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  Welcome to Andreia's World

04/23/03 Far too many people are looking for the right person instead of trying to be the right person!!!

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Welcome to my Web site!

I created this website to keep all my family and friends posted and updated on my life. I hope you can learn a little more about me from checking out the various links and sites that interest me and from the pictures and information provided. 

Favorite Links


These are some of my favorite sites. If you have some time check them out.

bulletPortugal Online
bulletHot or not? Rate people online
bulletJMU Online

Check out the weather, you might want to know if your coming to visit. Harrisonburg's weather can be tricky!

Check it out!

Photo Album

Communities & Forums

Take a look at pictures of my friends and I. A good way to keep in touch with family and friends!
bulletMSN People & Chat

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This site was last updated 04/23/03