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Career and Job Search

Directory of Career-Oriented and Job Search Web Sites

  • This directory is composed of those site with job search and resume-posting capabilites that are used most frequently by both jobseekers and employers.
    I wish you good luck in your search

    Employus Groupsearch
  • Brings corporations and professional African American together.
    Blackworld Career Center
  • This site provides employment resources for professionals and entrepreneurs from african-american communities in the United States and other ethnic groups worldwide.
    The Black Collegian Online
  • Similar to other general job-search site, but geared to the African American college student.
    The best place to search by location; pick a state and you'll get a long and easily browsable list of jobs.
    Career Path
    This site is a database of job openings listed in major Sunday newspapers around the country, Registration is required but is free.
    Career Site
    Hook up here with a virtual agent who will connect you with employers according to the information you have given in the free registration process.
    This site has a full range of employment opportunities, including job listings for both full-time and part-time work and, most distinctly, Listing for volunteer opportunities and internship positions.
    Online Career Center
  • This site has career resources for women and minorities--links to organizations helping these groups obtain jobs or supporting them in their careers.
    Job Bank USA
    Connection to a "JobMetaSearch" page, which accesses the Internet's largest employment databases. There are an incredible number of links provided here.
    Minority Career Network
    Designed specifically to help minority professionals find positions that best suit their interest, aptitudes and needs.
    Minorities Job Bank
    Provides minority professionals with comprehensive job seeking and career management tools.
    "A world of Jobs neatly Packaged".

    America's Career InforNet

    America's Job Bank

    America's Learning Exchange

    BE the Boss

    Career City

    Career Mosaic


    Employment Today

    Help Wanted

    Wilder Opportunities for Women

    Searching for a Federal Job

    Job listing include everything from entry level,clerical, and labor to senior executive positions. List of summer work and trainee positions. Federal employment applications on line.
    Federal jobs Digest
    Post your resume and search for federal job openings by occupational category. This sites's a little slow.
    Here you can browse jobs by state, international location, and for the summer season.
    Careers In Government
    A site providing a good job database for those seeking positions in government, education, and the public sector throughout the United States and Canada.
    Library of Congress
    Here are current listings.

    Physical, Life, or Social Sciences

    The Bio Career Center
    You can post a resume, search for job listings, and explore career resources for life sciences, from student-level internships to chief scientist opportunities.
    International job listings of biomedicine-related jobs. Join for free and browse.
    Bio Online
    From home page go to their career center, pick a list of biotechnology companies that are presently hiring.
    Anything you would like to know about the career or business aspect of the medical field.
    Educational Placement Service
    Want a career in K-12 Education, this is the place.

    INOVA Health Systems

    Management Science of Health

    National Children's Center
