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Chapter 4

Taylor's room turned black, then from nowhere there was a school with people, lights, music, and laughter and there was Angela. She was smiling and holding Sean's arm. She was wearing the black dress, her hair was shiny and she looked beautiful, full of life. Taylor followed them and yelled their names but none of them could hear him. They just continued walking inside the school. He followed them inside and there was everyone dancing, kissing or just talking. There was a welcome sign that said "Congratulations Class of 2000" Taylor knew where he was. Angela and Sean started to dance a slow song, they both looked really happy. Then Alex appeared, Taylor could hear everything they talked.

"May I?" Alex said grabbing Angela's hand, she looked scared. Sean looked at Angela and she nodded a little scared and they both started to dance. Alex grabbed Angela really tight to his body and she was annoyed and back off.

"Where are you going?" she asked her.

"I came with my boyfriend, not with you" she said and went to look for Sean that was drinking some coke and talking to some friends.

"What happened?" Sean asked her.

"He is a pervert" she said angrily.

Taylor heard a knock a few times and everything disappeared and went back to normal. He turned to the door, someone was knocking. He was confused, he didn't know what was going on, was it real? He asked to himself.

"Taylor, mom says if you could turned the music down!" Avery, his little sister said loudly.

"What music?" Taylor asked opening the door.

"The music you were listening to, was quit loud" she said and left.

Taylor called Sean, he didn't know what was going on, and he was confused.

"Sean, the weirdest thing just happened" Taylor said recapturing the moment.
"What happened?"

"Well I was sleeping and Angela appeared on my dreams and her eyes were bleeding and so was her mouse and nose and all of her body was covered in blood" Taylor took a deep breath. "Then she said 'He was' a few times and I came closer to her and grabbed her hand and her hand was bleeding and I could only see some hazel eyes. I woke up and my hand was covered with her blood. Then suddenly I am at your prom and she got mad at Alex and then when my sister knocks on the door everything disappears" Taylor was very scared and shocked from what happened.

"She said 'He is a pervert' right?" Sean asked.

"Yes, that was exactly was she said" Taylor answered surprised "I don't know what's going on"

"Maybe she is trying to show you what happened to her so you can help everyone figure out the mystery" Sean said "You should call the police Taylor, I am confused as you are"

"Was Alex with you when they found Angela?" Taylor asked.

"Yes, of course"

"Can you please take me to the place where Angela was found?" Taylor asked "Only if you want to"

"Yes, yes, I will pick you up tomorrow like about 8am or so"


Taylor waited for Sean for one hour and he called him. Alex answered and told him that Sean has left an hour ago. Taylor was really worried about Sean and he went out to look for him. His cell phone rang, it was Ike.

"Hey, Taylor can you get back home? Something bad happened" Taylor rushed back to his house, worried and his heart beating really fast. He parked his car and jumped out there was a few people standing outside his house.

"What happened?" Taylor asked approaching his brother.

"Taylor" Ike said grabbing his brother by his shoulder "Sean had a car accident and he is doing really bad"

"What?!" Taylor asked surprised "What are all these people doing here?"

"Few are witness, some just for curiosity and those are Sean parents" Ike said pointing at them "The accident was near here"

" he dead?" Taylor asked afraid.

"I don't know" his older brother replied.

Taylor went over to Sean's parents that were with a girl who had a brown-red hair and brown eyes, a little over weighted, but still pretty.

"Hi, I am Taylor Sean's friend" he said approaching them.

"Hello" Sean's father said, his mother was crying and the young girl was comforting her. "I am Mr.Calvento" they both shacked hands. "This is Sean's friend Michelle"

"Hi" they both said and also shook hands.

"Excuse me, I am Agent Deloris" he said, "Are you Sean Calvento's father?"

"Yes" Mr. Calvento answered nervously.

"I am afraid I have bad news," he said grabbing a brown notebook he was holding "Your son didn't make it"

Chapter 3
