task that lay ahead of her. Janelle walked behind Andrea and started to slowly unzip her dress when she noticed Andrea was not wearing a bra and panties like she thought, but a lace teddy instead. With Andrea’s dress finally unzipped, Janelle took the same love and care and slowly removed the dress of her shoulders. James just stood there watching his wife tease him with the undressing of their new friend. He was in awe over the sight of Andrea stunning body. He could help but wonder what she was hiding under that dress of hers; could it be a corset above her panties holding up her stockings or was it a full body teddy. Either way he was really enjoying the show that was taking place in front of him. He couldn’t wait to see the full view that Janelle was prolonging him to see of Andrea. James jaw about hit the floor when Janelle finally took Andrea’s dress off. She stood there in the candle light in full black lace teddy with teal ribbons woven into the sides and a small teal bow right in the middle of her perfectly melon shaped breasts. Before Janelle could help Andrea out of her teddy and stockings; Andrea took it upon herself to start kissing Janelle once more. As they stood there making out Andrea let Janelle explore some more of her body. She only stopped kissing Janelle’s lips and started kissing her neck working her down to her breasts, where she alternated between sucking and fondling Janelle’s breasts ever so gently. While she was keeping Janelle busy by playing and sucking on her breasts, she slowly moved Janelle closer to the bed. When she noticed that they where next to the edge of the bed, Andrea gently laid Janelle back on the bed. By this time Janelle and Andrea’s pusses where dripping wet with cum; and James was about to go out of his mind for he didn’t know when the ladies where going to let him out of his jeans.

Andrea kept playing with Janelle long enough to get her where she wanted her on the bed then she tried to pin her hand down to the bed. Surprised by what Andrea was doing, Janelle pulled back and asked her “What you are doing?” Andrea told her “Just relax we are just going to tie you down for a little bit. Don’t worry we are not going to hurt you or anything. So are you going to let us tie you down now.” Janelle just laid there with a sad puppy dog look on her face and agreed to let them bind her to the bed. Andrea got a big grin on her face then went over to her bag and grabbed some sections of love rope and walked back to Janelle. She tossed two of the sections to James and told him to join her on the other side of the bed. She promised him that if he helped her out with tying down his wife, that she would reward him handsomely. He walked over to the other side of the bed and started to help her tying down his wife to the bed. He did not want to upset Andrea in any way and was hoping if he did this for her she might be willing to release him a lot sooner from his jeans. Janelle just laid there wondering what Andrea was planning to do to her, let alone what she had in mind for James. Poor James she couldn’t help but think of how much agony he must be going through right now. She hoped that Andrea was soon going to end his suffering soon. Here she was having all this fun with Andrea, and James was being left out, the only thing he could do was watch them unable to do anything.

After she finished tying down Janelle’s leg Andrea walked over to James’s side of the bed to check his work. For the first rule of bondage was to make it tight enough that they could not get loose, but not so tight that there was no blood flowing to that part of the body that you where tying down or leaving marks on the victim. Everything looked good and then Andrea asked “Are you ok my dear, can you slip out of these ropes at all.” Janelle tried to slip out of the ropes and was unable to; she just looked at Andrea and said “Nope I can’t lose, no matter how hard I try. I feel all right for the moment, but what about James don’t you think he suffered enough.”Without Saying a word Andrea placed a few pillows under Janelle’s head. Then she positioned James at the foot of the bed. When she had him right where she wanted him; Andrea whispered into James ear “Do you mind if I tape our little get together tonight”? James whispered back to her “I don’t mind you taping us as, long as no one gets to see a copy of it except us”. Andrea agreed to his terms and informed him that they would get the master copy; she just thought they want a little something to remember this night that’s all.

Andrea quickly went to work on setting up the camera, she didn’t want to make James suffer to much more, but she didn’t want to miss any of the really good action either. So once more Andrea went back over to her bag of goodies and got her camera and remote out and started setting them up. All the while Janelle laid there hopeless on the bed with a puzzled look on her face, unaware of what Andrea was doing with camera. With her camera in place and the remote in hand Andrea walked out in front of the camera and started her little introduction. Hi my name is Andrea Williams, I will be your dominatrix and tonight we are celebrating their ten year wedding anniversary Janelle and James Morgan. She hit pause on the camera for a little bit and picked it up off the stand, then aimed the camera at Janelle and hit record; then she continued her into. As you can see we have all ready got things underway here with our bride Janelle and over here we have our groom James currently waiting for us to end his suffering by removing his jeans and waiting for some that pressure to be released that’s been building up all this time. Once again she hit pause on her camera and this time she placed the camera back on the stand. Before taking another step Andrea asked Janelle if she could see everything ok. Janelle looked at her and said “Yes I can see everything perfectly thanks for asking.”

Both James and Janelle where not sure what Andrea was up to, but this point they had no choice but go along with whatever that might be, they came this far and they were not turning back now. Andrea grabbed one of the throw pillows from the bed and placed down in front of James’s feet. Before she got down on her knees she explained to James how to work the remote for her camera. When she started getting down on her knees James hit the record button and looked down at her. She started to working on his belt and jeans when there was a loud knock on the front door. With a small disappointed look on his face James stopped the camera again. He looked over at Janelle and then down at Andrea with that who in the hell could be coming over at this hour. “I will be right back and I am going to get rid of whoever is at the door.” James said as he stormed out into the living room. James was pissed off because he was just about to get his long overdue release from his jeans and he was going to give whoever was at the door was making enough noise to wake the dead.

When he finally reached the door, James grabbed the knob of the door and pulled it open with great force; and yelled “What is so important that you need to pound on my door like that at this time of night”; then he noticed it was a bunch of their friends from the reception. They all yelled “Happy Anniversary”. “You left the reception pretty early, so we thought we bring the party to you.” said his best friend Nick. They stood there holding balloons, flowers, food and alcohol. His best friend Nick was holding a dozen roses tried to make his way into the house with the others and asked James “Where are you hiding the little woman at?” James stood his ground and didn’t let anyone in the door and told them a little white lie. He told them that Janelle was tied up at work, they were a little short handed an need her to come in for a little bit until they got things under control. He then went on to tell them he had bad headache from all of the noise from the reception and that he wanted to go back to bed and sleep it off while Janelle was at work. They got the sad depressed look on their face and wished him well. Before leaveing the house they handed James the gifts they brought them and said goodnight. With everyone gone and he had everything put away, James headed back to the bedroom where he had two ladies awaiting his return. When he walked back into the room Janelle could see he was pissed off about something. James explained to her it was some their friends wanting to stop by to celebrate some more with them. “I told them you got called into work and I wasn’t feeling well and needed some rest. They dropped off some more gifts and other stuff. I sat the stuff they dropped off on the kitchen table for you to go through later on. We are also suppose to make plans with them to meet up with them next week sometime for drinks” he told her.

Janelle told him “Okay honey that’s fine, I will tend to that later on”. Unable to comfort her husband she just laid there hoping this was going to be the last of their interruptions for the night. Standing by her camera Andrea looked at James and asked him “Now are we ready to get back to what we started before the knocking on the door.” James got back in position and said “Yes I am ready to continue what we were doing if you are.” Andrea checked her camera to make sure James was right on target and then went back to her little pillow on the floor. She got back down on her knees as James hit record button the remote once more and gave her the signal to go head continue what she started. As Andrea started to remove his belt James knew he was getting closer to relief, it was only moments away. She took her sweet time with his belt and zipper wanting to make James wiggle a little bit longer.

The tables got turned on Andrea though when she pulled down James jeans and boxers off. His cock just sprang out at her like a jack in the box springs out after you crank the handle to many times. It just sprang out and hit her right in the face. James started to blush and looked down at Andrea and said “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen to you; please forgive me Andrea.” Janelle started to chuckle a little bit and Andrea just sat there with a smile on face trying not to laugh herself. James knew everything was ok when he seen the look on her face. She was pleased to see that James cock was so large and stiff; it was just standing there begging her to give it some attention. It’s like his cock was calling out “suck me, play with me please just do something with me please pretty lady”. At this point James was starting to feel a little bit better, now that he got his jeans off. Now only if some the sexual pressure could get released he would be feeling great. The only bad thing with that was he didn’t feel right releasing in someone mouth that he never been with. So he was going to have to make sure he had her stop just in time to cum somewhere else.

Andrea grasped James’s cock in her hand and started gently stroking it. She could feel his cock throbbing in her hand, so she thought it would be best to suck on his cock and play with him for a little bit in between breaths. She slipped into bobbing her head back and forth on his cock motion with vary little bit of play; with every thrust forward on his cock she let a little more of it slid deeper into her mouth. James just stood there with his eyes closed and relaxed Andrea started to deep throat his cock. He gently caressed her hair with his hand and started to fondle her breast with his other hand. The whole time Andrea was messing around with James, poor Janelle was stuck watching from the bed. At first she was a little upset with Andrea going down on him, she felt that was her job. But when Janelle seen James close his eyes and lean back an go with it, she knew he was thinking of her as Andrea was going down on him. What was rage bloomed into pleasure, it was turning her on to watch him get pleasure from another woman.

Before too long James lost all control of the situation. He couldn’t hold back much longer James was just getting ready to tell Andrea to stop; when she started to crank up the volume on him. He just couldn’t hold back anymore, he just had to let himself go. He let out a loud moan and released all of his sexual tension into Andrea’s mouth. He hoped she would not be to upset with him for releasing a large load in her mouth. What he didn’t know was Andrea loved the taste of cum; she could never get enough of it. It didn’t matter if it was a woman’s or a man’s cum; it was all the same to her. James just looked down at her with the sad puppy dog look and said “Please forgive me Andrea, I could not hold back anymore, I just had to let myself go.” Andrea grinned and kept on going kept sucking on his cock until she got every last drop of cum out of his cock. When she felt the last drop slide down her throat, Andrea pulled back and wiped her mouth and said “Don’t be sorry James, this why I wanted you to wait. I wanted you feel the full power of bliss. So I have only one question for you”. He looked deep into her teddy bear brown eyes and asked “what might that be.” She responded “So was it worth the wait or not?” James helped her up off the floor and told her “Yes it was worth all the discomfort in the world.” James by this time he had all ready stopped the camera.

They took the camera stand an all and moved it back a little bit so they could get a better view of Janelle lying on the bed. With the camera in place Andrea went over to her bag and grabbed her blindfold out. While she did this James went to the bathroom to clean up a little bit. She lifted Janelle’s head carefully and laid the blindfold over her head and covered her eyes, then removed the extra pillow out from under her head. When she had got the blindfold in place, Andrea slowly eased Janelle’s head back down to the bed. She leaned into Janelle and asked her “Can you tell me what I am holding up in front of you.” Not being able to see a thing in front of her Janelle told her “I can’t see what you are holding in front of me, can you give me a clue.” Andrea started to laugh a little bit and then said “No I can’t give you a clue, because I am not holding anything in front of you. I was just testing you; I wanted to make sure I had the blindfold set so you couldn’t see anything. Are you still doing all right so far?”She asked. Janelle said “Yeah I am ok for now, but asking why I am bound to bed and unable to see right now is out of the question.” “You got it sweetie, I can’t tell you why just have to trust us for now ok.” Andrea responded. Janelle agreed and felt somewhat at ease for the moment.

Andrea stopped James just as he walked back into the room. She placed her finger up to say shh. He looked at her with a puzzled look on his face and softly spoke “What did I miss?” Andrea just pointed to Janelle laying there on their king size bed unable to move and see what was going on at the moment. Before Andrea could say anything to him; she seen he noticed what she had done to his wife while he was gone. Andrea whispered into James ear the reason why she placed Janelle in the dark for the moment. James agreed it would be fun to play with Janelle’s mind to keep her guessing of who was where at all times. They could just shut the light off and out the candles, but that would be no good due to her eyes would adjust an then be able to tell where her husband and Andrea was. The blindfold was the only way to go and both of them knew it. Andrea told him to go ahead and get in bed next to Janelle an wait for her to get in next to Janelle on the opposite side. The plan was to tease and confuse Janelle for a little bit. James was to do whatever Andrea did on her side of the bed. If she sucked on Janelle’s breast, then he was to suck on her other breast. James really liked the whole idea of playing a mirror game with his wife.

Before Andrea climbed into bed with James and Janelle, she handed James the remote to the camera, he was to start the camera once Andrea got in place next to Janelle. When he seen the go ahead sign from Andrea, he hit the record button and started to do the same things Andrea was doing. They started out by sucking on Janelle’s breasts together. James tried his best to keep his moves the same as Andrea’s. One slip up and he was afraid his loving wife would know who was where. It was truly a hard thing to do when he was in direct line of the camera and Andrea’s bag sitting there taunting him.

When they started playing with Janelle’s dripping wet pussy, James couldn’t help but think it would be nice to have a toy to use on her. As far as he knew Janelle didn’t own any of her own. Then James started to wonder if that’s what Andrea was hiding in her bag. As they took turns licking and fingering Janelle’s pussy; Janelle screamed and moaned with pleasure. They only had been playing with her for no more than ten minutes, when Janelle begs them to stop. She wanted a break, she felt like she was going to exploded if they didn’t stop soon. Andrea thought that wasn’t a bad idea to take a small break and maybe change the sheets on the bed. Janelle had made a huge wet spot on the bed, because they were having a hard time finding a dry place on the bed to work from. James hit stop on the remote and Andrea started to untie Janelle arms. She had many plans for both Janelle and James, she knew she just had to take things at a good even pace to insure that everyone would have a good time. When she was finally able to get up from the bed and see what was going on, Janelle headed towards the door of the bathroom and so she could clean herself up a little bit. Before she left the room to go get a quick shower and clean herself up Janelle paused for a brief moment in the door way, and looked over her shoulder at James and Andrea wondering what they were up to. She told them she was going to go freshen up quickly and get a drink, did anyone need anything from the kitchen. Both Andrea and James agreed that a cold drink would be nice right now.

Once Andrea heard the water running in the bathroom, she went up to James and wrapped her arms around him. Then said “I know you’re wondering what’s in my bag over there. Go ahead and take a look inside while I change your sheets and Janelle’s in the shower. See if there is anything in there that you might like. Don’t be afraid to ask or even suggest anything, this is your night. I am just here to add to all the fun.” She kissed him on the cheek and let him go so he could get her some clean sheets. He handed her the clean sheets and let her start working on changing the sheets. While Andrea was changing the sheets on the bed James started looking threw Andrea’s bag of wonders. He couldn’t believe his eyes there was a little of everything in there. She had all kinds of oils, lotions, toys and other fun things to get kinky with. James felt like he was a kid in a candy store going threw her bag of wonders.

Before Andrea could ask if he found anything he liked they both heard Janelle’s footsteps down the hall. She entered the room with a huge smile on her face and a serving tray of snacks and drinks for everyone. She walked to the foot of their bed and placed the tray down on her cedar chest that was handed down threw out her family threw the years. Janelle picked up a glass of tea and handed it to Andrea. James started to eat a few of the mixed berries while Janelle passed out the drinks. As they relaxed for a moment Andrea broke the tension and asked them both if they were having a good time. Janelle nodded as she was drinking her tea and James said “Yes- I am having great time, this everything I was hoping it would be an some.” When they finished their snacks and drinks, Andrea offered to take the tray out to the kitchen. She wanted to leave them alone for a little bit to talk freely without her being in the room. James watched as to make sure Andrea was completely out of sight and then turned Janelle towards him, then said “Janelle darling you know, I love you and I just have to say this is the best present you ever gave me in my whole life. Thank you so ever much, I don’t even know how I will be able to repay you for this wonderful night”. He kissed her passionately before she had a chance to respond back. Janelle broke free from his embrace and told him “You don’t have to repay me anything for tonight my dear. You have given more than enough all ready with our wonderful wedding. She then went back to making out with him.

Andrea walked back into the room and stood there watching them make out for a few minutes. She started to get turned on watching them grope each other while they were kissing. She quickly moved the camera to capture them making out and started to record them while they didn’t know it. Andrea was thinking this would make a perfect addition to the footage they all ready shot. She stood there taping them for the longest time, before Janelle noticed what was going on. Andrea hit stop on the camera again so she wasn’t wasting tape. James quick to say sorry he didn’t realize that, she was back from the kitchen. Andrea told him not to worry about it; she was just getting some more footage that’s all. Andrea sat down between them and they talked for a little bit more, trying to get things back on track. With Andrea sandwiched between them James and Janelle started fondling Andrea’s breasts. James carefully removed the remote from Andrea’s hand and hit record on the remote. They took turns fingering and rubbing Andrea’s all ready wet pussy. Andrea was to wrapped up in what James and Janelle was doing to notice that James started up the camera again. She was enjoying them touching and feeling up her body. She couldn’t help but think what were these two had in mind for her. She was to be there to spice things up, but it seems they didn’t need any more direction from her. They seem to have everything under control so far.

While playing with Andrea’s neck he asked her if they could use some of the stuff in her bag. Andrea was hoping that they would start out using what was in her bag of wonder on Janelle. He reminded her, they did start out with using something from her bag on Janelle, when she took out the sections of love rope out to tie Janelle to the bed. She agreed that they did start out with Janelle and it was her turn to have them use something on her from the bag of mystical wonders. Andrea took the remote back after James hit stop on the camera again. James took Janelle by the hand and showed her what he wanted to use that Andrea had in bag. Andrea just laid there on the bed waiting for them to pick out something. There was so many things in the bag to choose from was amazed at Andrea’s collection. Janelle wanted to look thru the whole bag before she agreed on anything. She wondered how many people Andrea used some of these things on. Just as the idea entered her head, Andrea quickly set her to ease. She informed both of them that everything in her bag except the oils and lotions; she had bought for just them. Both Janelle and James felt a sigh of relief knowing they were not sharing anything with other couples that Andrea has been with. It wasn’t that they were afraid of getting anything; it was just the thought of using something after someone else. It only took her less than twenty minutes to go through Andrea’s bag and agree with James on his selection.

Janelle asked Andrea for the remote to the camera and James got the camera setup where he got a good shot of Andrea. Janelle took the remote and placed on top of the headboard and started to tie Andrea down to the bed while James was getting the camera in position. She took her time tying Andrea down and made sure to take extra care of Andrea like they did when she tied her down. Janelle asked Andrea if she was comfortable and if she was ok just like Andrea did with her. Andrea told her “I am fine, do what you want I am just here to make your fantasy come true.” James walked over to the bed and an picked up the remote, before he hit play he bent down and picked up the bottle of wild cherry body lotion. When he seen Janelle was in place he hit record on the remote. When he seen the camera came on, James started to place a trail of lotion all the way down the middle of Andrea’s body till he reached the top of her nicely trimmed pussy. As he placed the lotion on her body Janelle followed behind blowing on the lotion to heat it up just a little bit. Now that they had a nice little trail going down Andrea, James place a little lotion on her left breast. He started to blow on her breast with the lotion while Janelle took her tongue and started to gently lick the lotion off of Andrea’s body.

For someone that never been with another woman before Janelle was doing a great job Andrea was thinking. What she didn’t know was when she took the tray out to the kitchen; James had given Janelle some pointers on how to use her tongue on a woman. Janelle kept thinking of the many ways that James would tease her and in turn did that to Andrea. When she got threw removing all the trace of the lotion from Andrea’s body, she froze up at Andrea’s pussy. She wasn’t sure what to do, so she looked up at James with help me eyes. James looked down at her and told her not to worry he would help her out. He stopped playing with her breasts and went down to where his wife laid, then started to giving her directions on how to go about licking Andrea’s pussy. He told her to watch what he does then when he finishes doing the same thing. He started out by taking small laps at Andrea’s clit with the tip and base of tongue like a cat would lap up milk from a dish. He then started slowly licked her whole pussy with the same slow and tender movement. He stopped and told Janelle to continue what he started. Janelle nodded her head and said “I think I got the hang of this, let me try”. James backed up and watched as Janelle started to lick her first pussy. He watched for a little bit once he knew she was fine, he took his tongue and ran back up Andrea’s body and went back to work on her breasts. Janelle did just as James showed her and started to lick Andrea’s pussy. She remembered how sometimes when James was licking her pussy he would use his hands now and then. So Janelle thought she would give it a try while she was playing with Andrea.

All of a sudden Janelle got the crazy idea to get one of the jelly dildos out of the bag and use it on Andrea while she was using her tongue, instead of her finger. James had seen Janelle going through the bag again and wondered if she was getting a something out to help her with eating out Andrea’s pussy. When she came back with the blue double ended dildo he knew it was time to untie Andrea. He untied Andrea from the bed but told her not to move. Andrea just laid there waiting to see what they had planed next. Janelle got back on the bed only to lay with her pussy facing Andrea’s. Janelle handed the blue dildo to James and he knew just what to do. He slid it into Janelle first then took the other half and slid it into Andrea’s pussy. Before he started running it back and forth between them, James made sure both of them where comfortable. They both agreed they were fine and ready for him to start. James started out by sliding the dildo out of them, and then he leaned over and started taking turns licking their clits as he ran the dildo in them. Before too long they both started moaning with pleasure and cum started dripping from their pussies. When he seen a steady flow of cum streaming from both of their pussies James stop what he was doing, as well the camera. He removed the dildo from their now dripping wet pussies and took it to the bathroom to wash it off.

Upon his return Andrea and Janelle ganged up on him forcing him on to the bed. Andrea started up the tape and started to suck gently on James’s balls. Janelle went to work right away on sucking and playing with James cock. They took turns sucking on his ball and cock; meanwhile James played with their pussies and boobs. James laid there liking the idea that they were sharing his cock and pondered what else they had in mind for him. Just as he was about to speak up, they stopped playing him. Andrea told him to get up they needed him to be up on his feet somewhat for what they had planned next. At this point James was complexly puzzled. Janelle got high up on the bed and got on all fours and waited for Andrea. While Janelle was getting in her position Andrea slipped on her strap on dildo and then mounted Janelle. Once she got a good rhythm going with Janelle, Andrea told James “Ok big boy give me everything you got.” She leaned over Janelle and waited for James to stick his cock in her. With huge grin on his face James buried his cock in Andrea’s soaking wet pussy while she was thrusting the strap on into Janelle’s pussy. It took a little bit to get there movements linked up with each other. In no time they got into a perfect rhythm James thrusting into Andrea and Andrea thrusting into Janelle. When James went fast and hard, Andrea would go fast and hard to Janelle, Andrea made sure to pass the love from James on to her.

Andrea got really loud all of a sudden, when Janelle and James where about to cum all over the place. Then James came with great force, not long after that Janelle and Andrea had achieved the big o as well for the second time. James forced himself a little longer just so he knew that both of the women got off as well. About the same time both women said they had enough and then at that point James knew it was time to stop. James pulled out of Andrea. Then Andrea pulled out of Janelle and collapsed on one side of the bed and Janelle collapsed on the opposite side the bed. As soon as both of them collapsed, James fell between the both of them. James took his arms and wrapped them around both of their lifeless body and pulled them close to him. Both Janelle and Andrea kissed him on the cheek at the same time. His grip relaxed as they laid there with their heads on his chest. One by one they all drifted off to sleep together on cum soaked sheets. Before the women fell asleep the locked their legs around James legs and they crossed their arms across his waits. They laid there in one big sticky heap……

Janelle sat there swinging back and forth with her mind drifting away still about that faith full night, when she heard her friend say “Janelle are you there, Hello Janelle.” She snapped back to the land of the living and said “I am sorry Andrea I was just thinking the first night we spent with you.”

Posted by vamp/muffinmidnight at 2:37 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 27 November 2009 2:43 AM EST
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