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DC Cherry Bombs!!!


Our very first WW 100+ board get-together weekend in DC, next year, we get together April 7th!

It began so innocently on Friday, the skies were a little overcast, but it was a nice day...

L to R HappyGirl120566 (me), Bethhl, CrispyRice, 100lbstogo, SandsVa, Dkmjgal

We should have known something was gonna happen, I mean, c'mon how how does Bethhl's monkey look to you?
Gee, Dan, how's your monkey feeling today? then we realized, it wasn't a monkey at all, we were searching for a panda! We searched and searched (and talked and talked)
LadeGodeyva and her hubby even stood at attention as the officer read the taxidermist his rights... But in the end, they were released, and so were we. Of course, we just had to go dancing!

L to R: HappyGirl120566, Dkmjgal, 100lbstogo, SandsVa

Nothing like a nice cooling rain to end the night! The best part was the ride...straight on to the hotel, no designated driver, and no cabfare!
The next day came...early!  And we couldn't see the sun, but that didn't stop my fiance Marc, Sue (Poduska)and her husband from braving the weather for the Freedom Walk. Poduska and I got a little cozy (hey, she thought I was LadeG when she first saw me, I LOVED that lady!) and I wore a size L shirt that day!
After a long wet walk from the Japanese American Memorial to the Air and Space Museum (my shoes still haven't dried out), we met up with Dkmjgal and had just enough time for the two to meet. Dinner that evening started out much drier
Angie taught us how to order Sushi... but she proved to us later that Lifetimer's KNOW how to eat!
Yummm, can you tell we've all just eaten dessert? Sunday morning we all said goodbye and heading home, looking forward to next year!

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