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Chapter 3

"Angela, tell me what can I do to help you?" Taylor asked getting closer to her.

"Do you have the reliquary?" her voice was different, deep and it was so low Taylor almost couldn't hear what she said.

"Yes" he touched his pockets once more and he remembered he had it on the other jacket "But not here"

"Open it and then you can find help for me" she answered and a cloud of smoke appeared from nowhere and Angela disappeared.

Taylor ran up to his bedroom and looked all over for the jacket and he found it hanging in his closet. He looked in the pockets and he couldn't find the necklace.

"Where can it be?" he said preoccupied. He searched all over his room ands finally found it on the back jacket he was wearing the night he saw Angela for the first time. Taylor grabbed the necklace with that had a gold heart-shaped reliquary. He opened it and he saw something he never expected it was Angela's picture, she was smiling and…

"Taylor, I am back," his mother said knocking on his door.

"Oh, ok mom" he said still looking at the picture. He grabbed his black jacket, putted the reliquary away on the pocket and went out. "Mom, I will be back in a few hours" he said and left his house. Taylor jumped into his car and parked the car in front of the white six- floored building. Many cars parked outside, he jumped out of his car and went straight to floor number three. He ring a few times, there was a lot of noise come out from the apartment number 512.

"Taylor!" Nate greeted him "You finally decided to come" he smiled at his best friend.

"Where is Sean?" Taylor entered the apartment pushing him away. "Sean!" Taylor yelled over the loud music.

"What's up with you man?" Nate said following Taylor.

"Nothing, I need Sean, where is he?" Taylor asked grabbing Nate from his shoulders.

"There" he pointed at Sean that was on the balcony drinking some beer with a girl. Taylor went over to Sean.

"Hey" Taylor said, "I need to you Sean"

"Sure, what is it?" Sean asked.

It's kind of private" he said looking at the black-haired girl with the corner of his eye.

"I will go to get some more beer" she said and left.

"So…?" Sean said looking at Taylor.

"Was your girlfriend's name Angela?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Here" Taylor took out the reliquary.

"Where did you…?" Sean looked at it and his smile left his face. "Taylor, where did you get this? This belonged to Angela!"

"She gave it to me" Taylor said to Sean that was surprised with the reliquary. He opened it and saw the picture of Angela smiling and his picture.

"She gave it to you? How? What are you talking about?" Sean asked confused.

"Remembered that I told you that I was seeing this girl, well it is Angela and she needs help" he informed Sean.

"Look Taylor, if this is a joke you better stop it right now…"

"No it's not a joke! Sean, she gave it to me!" Taylor said looking straight into Sean's eyes "When I had the accident I saw her she was first crying and then blood started to come out from her mouth and her head, what happened to her?"

"I don't want to talk about it! This is a joke! How could you do this to me Taylor? I thought you were my friend" Sean said angrily.

"This is not a joke Sean! This is true! You have to believe me, I am your friend"

"What's going on here?" Nate said coming with Josh, Keith and Zac.

"Nothing" Taylor and Sean said at the same time.

"We need to talk in private, so if you excuse us" Taylor said getting inside and Sean followed him.

They went outside the apartment to talk privately. Sean was still holding the golden reliquary really tight and looking into Angela's green eyes and her beautiful smile.

"I miss her," Sean said trying not to cry "She was murdered, Taylor, no one knows who did it"

"She needs your help, you are the only one who can help her and discovered what happened" Taylor said. "Tell me what happened"

"I was a senior that year and she was a junior so I invited her to come with me to the prom, since she was my girlfriend" Sean began. "Everything was going fine, we had a really time at the party when we had a fight" there was a long silence "A fight about this guy Alex, who always liked her. Angela told me she didn't like him and we fought about it and she left alone in the night…after a few hours of everyone looking for her we found her…dead" Sean said and a few tears rolled his eyes. Taylor putted his arm around his friend to comfort him. "It was all my fault, if I believed her, if only I…"

"It wasn't your fault" Taylor said, "It wasn't no one's fault"

"I saw her face, all covered with blood, her black dress was all ripped and dirty, her beautiful hair was covered with blood and dust" he cried even harder "Her green eyes looking at nowhere, like asking for help, desperate eyes" he covered his face and cried.

"It's alright to cry" Taylor comforted him "It's alright to let it go, to vent" he hugged his friend "We are going to help Angela" Taylor said once more. "Where was she killed?" Taylor asked him.

"Norman, where we used to live" Sean said. He looked over and over the picture of Angela. "Here" Sean said and handed a picture of her, that he had in his wallet. It was both of them holding hands, the sun shining into their eyes and she had that beautiful smile, full of life.

"She was beautiful," Taylor said looking at the picture.

"Yes, she was" Sean said smiling.


After that night, nothing was the same for Taylor and Sean. They hang out more; they talked to each other more. Taylor forgot about his other friends that didn't believe in him, but in this case he would be helping Sean, one real and true friend.

"You know Taylor, Nate and Josh think you have been avoiding them" Zac told to his older brother, when they finally had a chance to talk.

"I am not avoiding them, it's just that Sean needs me" Taylor answered Zac.

"So that means you are coming with us to try Keith's new car, right?" Zac smiled at Taylor.

"Zac, you are sixteen shouldn't you be hanging with people your own age" Nate said coming into the kitchen where both brothers were talking.

"Shouldn't you hang out at your house a little more time?" Zac replied sarcastically, Nate rolled his eyes and sat in front of Taylor.

"So are you coming?" he asked Taylor.

"Yes" he said, "Did you invite Sean?"

"Actually Sean is busy with this friend who came over to visit him, I think his name is Alex"

"Oh yeah you are right" Taylor replied.

"What, do you like Sean now?" Nate said laughing.

"Sometimes you can really say non-sense things," Taylor said annoyed, he stood up and went upstairs to his bedroom, Nate followed him.

"Come on Taylor lets go" Nate said "Believe me we are going to have a good time and there are going to be a few chicks"

"Hold on" Taylor said and answered the phone that rang for a few times. "Hello?"

"Hey Taylor" it was Sean.

"Hey, what's up? Would you want to join a few friends and me, we are going to try Keith's new car" Taylor said.

"Sure, I am here with my friend Alex who came over to visit, it's ok if he comes right?"

"No, there's no problem, he can come"

They all meet Alex and Sean at the old and empty parking lot that was away from everything. It was getting dark, a beautiful orange sky and few clouds.

"Alex supported me a lot when Angela died" Sean told Taylor.

"Yeah, she was a really nice girl, and also very hot" Alex said looking down to his shoes. He had light brown hair, hazel eyes and was taller than Sean.

"Guys this is Tara and this is Vanessa" Josh introduced them to the guys.

"Hey" Sean and Taylor said, Alex in the other hand smiled at both of then and took Tara by the hand to talk in a private place.

"He is fast with girls" Taylor commented to Sean.

"Yeah, he once tried the same with Angela, but he was loosing his time" Sean said looking at the guys who were laughing at some stupid joke one of them made. Vanessa was still with them, she was very pretty. Brown eyes, she had freckles, brown short hair.

"Who is Angela?" she asked trying to make a conversation.

"Angela, was my girlfriend" Sean informed her.

"Oh, for long did you guys dated?"

"For nine months"

"That's a long time, did you guys have problems?" she asked innocently.

"No, she died" Sean answered, Vanessa's smile disappeared from her face.

They all left to go to someone's house to hang out and drink some beers. Taylor said bye to everyone and went to his house. He was really tired and needed to rest. When he arrived to his house everyone was making noise, he closed the door of his bedroom got undressed and jumped into bed. He turned the lights off and he immediately falls asleep.

There she was standing in front of him, blood coming from her mouth and from her eyes like tears. She reached Taylor and came closer.

"He was" Angela tried to say as blood dropped from every part of her body "He was" was the only thing she pronounced.

"He was? What are you talking about?" Taylor said reaching her. There was path of blood she left, he grabbed Angela by her hand that was wet with blood.

"He killed me" she pointed at someone behind Taylor, he turned to look and he could only see someone's eyes, hazel eyes.

Taylor woke up, his heart was racing, he didn't understand what just happened, it was a dream but it seemed so real. He looked at his hand which he had grabbed Angela's hand and it had blood, her blood.

Chapter 4
