
Welcome to the Anime Men page! We'll probably end up having bio pages for most, if not all the guys, once we get off our butts :) Resizing all the unsightly HUGE pictures would be nice, too.

Just click on the little button to go to the section of guys that you would like to see! We have them separated into appropriate catagories, depending on who they are...and, as always, if you have ANY suggestions for guys we're missing (and there are many), just e-mail us!

The Gender ConfusedScary boys
Boys Who Do MagicTypically Nice Boys
Sexy MofosNon-humans
Guys With Annoyingly High IQsDumb as a post...
I'm-A-Prick AnonymousKnights In Shining Armor
Aged Conveniently In A Wine Cellar

P.S. To all those of you who see images that are also featured on your own personal webpages (if there are any), believe me, when we get a links page up, yours will be there. I bookmark everything. Even things I never intend to go to again. If you don't see it (when we actually get one), feel free to yell at us. I'm always really nice when people yell at me! :)

For now, our reasonable facsimile of a links page is located here. I oughta get some bishonen links up there, yo! Haha...I said 'yo.'

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