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brochure articles



September 23, 2002 Meeting

New Business

News from Churches- Greene Memorial is adding on and they will have a haunted house on October 30th. Woodlawn is having a church picnic. The youth group went to see Soup, Soap, and Salvation and is now thinking of volunteering at the Rescue Mission. White Memorial has started contemporary worship services on Sunday nights. Newport Mount Olivet is continuing the build their youth group. Bonsack had their kick-off with a picnic and they worked on the youth rally. Windsor Hills will be making apple butter on the 24th and 25th of October. Yum! Cave Spring had a kick-off pool party at Castle Rock. South Roanoke had their first full meeting, as well as junior and senior high retreats. First Church is having their bicentennial and trying to build the youth group back up. Gogginsville had a retreat at Alta Mons. They are working hard to have more spiritual youth group meetings and may attend a Christian music festival in Greensboro.

Elections- Everyone ran unopposed, basically. There were no nominations for Vice-President. Larau Beach and Brian Morris are serving as co-presidents. Ashley Ingram is Treasurer and Maggie Thornton is your Secretary.

Financial Report- (Ashley Ingram) Nothing has really changed since the budget was published and handed out at the last meeting.

Committee Reports

Fall Rally- The youth group at Bonsack UMC is working on this event. There will be a live band from Ferrum and we will outline the events the district will be offering for the upcoming year.

Alaska- The dates will be July 15th through the 27th. We'll take a bus to Dulles and catch a plane to Ketchikan. Our first order of business will be sightseeing and preparing for VBS, which starts Sunday. We will fly back home, by way of Seattle. There will be an information meeting on next DYC night. At this meeting we wil decide on fundraising and when the first deposit is due. There are 26 spots that are open to current 9th-12th graders and college freshman, with mission experience (secular and church). The meeting begins at 6!

Worship Team- May go to Gogginsville on October 6th or 27th.

Haunted Hayride- The committee is still looking for guy staff members. We definately took into consideration the suggestions about arrival times and hope everyone will be pleased with the schedule. Registration has already been mailed. The only thing left is to shop for food and things. If you didn't get registration, or have questions, get in touch with Tim ( or Maggie (

New Business

Christmas Caroling- There won't be a party this year due to the small turnout last year. We decided not to advertise this event. It will just be a "Council and Friends" deal.

Annual Conference- Kelly Stobbelar from Cave Spring, Jocelyn Simpson from Windsor Hills, and Andrea Ammen from Newport Mount Olivet will be attending the Conference event this summer.

Etc. Prayer groups at Hidden Valley and Cave Spring High Schools have been organized.