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I am a frustrated meteorologist wannabe. Therefore, I am a Weather Channel regular. All weather, good, bad or "normal" is interesting to me. I am facinated by the rolling echo of a thunderstorm in the mountains or the light show that nature presents on a stormy night. Waiting for the first snow of winter--a few flurries at most! The Spring rains that fall gently just before the cloud burst that soaks you. Hurricane season! Will the BIG ONE hit close to us? Tornadoes that suddenly have decided to visit this area when old time residents say they don't happen here. Right!!

I am including links to various weather sites that I have happened upon. Some are good for maps of all sorts. Others are of regional interest. I will also add links to various sources of emergency information for those who like to pre-plan for weather emergencies or disasters.

If you know any links that I might like, by all means let me know.

Hampton Roads Emergency Mgmt
Norfolk,Va Weather
Radar Images
Weather Maps
Weather Channel
Weather Gonna Get Frightful?
Weather Elsewhere
Weather Images
Red Cross
Hurricane Hunters
Weather Radar
CNN Weather
Dr.Gray's Forecasts
Storm News

Mountainwinds Home
