JC's Spot on the Web!

Whaddya Want?

Useless Information
-Stuff About Me!

-Programs & Stuff

Rated T for Teen

AIM Profile

Ok, AOL sucks but I'm stuck with it. Their punny little thing about having a tiny aim profile was too limiting so I decided that my AIM profile would be this page here. This extensive and long document contains quotes, notes and pictures that are of some relevance in my life. Most are funny, witty or have some sort of hidden or obvious meaning. Hell, they may have a combination of any of those things in them. I did try to give credit to whom it is due. There are some instances where it was impossible so I just have people like "guy" or "girl" or "[insert random integer > 0]". Also note that the contents of this page are rated "T for Teen" due to some sexual situations as well as a few four letter words that aren't normally spoken in formal english.

One more thing to clarify. Certain individuals have asked who is who in this profile. Here is an itty bitty list of the insignificant percentage of the world's population that I interact with on a regular basis.

  • Zero, Xero, MadMac256, Xero256000, John - Me
  • Serg - My brother
  • Angie - my sister
  • Rachel - my other sister (she turned 8 in 2004)
  • Perry Kennedy, Eric the Red, Drew, Pfaff, Jason, DJ, Sara, Travis, Mel, Josh, Perkins - Friends from RMC
  • Kat - A sister of a fellow John
  • Kath, CynicalKitty86 - Eric The Red's Sister
  • Justin, Joe - A few friends of our family
  • Fuller - A fellow student at ECPI
  • Mr. Marques (pronounced 'marks'), Dr. Newsom, Ms. Fran Musick - Instructors at ECPI
  • Epicetetus, Epicurus - Really, REALLY old Greek or Roman philosophers (can't remember which). Yes they are dead.
  • Piro - A really cool artist with his own webcomic
  • G - A friend of mine at work.

Oh! *insert old chinese man's voice* ONE MORE THING! *end old chinese man's voice* As noted, there are references to games and whatnot below. Here's a list of what you can expect (not that anyone will pay any attention to any of this....).

  • PSO - Phantasy Star Online
  • Neverwinter Nights - a popular role playing game for the PC. It's based on DnD.
  • DnD, DND, Dungeons and Dragons - a pencil & paper role playing game
  • Red Hat 9 - a popular flavor of linux that is installed on an old PC named Dent.
  • Mac - my wonderful Power Macintosh G4 (Quicksilver 02). His name is Zero. No, there is nothing wrong. I name my computers to tell them apart. I build them as a hobby and own 4 working machines. Yes I use them. No you can't have them!

Why is a PIN commonly refered as a 'PIN number'?

I see ads that say "Upgrade to a FLATSCREEN LCD!!!!", Why? What else is there besides a flat LCD screen? Bubble screen? Hot nude chick screen? Of course it's FLAT!!!! Do you expect it to be round or something?

If a bus station is where a bus stops then whats a workstation?
--Eric The Red

Rap is an acronym: Retards Attempting Poetry
--Eric the Red

Xero: "What was it like?"
Eric the Red: "Crap on a pogostick..."

Everything is like: Bling *dramatic pause* Bling
--Some White Guy

Who let the retards out? It's 12:02 AM damnit! It's too early for them to be out!

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
--Douglas Adams

"I love that freight train sound that deadlines make when they smack you in the face..."
--Perry Kennedy

--Eric The Red

"OCR's are like elevator music on steroids."
wanna experience an OCR? http://remix.overclocked.org

"How many things there are that I do not want!"
--Socrates, in the middle of a marketplace

"In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language."
--Mark Twain

"I got the idea for the mouse while attending a talk at a computer conference. The speaker was so boring that I started daydreaming and hit upon the idea."
--Doug Engelbart

Sara: I wanna ride inside the dragon...

Procrastinators of the world UNITE... tomorrow

The problem with television is that the people must sit and keep their eyes glued to a screen: The average American family hasn't time for it. Therefore the showmen are convinced that ... television will never be a serious competitor of [radio] broadcasting
--New York Times, 1939

You know when you are in a college dorm when you step out of a room and into the hall and watch people go by. First comes a guy from the shower - wrapped in a towel - with two hot chics following him - ALSO in towels. What's more interesting about this is they were twins and the towels were too small so it split in the front a little... =D
--A sight to see in my hall, freshman year

Friend: (reading warning on microwave meal) Caution: Product will be hot... Well no crap... Hot? After I just microwaved it? You don't say...
Eric The Red: Just because you nuclearate it doesn't necessarily mean it will be burninated.

Don't you just LOVE that light-weight metal clunking sound a hardrive makes when it dies?

You are OS X. You tend to be fashionable and clever despite being a bit transparent.  Now that you've reached some stability you're expecting greater popularity.
Which OS are You?

Windows - 32-bit extensions and graphical shell to a 16-bit patch for an 8-bit operating system originally written for use on 4-bit microprocessors by a 2-bit company that can't handle 1 bit of competition.

it's just a "feature" that m$ put in for your annoyance

Hmmm... My sister talks alot... How much? Well, the amount of energy she uses to talk on her cellphone for say 3 months would heat a pot of coffee for an entire month...

*two people bump into each other*
Guy: Sorry! I was dodging everyone else but I accidentally ran into your boobs...
--Random incident in the dining hall...

DJ: Ummm... So, how many hit points do you have left?
Jason: Uhh... I dunno. I just got done drawing a skull and cross bones on my character sheet.
--Jason's character died in DND

The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
--Samuel Johnson

Laugh alone and the world thinks you're an idiot.


Is there such a thing as a "quiet pink picture"?

Stay away from me you lazy-eyed psycho!

Unless you really ignore stuff, you realize that the human body is fuckin nasty and then you think of what you can do with those body parts and what can go where and things go here and there that didn't look like they fit but then wow! Just think about it! Then realize why I don't like porn!

Jason: Hey! I dropped one!
Drew & DJ: A hand job?

Give me a cookie woman!! Please?

Girl: Who do you do--
Guy: YOU!!

Error dialogue box found on a friend's computer:
Norton AntiVirus could not open this dialog.

Wow! She's like naked! *long pause* That's cool!

Do you know what's worse than giving a 90 minute presentation? Sitting through someone else's 90 minute presentation.

Louie: Hey! This mountain climbing ain't so bad!
Balu: Except for the mountain part. And the climbing. *gets hit in the head by a rock* [wham!] Ahhhh! And the falling rocks!

Estimated time remaining: 9,458 years...
-- Seen on my old PowerMac 7500 while copying something from a CD. Apparently it stalled. Thank goodness the actual copying part took only nine and half minutes.

...the results will be undefined and very probably not what you want.
Found in the manpages of a UNIX box. Very informative the manpages are. But they sometimes lack the best use of the english language.

Travis: Ok, I'm gonna go out on a limb here--
John: What! You are already out on your own tree!
Travis: You know, I don't understand a thing that is written here-- Hey! It's something on low-level part of the terminal.... Maybe I should read that....
*scene while starting to write a UNIX shell for class*

Travis: So, Mel, you are going to play DND with us tomorrow aren't you?
Mel: No, I have some studying to do.
Travis: You know that Sunday is a big day. It has a whole 24 hours in it!

Travis: I'm the shit.... Take a wiff.... You ain't gonna do anything!
(it's 3:43 AM!)

Dj: Turn on the AC!
*travis opens the window a little*
DJ: Turn it up!
*travis opens the window a lot more*
John: Dude! I'm still sweating over here!
Travis: It won't open anymore!
(Monday Jan 12 2004, 10:19:08 PM)

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.

Drew: ....What are you? A ninja?
Josh: YES!!
--One of the fastest interrogations in DND history....

Travis: This is going to be highly inefficient.... BUT I DON'T CARE!!!!

Ya know, sometimes hot and spicy foods are great! But, other times those foods make you burn when you poop....

At the research department nothing works and everyone knows why. At the development department everything works and nobody knows why. Where I'm from, those departments are combined. So, at the research and development department nothing works and nobody knows why.

John: I have one question for you!
Travis: What?
John: Is your mango ripe?

Have you ever tried riding a bike with no seat? I took my seat off my bike during freshman year because nobody would steal a bike with no seat. So I am standing on the pedals then I sneezed. You can't just hold on to one handle bar and sneeze. I did and my bike became a polt-a-Perkins.
--Perkins was riding his bike during his freshman year and sneezed himself over the handle bars.

Nobody look at me, I need to go put on a bra.

--what everyone says about Pfaff when he blows his nose. I think it sounds like a drill.

1: I wanna colour my lamp black.
2: Use a permanent marker.
1: Nah, it's the wrong shade.
2: OF BLACK!?!?

kat: i'm bored
kat: my mouth needs a good exersize with yours
alex: i concur

"i'm a stone. You cannot move me."

I find it fun to steal quotes from other people's profiles!

Life's dirty. Life's unclean you know. It's birth, it's sex, it's the intestinal tract. One big squishy, unsanitary mess. It never gets any cleaner either. You know, dust to dust, worms crawl in, worms crawl out, right? Even though we know that, we still walk the walk, we still live the life. We're like a bunch of little kids. Little kids, you know, we jump in this big old pond of mud and we're slapping it all over our face, rubbing our hair all down our backs and we're making these glorious, gooey, mud pies. That's us.
-Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure, Mite Makes Right, 1994

CynicalKitty86: A little learning is a dangerous thing but a lot of ignorance is just as bad.

Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring it in and the seniors don't take much away, so it just sort of accumulates.

Profanity is the one language that all programmers understand

What did that famous actor say? Where are my pants?

It is bare-skin-o-clock at o-shade-thirty!
(serg forgot his watch....)

John: Serg-
Serg: Ahhht! Stop!
John: Serg-
Serg: I'm telling you-
John: Serg-
Serg: No! You need *John: Serg-* to stop!
John: Serg-
Serg: I'm not going *John: Serg-* to leave till you *John: Serg-* let me finish!
John: Serg-
Serg: ...
John: Serg-
Serg: ...
John: Serg-
Serg: ...
John: Serg-
Serg: ...
John: Serg-
Serg: OK! WHAT!
John: You have glasses.
Serg: ...
John: ...
Serg: *blank look*
John: *smile*
Serg: *blink blink blink*
John: *grin*
Serg: Huh.
(we laughed for about 10 minutes after this.... Apparently everything is funny after you have spent 3 days on 4 hours of sleep)

I bought a humidifier and a dehumidifier, put them in the same room and let them duke it out
--Steven Wright

Life is too short to wait 34 years.... BUY A MAC!

Serg: ....I only say those things to my friends. Mainly because they are the only ones who understand me.
John: They are the only ones who can understand you.
Serg: The rest can't understand me.
John: And they are lucky because there are some who can but don't want to understand you!

Serg: I can spit in 7 different languages.

John: I hate statistics.... They make fun of me.

Serg: What am I? Retarded?
John: ....
Serg: Wait! Rhetorical question! Rhetorical question!! You don't need to answer that!
John: ....
John: Really.

Q: I was listening to a CD in Grip and it sounded horrible! What's up?
A: Perhaps you are listening to country music....
(The above quote is from the HTML manual for Grip. Grip is a CD player/ripper that comes with Red Hat Linux 9.)

Rachel: Michael Jackson, is that a boy or a girl?
Mom: Michael Jackson is a boy.
Rachel: Well, she looks funny.
(Rachel is my youngest sister)

John: There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those who don't.
(random guy): What?
John: Exactly. DJ: Ha ha....
(random guy): Dude, what the hell does that mean!
John: Nothing. Have a nice day!
(a scene in a mall that the sub-free people at RMC went to. you run into all sorts of people in the mall)

*Serg: If you kill one man, you are a murderer. If you kill 10, you are a monster. If you kill, 100 you are a hero. If you kill 10000, a conquerer!
John: Ummm.... Well, yeah that's true! Unless you are Hitler-- But waaaaaaiiiit! It depends what side of the fence you are on.
Serg: Very true. After all, history is only written by the winners.
*The above quote came out of a discussion on Warhammer (a table-top war-game).

*matter-of-fact voice* As long as we are restating known facts, the world is round.

John: Have you ever used Grants* purposely on a box before?
Serg: Yeah, 'cause I was really bored. Why would you want to anyways?
John: To send it to the 9th level of hell.
*Grants is an uber spell in PSO*

Serg: I Grants you your wish!

Serg: ...and that's why I stopped.
John: What? Thinking?
Serg: Yeah. That.

Ok, so I'm in the shower and my mind is wandering.... (ohhh.... dangerous subject....) I notice our window there in the shower. I see that the frost stuff that makes it impossible to see what goes on in the shower has chipped off. I remember the windows in our house leak when water is sprayed at them. Then I remember my PC. It isn't that bad of a machine. The hardware is excellent - like the rest of our house. It is fairly efficient and very durable - again, our house is the same - except one thing: windows. Windows is the reason why my PC crashes constantly - and why our electric bill is so high. Windows has holes to let intruders into my PC and fuck things up - then again, air comes and goes through our house all the time. When it is stormy outside, you stay away from the windows of your house. Yet the internet is storming with viruses and shit that blows right through the world's most popular operating system constantly. You see, the answer to the problem is clear. Windows are bad things. They have new windows out for our house that cost an arm and a leg that will help our electric bill. But I have yet to see a decent operating system with Windows in it's name. PC's have an advantage over a house. Windows can be safely removed and replaced with a cheaper replacement with less problems. This brings up another question - why are there so few Linux users?
-- John

Hmmm.... I'm glad my Mac doesn't have this problem
-- John

John: Your stupidity astounds me....
Rachel: Huh?

*while Rachel and I were playing PSO*
Rachel: What are you doing?
John: Running around in circles, waiting for you.
Rachel: Do you see the face on my look?
John: ....

YAY bugs!
-- The above statement was inspired by Starship Troopers

Fortune cookies are neat. But they get better if you add the phrase "in bed" after it. Here are two "fortunes" that I recently received from such cookies:
Try a new system or different approach in bed.
You will soon be honored by someone you respect in bed.

See! It works! Instantly fortune cookies are worth eating again!
--Idea came from a friend named Justin

MadMac256: Why does that name ring a bell?
CynicalKitty86; because... ummm... the voices in ur head learned percussion?

John: Stupid motherboard! *tosses it out the window*
Boss: What the fuck are you doing!!!! We are on the 5th floor!!
John: I.... Uhhhh.... *looks out the window* Oops!

Don't you just hate it when the keys on a keyboard suddenly move around underneath your fingers?

If your ass is smart, so is the rest of your body

See that button? It's right there. It says O-N. On. Push it. See, magic things happen and the computer turns on!
-- Mr. Marques (he was exaggerating when he described peoples level of computer know-how)

You are arguing apples and toyotas!!
-- Dr. Newsom

You can't scare me!
I have kids.

I work hard.
I don't work miracles.

What part of Meow don't you understand

Do not touch, lift, slide, poke, push, pull, or borrow MY STUFF!!!!

I can only please ONE person a day and today AIN'T your day (tomorrow ain't lookin' too good either).

No problems please, I'm trying to quit.

I once knew sanity but it managed to escape.

If it can't be fixed, just ask Scotty.

Everybody absent from class please stand up.
-- Mr. Blelloch (Former High School history teacher)

I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now.
--Ray Prince

Oh! Ok, let me clean off MY desk so I can put YOUR junk on it.
--Mrs. Parker (Former High School english teacher)

All my friends have all been taught,
the proper way to untie a knot
and as their teacher I can do it well,
I can untie the knot from HELL!

You can get by on charm of about FIFTEEN MINUTES. After that you'd better know somethin'.

You might wanna brush your teeth, 'cause you've just been fed a load of bull.
--Mrs. Parker (Former High School english teacher)

Student: So, I have t-
Teacher: NO! You've gotsta...

There is absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to behave!

Being sexy is a hard job, but somebody has to do it!

Heredity is an omnibus in which all our ancestors ride and every now and then one of them puts his head out and embarrasses us.
--Olver Wendell Holmes

My books are water; those of great geniuses are wine. Everybody drinks water.
--Mark Twain

The surgeon general has determined that homework can be hazardous to your health.

Beam me up Scotty, there is no intellegent life down here.

First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII--and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure.
--Douglas Adams

Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.
--Margaret Thacher

If everything's under control, then you are going too slow.
--Mario Andretti

I found Jesus!!!! He was behind the couch the whole damn time...
--Eric the Red

If someone reports that so-and-so is saying bad things about you, do not reply to them but answer. "Obviously he didn't know my other bad characteristics, otherwise he wouldn't just have mentioned those."

Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well.

It is hard to commit injustice and escape detection, but to be confident of escaping detection is impossible.

Necessity is a bad thing, but there is no necessity to live with necessity.

We are born only once, and we cannot be born twice; and one must for all eternity exist no more. You are not in control of tomorrow and yet you delay your [opportunity to] rejoice. Life is ruined by delay and each and every one of us dies without enjoying leisure.

He who forgets the good which he previously had, has today become an old man.

He is utterly small-minded for whom there are many plausable reasons for committing suicide.

[We should] try to make the later stretch of the road more important than the earlier one, as long as we are on the road; and when we get to the end [of the road], [we should] feel a smooth contentment.

Misfourtunes must be cured by a sense of gratitude for what has been and the knowledge that what is past cannot be undone.

They must free themselves from the prison of general education and politics.

Murphy's Law:
Nothing is as easy as it looks; everything takes longer than expected; if anything can go wrong - it will - and at the worst possible time.

If I blow your mind, do you promise not to think in my mouth?

"The wrath of Cyric shall descend upon you like...like...like some suitable metaphor I'll think of later! Oh yes, fear my coming retort! Uh...goodbye!"
-Jared (Neverwinter Nights)

A student walks in late on the first day of class...
Teacher: "Welcome! Come and sign for a book if you want to take psychology!"

We'll get this thing off the ground eventually. We just need a bit more road. :P

The supreme irony of life is that no one gets out of it alive.

(im to Drew)
MadMac256 [11:45 AM]: hey
MadMac256 [11:46 AM]: is there life on the other end?
MadMac256 [11:46 AM]: or are my requests for contact with real intelligent life in vain?
MadMac256 [11:46 AM]: Find out next week!
(a quick blip of the "your buddy is typing something" comes up)
MadMac256 [11:47 AM]: It happens again. A blip of a sign... but then nothing. It's all just a rouse to get my hopes up! A conspiracy! Baaaaaaah!

LuvHateLifeDeath [1:39 PM]: omg he lives!!!
LuvHateLifeDeath [1:39 PM]: :-P
MadMac256 [1:46 PM]: yes I do
MadMac256 [1:46 PM]: are you still living?
MadMac256 [1:47 PM]: or do they have laptops in heven (or is it hell?)

LuvHateLifeDeath [2:16 PM]: yea, i dig highway driving at 3 AM
MadMac256 [2:17 PM]: *scarcasm sensor error type 4 - unable to hear scarcasm in voice*
LuvHateLifeDeath [2:17 PM]: ... that's because there is no sarcasm
MadMac256 [2:17 PM]: yay
LuvHateLifeDeath [2:17 PM]: i can do 90 down the turnpike at 3 am
LuvHateLifeDeath [2:17 PM]: it's great
LuvHateLifeDeath [2:17 PM]: lol

"It would seem that you have no useful skill or talent whatsoever," he said. "Have you thought of going into teaching?"
--Terry Pratchett

I don't give a flyin' seein' eye dog about it!!

Absolutely NO!!
--Ms. Fran Musick

The college was installing a furnace to heat the library, but they like to refridgerate their books so they keep longer.
(I added onto a sentence that was in my eng105 class.)

This site is rated:
T for Teen. Not recommended for younger audiences.
This site has been rated by its webmaster.

Created by Jonathan C. Redford · Contact Me · Hosted by AngelFire · Last updated at time of most recent rant....