Jan 17,2004
Yesterday was my birthday! thank you, thank you...Put! my present to you is these three new awesome anime reviews! yes, thats right...three
Dark Koga
Jan 13,2004
Hey,its good ol' Dark Koga reporting in. .. Blah, I added a review,check it out mofo's. . ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Jan 6,2004
New review yay!..thats all
Dec 27,2003
Hey!, How was your Xmas? Good? I hope so, lets get to business then shall we? We have a new aff. now, BlindeStone..Great huh? Great site, so go there...We will have a few new reviews soon along with some manga reviews...finally I know...
Dec 25,2003
Merry Christmas everyone from the AnimeCalm Staffies, we hope you have a good one!
Nov 29,2003
Ok, well....My comp f*cked up real bad and I lost alot of We have rebooted V2 and will keep this for the time being...enjoy...