
 The Sovereign Grace Home Page

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,

of whom I am chief”

The Apostle Paul (1 Timothy 1:15)

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Click Here to listen to the 7-part series

of sermons titled


“The Glory of the New Covenant”


By Pastor John MacArthur

Courtesy of Grace to You



Click Here to watch the video


“Marks of a False Teacher”

By Pastor Larry W. Dean



Click Here to watch the video

“Wells of Water”

By Pastor Larry W. Dean

Courtesy of Bridgetown Baptist Church, Nesbit, MS



If we would know the reality of WHO GOD IS,

let us diligently and prayerfully study

the Person, words, and work of

the Lord Jesus Christ.


“Christ, as the Word, reveals the attributes and

perfections of God. How fully has Christ revealed God!

He displayed His power, He manifested His wisdom,

He exhibited His holiness, He made known His grace,

He unveiled His heart. In Christ, and nowhere else,

is God fully and finally told out.”

~ Arthur W. Pink ~



“And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us,

(and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten

of the Father) full of grace and truth.”

(John 1:14)



Click Here to listen to series of sermons titled


“A Call for Men to be Godly”


By Pastor Greg Johnson


You may go directly to the entire series on SermonAudio
by clicking on this link:

A Call for Men to be Godly


Courtesy of Grace Fellowship Church, Charlotte, NC



“The Grace of God”


By Pastor William Sasser


Pastor Sasser has been bringing a series of
messages on the grace of God, using the
acrostic G-R-A-C-E, as the basis for the series:


Goodness, Righteousness, Atonement,
Covenant, and Election


To view the first message in this series, click on the link below:


The Grace of God, Study No. 1


Additional studies in this series
can be viewed by clicking


(Courtesy of Grace Church at Franklin)



“Evasive Blame-Shifting”

By Pastor Mark Sarver


In expounding Genesis 3:11-13, Pastor Sarver
provides much insight into the selfish
blame-shifting that occurred in the
Garden of Eden when God confronted
Adam and Eve with their sin. Pastor
Sarver then gives many examples of
how we as members of Adam's fallen
race are also guilty of blame-shifting.


Click Here to watch the video


Courtesy of Albany Baptist Church, Albany, NY



Click Here to listen to


“The Christian's Duty to

Mortify SinPart 8”


A sermon on Romans 8:13


By Pastor Ernest Henderson


Courtesy of Grace Fellowship Church, Charlotte, NC



“The Doctrines of Grace”


A Series of 16 Sermons on the

Sovereign Grace of God

and why they matter!


By Pastor Greg Johnson


Click Here to listen to these messages



Courtesy of Grace Fellowship Church, Charlotte, NC



“Except Ye Repent”

By Harry A. Ironside (1876-1951)


God's call to repentance is the missing note in much of present-day evangelism.

In this book Dr. Ironside sets before us the Biblical doctrine of repentance.


Click Here to read the book



What is the source of true repentance?


C. H. Spurgeon answers the question in

his message:


“How Hearts Are Softened”


Looking by faith to the Lord Jesus Christ

The Crucified One

produces true repentance


Click Here to read this sermon on Zechariah 12:10-11


By C. H. Spurgeon


See also:


“The Call to Repentance”

By Pastor John MacArthur


Click Here to hear this message



“Why Did Jesus Have To Die?”


A Message on 2 Corinthians 5:21


By Pastor John MacArthur


Click Here to view the video



Spurgeon's Exposition of Psalm 22


Click Here to read



The Treasury of David




The Meaning of Sovereign Grace

By Evangelist Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969)


Click Here to read



See also:

“Does This Offend You?”

A Radio Message

By Evangelist Rolfe Barnard

on John 6:59-61

Click Here to read

Click Here to listen to this message as it was originally
preached on the radio in 1965



“The Unthinkable Sin: Turning Grace
into an Excuse to Sin”


A Message on Romans 6:1-2


By Pastor Greg Johnson


Click Here to Hear This Message


Courtesy of Grace Fellowship Church, Charlotte, NC



“What Is the Gospel?”


A 4-Part Series Setting Forth the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ


By Pastor Greg Johnson


Click Here to listen to Part 1—God: The Sovereign, Holy and Benevolent Creator

Click Here to listen to Part 2—Man: The Idolatrous Rebel

Click Here to listen to Part 3—Jesus Christ: The Sinless Savior

Click Here to listen to Part 4—Grace: The Gift of God


Courtesy of Grace Fellowship Church, Charlotte, NC



“The Sovereign Grace Of God

In Salvation”


By John Roden




The book is now available from Global Baptist Mission: Click Here

To purchase a copy of the book on Amazon, Click Here

Click Here to Read the Book Free On-Line



“Where Will You Spend Eternity?”

These shall go away into everlasting punishment:
but the righteous into
life eternal.
(Matthew 25:46)

By John Roden

Click Here to read this article, also available
free upon request as an evangelistic tract

E-mail John Roden at



Click Here to read


“Eternal Punishment”


By Arthur W. Pink


Courtesy of Chapel Library



Same-Sex Marriage Was Recently Legalized in the United States,

But the Real Question is, What Does God Think About It?


Click Here to Read


“God's Plan for the Gay Agenda”


By Pastor John MacArthur



See also:

“Homosexuality and the Bible”


By Pastor John MacArthur


Click Here to Read


Courtesy of Grace to You



Click Here to Read:


“Homophobia or Holiness?

The Bible and Homosexuality”


By Pastor Fred Zaspel


The author deals frankly and Biblically

with homosexuality in our society.


Reformed Baptist Church of Franconia



Are you

“Religiously Lost”?


Click Here to read this article on Luke 18:9-14,

the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican

praying in the temple


See also: “Religiously Lost” Contrasted With “Sinner Saved”



Click Here to listen to


“The Seventh Commandment, Part 6”


"Thou shalt not commit adultery."
(Exodus 20:14, Genesis 39)


By Pastor Greg Johnson

Courtesy of Grace Fellowship Church, Charlotte, NC



Click Here to listen to


“The Seventh Commandment, Part 2”


"Thou shalt not commit adultery."
(Exodus 20:14)


By Pastor Greg Johnson

Courtesy of Grace Fellowship Church, Charlotte, NC



Click Here to read


“Undetected Spiritual Pride”


One Cause of Failure in Times
of Great Revival


By Jonathan Edwards



“A Testimony of Jesus Christ”


A Commentary on the Book of Revelation


By Tony Garland


Click Here to read



“Daniel: The Key To Prophetic Revelation”


A Study of the Book of Daniel


By John F. Walvoord


Click Here to read



“Sovereign Election, Israel and Eschatology”


A Message From the 2007 Shepherds' Conference


By Pastor John MacArthur


Click Here to listen to the audio



See also:


“Why Every Calvinist Should Be a Premillennialist”


By Pastor John MacArthur


Click Here to listen to the 6-part series



Click Here to visit

“Proclaiming the Gospel”

the website of

Mike Gendron

Mike was converted to Christ out of Roman Catholicism,

and has established Proclaiming the Gospel ministry as

as outreach to Roman Catholics. Read his story Here



“The Agony of Our Substitute
in Gethsemane”

By Lucien LeSage

In this excellent study of Matthew 26:36-44, Mark 14:32-41, and Luke 22:39-44, Brother LeSage takes us by faith to the holy ground of Gethsemane. Here is a brief excerpt from the article:

"Now dear reader let us put off our worldly shoes and go to that scene in the garden. Just as in a garden the first Adam plunged his posterity into ruin, so to in a garden the second and last Adam would begin the redemption of his posterity from that awful ruin. When Spurgeon wrote of this scene he wanted to be very cautious to harmonize our Savior’s deity with his humanity. If we are not careful we may minimize one or the other. I pray we do not do that in this article."

Click Here to read

Courtesy of Grace Bible Baptist Church, Denham Springs, LA



“Understanding Roman Catholicism Conference”


By John Kuspa


Brother Kuspa was saved out of Roman Catholicism
and has produced an outstanding expose' of the
errors of that false religion.


Click on the links below to access the 6 sessions of the conference:

Session 1 - Introduction and Overview of Roman Catholicism

Session 2 - Sources of Authority - Scripture + Tradition

Session 3 - Sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Communion

Session 4 - The Vital Roles of Mary in Roman Catholicism

Session 5 - Getting and Staying Saved through the Sacraments

Session 6 - The Roman Catholic Strategy of Ecumenism
'Christian Unity' Through the Holy Eucharist


Courtesy of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Woodbridge, VA



“An Open Letter to Roman Catholics”

By Lucien LeSage

Bro. LeSage was saved out of Roman Catholicism
and has much insight to share concerning the
errors of the Roman Catholic Church

Click Here to read

Click Here to read Bro. LeSage's personal testimony of

of God's sovereign grace

Courtesy of Grace Bible Baptist Church, Denham Springs, LA

“The True Gospel of Christ

vs. The False Gospel

of Carnal Christianity”


Click Here to read this series of messages by


L. R. Shelton, Jr.


Courtesy of Eternal Life Ministries



“The Security of Believers; or,

Sheep Who Shall Never Perish”


Click Here to read this sermon by


C. H. Spurgeon


on John 10:27-30



“The Gospel According to Jesus”

Click Below Listen to This Series

of 12 Radio Sermons by

Pastor John MacArthur

The Lordship of Christ: Introduction, Part 1

The Lordship of Christ: Introduction, Part 2

The Nature of Saving Faith, #1

The Nature of Saving Faith, #2

The Call to Repentance, #1

The Call to Repentance, #2

The Call to Repentance, #3

The Cost of Discipleship, #1

The Cost of Discipleship, #2

The Sovereignty of God in Salvation, #1

The Sovereignty of God in Salvation, #2

The Starting Principle of Discipleship

Courtesy of SermonAudio.com and Grace to You



Click Here to read


“Regeneration and Conversion”


By W. E. Best


Much confusion exists today on the difference between regeneration and
conversion. This detailed study by W. E. Best provides
clear Biblical insight on both subjects.


Highly recommended!


Courtesy of Grace Bible Baptist Church, Denham Springs, LA


Click Here to read

“Is Christ's Return Imminent?”

By Pastor John MacArthur

Courtesy of Grace to You

Click Here to read or listen to the series

“When Jesus Comes”

By Pastor John MacArthur

Courtesy of Grace to You


What Is the Gospel?


Click Here to read


“God's Gospel of Grace”


Courtesy of Chapel Library


Revelation Commentary


Click Here to listen to

27 Audio Messages

on the Book of Revelation


By Mark Hitchcock



“Armageddon, Oil, and Terror:"

What the Bible Says About the Future


By John Walvoord and
Mark Hitchcock


An outstanding book clearly outlining how the prophetic truths

of God's Word relate to the momentous times in which we live,

including a chapter on the imminence of the Rapture


Available from Amazon


For a preview of the book,

Click Here



Click Here to read


“Coming Events and Present Duties”

By Bishop J. C. Ryle


Bishop Ryle has the correct interpretation of Romans 11:26:
"And so all Israel shall be saved...."



At age 82, John Newton (1725-1807)—English pastor and author

of the popular hymn, “Amazing Grace”—said,

“My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things,

that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Saviour.”



Bridling the Tongue

See James 3:1-12


How can we gain control of our tongues? Only by submitting our minds and hearts to Christ. We speak what we think. Therefore, if the Lord Jesus is to be magnified in the way we use our tongue, He must be magnified in the way we use our mind also. Paul writes of Christians “casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Paul knew that there could be no purity of speech apart from a genuine purification of our minds. The Lord Jesus also taught this truth when He said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Matthew 12:34). If our hearts are daily surrendered to the Lordship of Christ, we will be meditating upon His Word and cleansed by that Word (Psalm 119:9, Ephesians 5:25-27)—and as a result, we will seek to be a sympathetic encouragement to other believers, rather than participating in backbiting and gossip about others. See Ephesians 4:29.



Click Here to read


“Charity Disposes Us Meekly to Bear the Injuries

Received From Others”


By Jonathan Edwards


Courtesy of Eternal Life Ministries



Jonathan Edwards Online

Click Here to read Volume One

of the works of Jonathan Edwards

Click Here to read Volume Two

Courtesy of Christian Classics Ethereal Library



“Justification, Propitiation, Declaration”


Click Here to read this sermon on Romans 3:24-26


By C. H. Spurgeon



“A Blast of the Trumpet Against False Peace”


A heart-searching sermon on Jeremiah 6:14


By C. H. Spurgeon


Click Here to read




“The Doctrine of Sanctification”


By Arthur W. Pink


Click Here to go to the Table of Contents



Click Here to read


“Experimental Salvation”


By Arthur W. Pink


Courtesy of Chapel Library


Click Here for other books and articles by Arthur W. Pink

Courtesy of Eternal Life Ministries


Click Here to read


“Sin's Presence”


By Arthur W. Pink


In this article, written in Feb. 1948, Pink explains

the two sides to a Christian's life:

"As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing"

(2 Corinthians 6:10)


Courtesy of Grace Gems



Click Here to read




By Evangelist James A. Stewart


A study of the fruit of the Spirit



Click Here to read Arthur Pink's excellent tract,


“Is Christ Your Lord?”



“The Lordship of Jesus Christ”

By Evangelist James A. Stewart


“For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again,
that He might be
LORD of both the dead and the living.”
(Romans 14:9)


Many churches in our generation are proclaiming a perverted Gospel. The author of this book exposes the error of this false gospel, and sets forth the glorious message of the True Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is an urgent message to the church today.

To read, Click Here



Do You Know the True Christ of the Bible?


Click Here to read the message, “The Love and Wrath of Christ,” as delivered on The Voice of Truth Radio Broadcast, by Pastor L. R. Shelton, Sr.

Click Here to listen to the audio version of this message



Click Here to read:

“The Day of Doom”



The Beauty of the Universe,  the Greatness of God,

and the Amazing Grace of God


Click Here to view a PowerPoint slide show presentation of the universe

as viewed from the Hubble Telescope which has been

in orbit around the Earth since 1990



“Christ's Resurrection And

Our Newness Of Life”


By C. H. Spurgeon


The Doctrines of Grace Do Not Give License to Sin


Click Here to read this sermon

on Romans 6:4



Click Here to Read Robert Haldane's Excellent

Commentary on Romans Chapter 6



The Cross of Christ:

The Most Awesome Expression of

The Wrath of God


Click Here to read an excerpt from the book,

The Sovereign Grace of God in Salvation



For more insight on this subject,

Click Here to read

“The Agony in Gethsemane”

By C. H. Spurgeon




“How can ye escape the damnation of Hell?”
(Matthew 23:33)

The Greatest Loss by J. C. Ryle

What Is Hell? by Edward Donnelly

Eternal Torment for the Wicked:
Unavoidable and Intolerable
by Jonathan Edwards

The Resurrection of Damnation by Samuel Davies

The Torments of Loss by Thomas Boston

The Torments of Soul by Edward Payson

The Torments of Sense by Thomas Boston

Exhortation to Escape Hell by Jonathan Edwards

Christ Has the Keys of Hell and of Death by C. H. Spurgeon


Click Here to read these articles


Courtesy of Free Grace Broadcaster



Studies in

“The Doctrines of Grace”


By Pastor John MacArthur


“The Doctrine of Absolute Inability”


“The Doctrine of Election, Part 1”

“The Doctrine of Election, Part 2”

“The Doctrine of Election, Part 3”

“Answering the Key Questions About the Doctrine of Election”

“Who Chose Whom?”


“The Doctrine of Actual Atonement, Part 1”

“The Doctrine of Actual Atonement, Part 2”


“The Doctrine of God's Effectual Call”

“The Doctrine of Regeneration, Part 1”

“The Doctrine of Regeneration, Part 2”


“The Perseverance of the Saints, Part 1”

“The Perseverance of the Saints, Part 2”

“The Perseverance of the Saints, Part 3”


Courtesy of Grace to You





Sermons on the Book of Revelation


By Pastor John MacArthur


Introduction (Revelation 1:1-3)—“Back to the Future, Part 1”

Volume 1 (Revelation 1:1-3:12)

Volume 2 (Revelation 3:7-6:8)

Volume 3 (Revelation 6:9-11:2)

Volume 4 (Revelation 11:3-13:18)

Volume 5 (Revelation 14:1-17:6)

Volume 6 (Revelation 17:7-19:21)

Volume 7 (Revelation 20-22:5)

Volume 8 (Revelation 22:6-22)


Courtesy of Grace to You



The Centrality of “Christ Crucified”

in the Gospel Message


The Gospel is not truly preached to sinners unless the focus

is upon Christ crucified, His substitutionary

blood-shedding on Calvary's cross


“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;

but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”

(1 Corinthians 1:18)


“And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence

of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God.

For I determined not to know anything among you

except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

(1 Corinthians 2:1-2)



Click Here to read The Offense of the Cross

by C. H. Spurgeon



Click Here to read brief excerpts from the writings of

C. H. Spurgeon, Arthur Pink and Robert A. Morey



“The Doctrines of Grace in the Gospel of John”


By R. Bruce Steward


Click Here to read


Courtesy of Chapel Library





“But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities.” (Isaiah 53:5)


The Heart of the Gospel, by C. H. Spurgeon

Christ's Federal Work, by Arthur W. Pink

The Great Exchange Explained, by C. H. Spurgeon

Christ's Penal Work, by Arthur W. Pink

An Entire Pardon, by Octavius Winslow

Satisfaction and Substitution Outlined, by John Owen

God's Wisdom in Christ's Substitution, by Jonathan Edwards


Click Here to read these articles


Courtesy of Free Grace Broadcaster



All of Grace

By C. H. Spurgeon

An Earnest Word with Those
Who Are Seeking Salvation
by the Lord Jesus Christ

Click Here to read



The Old, Old Story

By C. H. Spurgeon

In due time Christ died for the ungodly.
(Romans 5:6)

Click Here to Read



“The Heart of the Gospel”

By C. H. Spurgeon

Click Here to read



Truth—Or The Consequences

It is Christ or Hell—there are no other alternatives

Click Here to read the words of the

Lord Jesus Christ Himself on the subject

John 14:5-6, 3:36, Mark 16:15-16



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Straight Arrows    Food For Thought

Wisdom from the Bible    Links



“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried
in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt
keep them, O L
ORD, thou shalt preserve them
from this generation for ever.”

(Psalm 12:6-7)

“Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read”


Click Here to listen to the New King James Version