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The following pictures are of the fur faced friends I have had since moving to this area. Each was unique in his or her own way. Except for one, they were all rescued from the SPCA or Animal Control. Two of them had AKC papers. Those papers did them no good when the humans decided to throw them aside. One of the pictures may disturb you. I sincerely hope so because it's not so rare to find animals in this condition. Look around your own neighborhood. Take a trip to the animal assistance agencies, both public and private. The unwanted, unloved and cast aside animals are there looking for someone to love them.

DONNER--When I first got him in November 1995

DONNER June 1998

Donner has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. On October 23, 2005, the loving heart was stilled. Even on his last night, he struggled up the stairs to be by my side. The next morning, the end of his mighty journey was evident. I held him as the vet started him on his journey home. Despite all the things done to him by humans and all the medical tests near the end, he was ever the sweet, loveable gentle dog that never growled. I miss him so.

This is Donner (a German word meaning "Thunder"). I found him at the Animal Control center. He weighed 45lbs. Should have weighed at least twice that. Found wandering a well-to-do neighborhhood. Two days to live... Any reason why he would want to? I couldn't turn away from those eyes. I already had two dogs at home. Both of them had been rescued. I didn't really need another furball in the house. Oh well--what's another furball among friends? So he came home with me. I already had Storm (German Shepherd) and Sasha (Rottweiler). Would this poor little waif fit in? Could he hold his own in the household?

Move over or I'll tell!

I only have one dog at the moment. Donner will never be the Swartzenegger of the animal world. But he's happy. Weighs 100lbs. Has been neutered (please consider it for your pets) and is fully current on all shots and such. He's been to obedience school (that is a full chapter in itself). He has done pretty well on training my husband to take care of his "special goodies and treats" needs. He used to share the couch with "Her Highness" as long as she didn't touch him. Note her idea of sharing in the picture. He is a poor example of what a Rottie should look like, but the perfect example of what a much loved pet should be. He's gentle, playful and altogether loving dog. I would have missed a great deal if I had left him that day.

Sasha joined the others at the Rainbow Bridge on August 18, 2001. She was 11-1/2 years old and that is very unusual for a Rottie. I think she was waiting for Donner to grow up and be my protector. As her health failed, Donner seemed to take on more of her chores such as barking at noises. The emotions are still no raw and I miss her so much.

Storm had the problem that unfortunately has been bred into many Shepherds. Both his hips had displasia and it finally got so that he had no quality of life. No longer able to get up by himself. I made the choice that I would want for myself. Suffering should not be allowed to go on just because we don't want to lose our pets. I hope that the story of the "Rainbow Bridge" is true. If so, I have some very good friends waiting there for me.

Randy, Midgett, Southern, Snow, Storm, Sasha...Each name brings back memories of good times with a loving animal. In the end, it was hard to let them go. But their time with me made me a better person just because I cared for them.

If you've never had a dog (or even a cat-I think)that waited for you to come home, you've never been greeted properly. If you have the time and patience needed; the maturity to do the right thing, then go to one of the animal shelter programs and adopt a furry friend. Take it home and love it. Your reward will be more than you can imagine. But, PLEASE don't go to a pet shop! If we all stop going, maybe these places will close and no animal will again be born in a puppy mill and suffer the poor treatment inherent in these places. Also, watch the backyard breeders. They don't care about the animal. Only the money is important to them. If you MUST have a papered dog, then do your research. Find a good, experienced breeder who shows knowledge, caring and a desire to do the best for the breed you've chosen.

In Loving Memory of SASHA, STORM, SOUTHERN, SNOW, MIDGETT and RANDY. Wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge.

August 18, 2001. Sleep well. Your work is done.

Watching TV together

SASHA and STORM Playing Tag

Southern and Snow


Midgett And Randy

As I get to it, this page will show some of the loveable mutts that have owned me. May even get the neighbors cat's picture since he thinks he lives here. First cat that I've really liked! Remember that last sentence!!!

For now, try some of the links here. All are pet related sites that I enjoy. if you have a good one that you think I'd enjoy, email me and I'll take a look.

My Favorite Links

Donner Then and Now
Favorite Rottie Site
Prayer For The Animals
Pet Care
The Purina Dog Chow People
Lotta Dog Sites
Pet Links
Young Dog Lovers
American Dog Trainers
For The Cat Lover
Horse World
Slithery Pets
The Electronic Zoo
Feline Info
Aquaria (Fish)
For the Birds
American Kennel Club


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